In a world of global economy is a fact, when international travel is routine, and boundaries are defined less and less, the recipe for a global pandemic is right. All that is necessary to force them on their knees is the perfect disease. Historically, this disease is "perfect", an especially deadly common is the flu. In 1918, a version of swine flu threatens to decimate the human race to kill somewhere between 50 and 100 million people,approximately one third of our species. Today the fear is to face a similar global outbreak of swine influenza high, in order to clarify everything, here is a good introduction to the symptoms and help people with the swine flu has been infected.
As we have seen today is the dangerous variant of influenza type A H1N1 swine influenza is not really much different than any other influence, it may have had in the past. The game is changing as big as our body when we respond to infectious diseases: it is simply incapable of addressing the symptoms. Our bodies tend to have a certain resistance to influenza infections, which we discussed in the past or that our ancestors survived. This level of immunity helps our bodies for symptoms that could kill our work and helps fight the flu. The result is a relatively mild flu, which always home sick for several days. However, swine H1N1> Influenza virus today is really a mix of pig, bird and human influenza.
The swine flu is believed to date from contact with an infected person. This kind of influence has been observed to spread easily from person to person. A person who booked infected with H1N1, the flu spreads not immediately all changes. Depending on the human immune system, it could result in 24 hours or more for him or her to begin, the effects of contagion.These symptoms reflect the impact of ordinary flu but are more severe muscle ache, headache, fever, sore throat, cough, chills and fatigue are often present. People infected with influenza H1N1 is also very likely that by vomiting, suffering from diarrhea and consequent dehydration. Although these effects are quite difficult, is the real murderess of pulmonary edema, which causes the lungs fill with fluid, the cough. In 1918 the influencePandemic victims literally drown in their body fluids. These symptoms take a toll on the body and can also complicate existing conditions or to allow access to new ones such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, too.
Fortunately for us, it seems that the swine flu might not be as deadly as originally envisaged. Modern medicine has played a key factor in the ability of most of those infected in developed countries to make full recoveries. Ensure that an infected personDiagnosed early and receive appropriate treatment seems important for survival. Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza are now very effective in combating the H1N1 swine influenza. It 'also important to ensure that an infected person warm and well-hydrated, they'll get plenty of rest and should not be unnecessarily burdensome, as why his body of work against the infection and avoid complications such as dehydration helps. A full recovery ispossible with the right treatment.
It 'important to remind ourselves that we can take steps to prevent the spread of swine. Simple measures like washing hands and her mouth when coughing or sneezing a great influence on the spread.
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