Monday, March 22, 2010

Golfer's elbow - causes, symptoms and treatment methods

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Golfer's elbow is the funny bone on the inside of the elbow. He is also known as medial epicondylitis. It can occur in tennis players and other people who then attack again and again firmly. The elbow is a hinge composed of three bones that make up the mechanical connection between the upper arm and forearm common. The main differences between these conditions are the location of the pain and the activity that leads to injury. Golfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis affects people who relythe use of their hands in their work, which could mean more or less everyone. Golfer's elbow can be caused by golf, as the name implies, a continuous process Divot with the ball, but is in no way exclusively for golfers. Golfer's Elbow Tennis Elbow is similar to that on the other side of the elbow. The muscles that bend the wrist down start at this point. Powerful and frequent use of the wrist and fingers are small fractions of the muscles and tendons in this area. Golf is onlyone of the causes of pain in the bones.

Golfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis, is a form of tendinitis. The names of doctors from Tennis Elbow (epicondylitis) and golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis) come from the names of these bony prominences where the tendons insert, and if the inflammation that causes pain. In rare cases, inflammation without specific reason, and this may suffer from arthritis, rheumatism or gout. Elbow injuries are relatively common in athletes.Teenagers and the elderly are most at risk adolescents because their bones and ligaments grow, adults and senior citizens as normal ligaments and tendons lose their elasticity with age. Sometimes the problem is wholly or partly by a problem in the neck that is the cause of elbow pain on the nerves of the neck. These conditions generally and in particular people aged 35-50 years, men and women.

Causes of Golfer's elbow

The most common causes and risk factorsFactor golfer's elbow are:

Overuse of the muscles of the forearms.

Carpenters hand tools on the occasion.

Muscular imbalance.

Reduced flexibility.

Direct injury or bang.

Prolonged activity of grip, such as hammers, screw, weightlifting, rowing, digging in the garden and drive.

Symptoms of golfer's elbow

Some signs and symptoms, the golfer's elbow are connected as follows:

Tenderness and painMedial epicondyle.

Swing a golf club or the noise.

Pick up something with the palm facing down.

Weakness of the wrist.

Pain on flexion (bending down on the palm of the wrist), is opposed.

Keeping the muscles of the forearm.

Stiffness or trouble moving the elbow or hand.

Forearm pain.

Foreign side forearm pain - the inner layer is involved in tennis elbow.

Treatment of Golfer's elbow

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of golfer's elbow is:

PhysiotherapyMay include treatment, heat / ultrasound therapy.

Reduce the load on the elbow: Wrap the elbow with an elastic bandage or use a forearm strap.

Consider other drugs: if over-the-counter painkillers are not effective, your doctor may suggest a cortisone injection to reduce pain and swelling.

Electrical stimulation to relieve pain and improve healing of collagen.

Apply heat to the elbow, only when you are moving again. Then use before stretchingor are willing to drive, sport.

You should apply ice packs to your elbow for 20 or 30 minutes every 3 or 4 hours for 2 or 3 days or until the pain.

A commonly used surgery for golfer's elbow should be released as the medial epicondyle. This intervention takes tension off the flexor tendon.

Physician Weight Loss health care, Insurance,Mesothelioma

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