Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to Beat the Flu!

Flu-time! The terrible period of years in which the whole body feels pretty average, and tissue box of tissues is growing!

Abgekriegt this year I pretty difficult - I had three days in bed, and a failed attempt to return to work earlier than I should! My whole family is also able to get the flu this year, which meant our house was a house by illness for a period of 3 weeks in August this year. After 9 boxes of tissues, 6 liters of orange juice and different packages Colds and flu / Panadol we managed to get through it!

Here are some tips to get through the influence with suffering, as little as possible, and the acceleration of the recovery period, as possible.

What exactly is the flu, and what is the best way to combat it, if it is lurking around your house?

Sometimes in the early stages is difficult to understand the difference between the flu and colds. Finally, if the symptoms> Flu worse and can lead to further problems such as pneumonia and dehydration.

By definition, the flu, "a respiratory disease that is caused by the influenza virus. The symptoms, or may contain all of the following:

- Cough
- Sneezing
- Fever
- Physical pain / muscle pain
- Runny nose / congestion
- Tiredness
- Headache (Source:

The flu virus can be classified as influenza A, B and C, and the peopleof any age can contract the flu. The strains of the virus to mutate frequently, so that we can continue to outbreaks each year.

As you develop?

According to BC Health Files, influenza spreads easily from person to person through breathing, coughing and sneezing. The virus may also apply if a person touches droplets of coughs or sneezes on another person or an object and then touches his mouth or nose before washing their hands. AAdults can spread the virus for about a day before start up to five days of onset of symptoms, and children can spread the virus to begin 21 days after the onset of symptoms.

How long does it last?

In general, about 4-5 days, but some people are a little 'outside of these areas. Mutation Influenza vaccination in the previous level contributes to a certain degree of immunity is based, but because the virus has the ability to have changed, you can not always get the fullImmunity. (

How to beat the flu!

Some people have had great success with Tamiflu, which must occur within 12 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms of influenza.

The best things you can do to help overcome the influence soon as possible are the following:

- Drink plenty of fluids are - fruit juice, water and sports drinks great.
- Take over the counter drugs to relieve the symptoms - in Australia antipyretics / analgesicsHow to help paracetamol and cold and flu tablets as Codral alleviate the combination of analgesics, antihistamines, decongestants and symptoms and you can recover something.
- Sleep as much as possible.
- Eat as you like, but more important to keep drinking plenty of water and stay hydrated.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco. (Actually, you should minimize the consumption of alcohol and stop smoking completely independent of influence!)
- Stay at homeWork and not try, I want to be a hero does not return, and too soon!

Above all, do your body any more than it already is - a radical, and to overcome the influence!

stage 4 lung cancer

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