Wednesday, February 2, 2011

vaccine against swine flu - How to protect yourself before a nasal flu vaccine side effects

Why is it that on the news every night, we rolled up the H1N1 vaccine vials for injection assembly line, but if we see video of the actual administration of the vaccine to children sprayed with a mist in the nose? Have you ever had a nasal spray vaccine? Probably not, because this is a very new medical technology. then shipped to the city health departments across the country in 2009, H1N1 influenza virus vaccines consist mainly of the H1N1 sprayVaccine, FluMist, as is known. Being myself a parent, I would like to know what's FluMist and what are risks .. So I went digging. Here is my report:

What is FluMist vaccine and is safe?

Swine Flu Symptoms

The vaccine FluMist contains a live virus influenza virus is modified (damped is the medical term) so that only infects the nose and throat. There are two reasons: first, the H1N1 virus is lethal only if it makes its way into the lungs;Secondly, nose and throat are cooler dies as the lungs and the virus FluMist at high temperatures. If the nasal spray flu that is administered to, remains in the nose area where the body begins to develop anti-bodies.

vaccine against swine flu - How to protect yourself before a nasal flu vaccine side effects

As good as it may seem, is the great concern that we should all keep in mind that a nasal spray live viruses on our children. Think for a minute. A dead virus is relatively harmless, but a live virus is a live virus.And there is no life (contagious) for more than 21 days. Possible side effects of the H1N1 vaccine will be published in nasal catarrh, cough and sore throat, just like a cold. Cold symptoms seem a small price to pay instead of the beginning of a real flu, potentially deadly form of swine fever .

The fact is essential to weigh the infectious nature of influenza nasal spray. Many parents might be tempted to have their children be vaccinatedThe vaccine spray and then sends them with a sense of security at their schools and playgrounds, where they have just inhaled the virus can be deployed. If it is true, and it can be argued that the mild strain of influenza virus is the only one - not the deadly form that requires hospitalization - it's too early to say if they actually editing this nose spray containing the virus is really alive and stay in the neck, and will never find its way into the lungs. There are two ways toto have the flu mist involves risks, some of which are unknown and untested.

If you plan to get flu vaccine, you will do well to look to these risks. Many health care professionals with whom I spoke, including one at the Mayo Clinic, said that with the right information and precautions, the spray influenza H1N1 is a good idea. Here are the most important things they say to keep in mind:

There are three types of vaccine against H1N1: 1) the spray vaccineFog, 2) a single dose injectable vaccine, and 3) multiple doses of injectable vaccines. Of the 3, the safest dose of influenza is the single shot. Because this is a dose disposable Thiosermal not contain a preservative that contains mercury. Throw in multiple doses contain mercury, and even if it is a relatively small amount and it is probably not toxic to most people, can be harmful for some.

If the swine flu vaccine in your city or your doctorfind out which type of vaccine that levy. The truth of the matter is, you probably will not have a choice of 3, but if you know in advance what type of vaccine is available to you, there are precautions you take to minimize the adverse effects of vaccines. Call the clinic, the supply of the vaccine, in which we live and ask what kind it will be.

If you give a single dose injection, there are as happy. If thisVaccine there is not much you need to do to minimize side effects other than physical activity, stress and exposure to extreme cold, which for several days.

If the multiple dose is available, weigh the fact that a small amount of mercury in the vaccine. This virus is a virus that is transmissible agent is not dead. Maybe you have some mild side effects. To avoid this, reduce physical activity, stress and the cold for at least onefew days. Strengthen the immune system with antioxidant vitamin C and more.

If the influence is fog, you see this article. If you want to select your children or mist flu vaccine, remember that you are contagious for several days, as the 21st Keep away from public areas as possible to wash your hands often and always after blowing your nose or rub your eyes, nose always blow your nose into a tissue and always cough into a Kleenexor sleeve. If you start to get cold-like symptoms, treat them like a disease and not simply a few side effects. Drink plenty of fluids, take zinc and vitamin C all day, to rest as much as possible and do not clog eat food (especially milk) until you feel better.

Finally, no one to talk to other parents and do not know who else has or knows someone who has had the flu vaccine has some form of swine flu. Ask them about the side effects and notSuspected infection. The swine flu vaccine mist is still in the show, and was admitted to the market. Do not be naive to the fact that a large-scale use of fog MedImmune flu vaccine is a fantastic opportunity for the scientific evaluation and financial management of vaccine manufacturers. The choice is yours whether to participate in the examination.

Encourage vaccination against influenza and discover the swine flu.

The interesting story ofNasal spray flu vaccine

I spoke with dozens of people, and nobody has ever heard of outside the spray vaccine health. The production of a vaccine spray is a peaceful process of the pharmaceutical company MedImmune, approved in 2002 has become a market inhalable vaccine was initiated. FluMist in 2003 went to the market, MedImmune made a deal with Wal-Mart in a spray vaccination law in convenient store as a courtesy, to provide buyers with children.Since the dose is already in a syringe without a needle to be measured, that vaccination should not be painful, requiring alcohol swabs, and not on the question of disposable needles.

This apparent miracle vaccine immediately met resistance. A little known feature of the spray vaccine is that it was influenza vaccination with a live virus, not a dead virus that is used in everything. The concern was that in 2003, FluMist, because it contains a live virus, canchildren vaccinated patients and contribute to the infection to others. Both were true.

The use of nasal vaccine on a large scale in the United States has been abandoned. Parents expect a measure of a preventive vaccine right not to be potentially harmful. MedImmune vaccine spray took his third world where the need for vaccination without needles was greater, and where they were lower for their safety. In countries and cultures where the lack of needles, the lack of cooling for the injectable vaccine and serum injection superstitious fears seemed to be the nasal spray, a good idea and a real lifesaver. In these communities, the risk of disease spray vaccine is much smaller than a lethal infection where modern medical care is not available, the cost-effectiveness of a vaccine spray is a live virus is much higher in the Third world that the First World countries.

America should have seen the last of the live virus> Spray Flu, an experiment which does not conform to our medical standards. But without the spray, because it is easy to do and the season with the great demand for vaccination during the height of the influenza virus, H1N1 FluMist can be seen from the ship truckloads.

vaccine against swine flu - How to protect yourself before a nasal flu vaccine side effectsHalo: Reach - Achievement HORSE #8 (Jack vs. Geoff) Tube. Duration : 8.90 Mins.

Jack and Geoff are back for another HORSE! Will Jack even up the score at 4-4 or will Geoff finally break the streak? Stay tuned to find out! All maps are available here:

Tags: Achievement, Hunter, Horse, Jack, Geoff, Halo, Reach, Bungie, Microsoft, Awesome, Gaming, Fun, Time, and, Megan, Fox, for, Some, Reason

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10 tips for cleaning the house to ward off the H1N1 influenza virus

The influenza epidemic in the world of securities on the new virus - previously known as swine flu influenza - enough to frighten the children in a small one.

Throw in the World Health Organization has raised the global pandemic alert level to 5 last week - just a notch below the pandemic - and understandably frightened adults just send in a defensive mode of action.

Health Virus

But what we can do at home to prevent the spread of H1N1Virus>?

10 tips for cleaning the house to ward off the H1N1 influenza virus

There's No Place Like Home

President Felipe Calderon in Mexico is the best thing in his first television address since the outbreak began on this week: "There is no place safer than home, so as not infected with the flu," he Calderon said.

And if we are still there, the better we know how to stop a virus, or distribution in our home, the safer and our families are the roots home.

This is particularlyimportant for parents, because as you know, the flu affects younger children more difficult because they are not built until many exemptions. Even worse is the flu vaccine only bear in many places and children can not, however.

It helps that the reason why usually remember colds and flu this season. Not because of the time - but because we are all crammed with each other (and any other germs) inside.

Rhinoviruses can survive up to three hours on skin and inanimate objects. This means that if little Johnny chops without covering her mouth in preschool, your little Annie has a lot of opportunity to get in touch with his germs. And bring home alive.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, via the spread of swine influenza A H1N1 virus is the same thought occur: mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with the flu.

Also, sometimes people become infected by touching something with> Virus, and then touching your nose or mouth.

So what's a parent to do?

Although we can not do much for the global spread of influenza are 10 simple but effective things we can do in our house:

1 Wash your hands. And your children to wash their hands do. A lot. (Tell them that they can finally play the water.) Avoid antibacterial soaps, which can actually cause resistance, long-term virus, germs. IfChildren are the hands are visibly dirty encourage them to clean the alcohol-based cleaners without the use of water. These cleaners kill germs by drying. It can be packaged in small bottles and backpacks for your children to school. If they need soap and water, have to scrub vigorously for 30 seconds to kill germs. (Tell Annie to wash, as she sings the alphabet song. This should do it.) The more you wash, the safer you are.

2 Teach children to sneeze or cough into aTissue and then throw away the tissue. And then wash your hands again!

3 Get a flu shot. If flu shots are available, so that everyone in your family who is old enough, you get.

4 Not Share. Tell children not to drink after other children or food to share. And warn your daughters do not share lip gloss.

5 disinfecting your home. That the House office room of your seed? No, not the bathroom. It 's the kitchen -in particular the area of the sink. And the worst object seed breeding in your house? The sponge or cloth towel. The moisture in the sponge creates the ideal environment for the cultivation of these nasty little creatures. Disinfect sponges regularly bathe and immerse it in the microwave for two minutes and replace them at least once a week. Change of towels every day.

6 Clean the surfaces with a virus that can kill germs disinfectant good port, such as Clorox or disinfectant.Regularly clean handles, faucets, countertops, keyboards, telephone receivers and other commonly touched surfaces.

7 Take care of yourself. The common cold germs are around all the time. So why are not sick all the time? Normally, healthy, well fed, well rested people to remove many germs. And if you come ill contact, good general health, helps you recover faster. Make sure that the family is at least eight hours of sleep, eat healthy food (lots of fruits andVegetables) and exercise daily. All the good things you should do anyway!

8 Hold the influence at home. If you or your child runs a fever, stay home! Do not go and infect others. And if you have younger children, think twice before parking to avoid indoor entertainment, where children can use plastic bullets, etc. And the people who were sick have drool. Adults are contagious for up to seven days after the experience of symptoms. And children are contagiousmore than that. Parents may consider talking with his employer to work from home.

9 If you want to get the severity of influenza, start antiviral drugs as oseltamivir and zanamivir immediately. If you receive this medication within the first 48 hours of symptoms, may reduce a. If not, do everything possible, drink lots of fluids and try to sleep through it. If symptoms are severe - and especially if you have difficulty breathing - seeDoctor.

10 Finally, a family meeting to discuss the pandemic plans for your family. Who looks after the children when mom and dad are both sick? Be careful with detergents such as soap and alcohol-based hand, fever reducers, plenty of water or other liquid, fabric and very moisturizing.

10 tips for cleaning the house to ward off the H1N1 influenza virusHalo: Reach - Achievement HORSE #8 (Jack vs. Geoff) Tube. Duration : 8.90 Mins.

Jack and Geoff are back for another HORSE! Will Jack even up the score at 4-4 or will Geoff finally break the streak? Stay tuned to find out! All maps are available here:

Tags: Achievement, Hunter, Horse, Jack, Geoff, Halo, Reach, Bungie, Microsoft, Awesome, Gaming, Fun, Time, and, Megan, Fox, for, Some, Reason

Pet Hair Removal

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is the difference between ordinary flu and swine flu?

They are, like many, I wonder what is the difference between ordinary flu and swine flu? This article provides some simple answers.

The virus: What is the difference between ordinary flu virus and the H1N1 virus?


When it comes to regular (or seasonal) influenza, refers to one of three main types of flu (influenza type A, B, C) is endemic in human populations.

What is the difference between ordinary flu and swine flu?

The H1N1 flu virus or pig and animals. There is an influencecame from a mutation in an animal strain that is transmissible to humans. These animals are usually strains of birds (H5N1) and swine (H1N1). In this case, the current swine flu did this spring in the vicinity of Vera Cruz, Mexico.

The levels of security: Because the influenza virus is more dangerous than ordinary flu?

Why did nobody in the world in) exposed to this new strain of H1N1 influenza (swine flu, the first case the first time in Mexico in April 2009. Consequence,most of the population has no protection against this new virus. That's why it is so important to get vaccinated when the vaccine becomes available.

Vaccinations: Will Vaccination for Regular Flu Protect Against Swine Flu?

No. It does not appear regular flu vaccine will fight off this pig flu.

Vaccine: What is the Difference Between Regular Flu Vaccine and Swine Flu Vaccine?

Regular Flu Vaccine generally is made up of a combination of the three common human influenza viruses. vaccine against the H1N1 influenza virus is composed of only the H1N1.

Symptoms: What is the difference in symptoms between the flu and swine flu?

The first symptoms appear to be the same: coughing, sneezing, fever, pain and general fatigue. Some people also develop vomiting and diarrhea.

But five days later with H1N1, it is possible that the early symptoms of severe respiratory, that progressPneumonia or other life-threatening complications.

groups at high risk are people with risk factors higher than normal flu swine flu itself?

No ordinary flu is particularly dangerous for the elderly and anyone with a weakened immune system. Young, healthy people tend to bounce right back to the influence of normal, with no serious side effects.

However, the H1N1 influenza virus over 65 do with the apparent danger or not to takeserious complications. This could be because they have a residual immunity from influenza strains similar animals were developed in the past.

On the other hand, the information analyzed by the CDC concluded that the H1N1 flu is probably dangerous for people under the age of 25 years.

Diagnosis: How do I know if I have a normal flu or swine flu?

Your doctor or family doctor will give you a simple swab test to confirm the infection. It takes aa few days to get results.

Treatment: What is the difference in the treatment of flu and swine flu?

First of all, always follow your doctor's instructions. Seek his advice to ensure you are the best, the most modern treatment received

Now it seems that treatment for the majority of people are the same. This includes avoiding dehydration by Linder much liquid to use, over-the-counter cough and congestion, andplenty of rest.

The doctor may also recommend anti-viral drugs. It seems that the drugs Tamiflu and Relenza are somewhat effective against swine influenza virus, especially if taken within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. This anti-viral drugs, the severity of influenza, which should prevent serious complications.

If you have a sick child, you should look at him / her very well. Keep your child hydrated. If he or if it sounds too lethargic ordid not develop respiratory symptoms, contact your pediatrician.

What symptoms may occur making the swine flu is more dangerous than ordinary flu?

During the first symptoms may be the same if you have influenza virus, can be developed within five days after the onset of severe respiratory symptoms that progress to pneumonia or other life-threatening complications.

In conclusion

In April 2009, the World Health Organizationhas raised the alert level 4 to 5 influenza pandemic, which means that governments should immediately had to prepare for the possible emergence of a global pandemic. Infections reported worldwide, including the United States health officials have recalled the earlier periods of an influenza pandemic, calling for the millions of lives. As these previous episodes in the frame of mind, are not intended to ignore the lessons of history.

What is the difference between ordinary flu and swine flu?Ouran HSHC - 3 - Beware the Physical Exam! Video Clips. Duration : 23.47 Mins.

Tomorrows the physical exams and at Ouran Academy, the hormones are raging. Of course, this almost certainly spells trouble for anyone who spends her days in disguise.

Tags: Funimation, anime, animation, Ouran, High, School, Host, Club

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