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In order to understand acid reflux symptoms, we must first understand the disease itself. This is the movement of acid and liquid into the esophagus. E 'due to a defect in the sphincter that connects the stomach and esophagus. When we eat, the stomach lining produces some acids to digest it. The stomach lining is protected by a mucus cover from corrosion by the acid. The esophagus does not have a membrane that, when acid reflux, you can also get eroded. Symptomsdepending on the person and may also vary in intensity. Some quality of life of the population is affected by the disease, and must constantly medications and / or surgery.
The most common symptom is heartburn. Other symptoms of acid reflux and a nonproductive cough. This is the result of acid irritation of the trachea.
It 'also a bad taste in the mouth if the acid reflux into the mouth. Chest pain can be felt. This may be due to the constant coughing. Nausea andVomiting can also be experienced.
In infants and children, symptoms may include cough Chesty, a lot of belching and spitting weeping uncontrollably, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite resulting in weight loss.
Symptoms of acid reflux in infants, perhaps because of a gastrointestinal system that is not fully developed. This condition can be corrected naturally by the time the child is one years.
In adults, symptoms of acid reflux are usually felt after meals. This mayby overeating, poor diet or bend too soon after the meal. You can also reflux if you go to bed too soon after the meal. It is therefore recommended to avoid the triggers.
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