Monday, March 8, 2010

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus - Everything You Need To Know

As the name suggests, the feline immunodeficiency virus attacks the immune system of your cat. Disable finally the ability of the immune system to fight cancer and infections. Feline immunodeficiency virus is usually targets roaming cats. It can also cover larger cats, like tigers, lions and leopards.


The feline immunodeficiency virus and saliva. Therefore, it can easily, your cat will be reported, if it gets bittenby an infected cat. The virus is rarely transmitted through breast milk. However, the transfer can occur if the mother is infected with the virus during lactation or pregnancy.


Feline immunodeficiency virus causes a variety of early symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, lethargy and weight loss. Many cats also suffer from chronic oral infections. Feline immunodeficiency virus can also cause upper respiratory problemsthe form of nasal discharge and sneezing.


Feline immunodeficiency virus can be detected by the detection of antibodies against the disease. The test can take up to 12 weeks before being able to recognize these antibodies. The results are available quickly, with no more than 20 minutes usually. However, the most important test detects the feline immunodeficiency virus can sometimes give false alarms. Therefore, if a positive result, itusually best to confirm the diagnosis, with a Western Blot test.


Unfortunately, there is no cure for feline immunodeficiency virus. The most common cause of death in cats infected with this virus is of secondary infections. Therefore, you must remove the stress and exposure to other animals, so that your cat does not get sick. Antibiotics can also be used for secondary infections. You should also make sure that your cat has a lot of liquidsfollows, and a good diet.


It affected the time to leave, a cat with feline immunodeficiency virus, is very different. Most cats can live many years after diagnosis, without symptoms. However, a cat diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease usually have less than a year ago.

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