Tuesday, November 30, 2010

H1N1 and your baby can be a combination vulnerable Complications can be fatal

For some people with certain conditions, are at increased risk of complications or even death, if you come away with the swine flu. In the event of an outbreak of H1N1 and your child has asthma or other lung diseases, the child may be a risk of serious complications or even death. Those who suffer from asthma have a much higher chance of serious complications than others.

In fact, he suffered almost 41% of people in New York in the hospital with asthma. EDuring the last seven weeks of swine flu deaths have been reported in New York. Of these, 7 deaths, 6 of those involved who had asthma. If you are concerned about H1N1 and your child with asthma, you should talk to your doctor and see if he recommends no special precautions with regard to the field even before a swine flu outbreak in your.


The swine flu H1N1 is a virus that produces flu in humans. The pathogen was off by a recent change in its current form.This mutation, people have no protection against the virus. Therefore the authorities are concerned about the possibility of a pandemic.

H1N1 and your baby can be a combination vulnerable Complications can be fatal

What is the typical seasonal flu, has a serious illness and death occurred as a result of complications associated with this devastating disease. In the U.S. alone about 36,000 people die every year due to problems of influence.

If you're worried about the safety of your child, or a family member with special risk factors, some swine flu preparations. Takemeasures to protect today, you and your family from influenza virus. After a pop, it might be too late to do anything.

H1N1 and your baby can be a combination vulnerable Complications can be fatalSoul Eater - 6 - The Rumored New Student! Video Clips. Duration : 23.95 Mins.

Part 1 now available on DVD! www.funimation.com Death the Kid shows up for his first day at Death Weapon Meister Academy, and Black Star and Soul decide to welcome him with closed fists instead of open arms.

Tags: funimation, animation, anime, japanese, soul, eater, human, weapons, death, scythe, supernatural, shinigami

Pet Hair Removal

Monday, November 29, 2010

The real murderess of swine influenza H1N1 - Secondary infections

Meet the real murderess of swine flu, H1N1, secondary infections. Many people who are infected with influenza virus and then came with a secondary infection, pneumonia, ie, did not survive. Therefore, it is imperative that you take all necessary precautions to prevent infection and on another, you should contract the flu virus.

That's right, the real murderess is not necessarily the H1N1 Swine> Influenza infection is secondary. To be protected at all costs against a secondary infection. Since you have already blocked the virus, there is a lot easier to develop pneumonia.

Swine Flu Symptoms

One of the best ways to protect against these complications is to prepare your immune system in time for cold and flu season. There are several ways to build your immune system naturally. Eating healthy is a possibility. A good balanced diet of 30% protein, 30% fat (noTrans fats) and 30% carbohydrate does wonders to keep you healthy. Avoid eating food of any kind. Keep sugar and saturated fats from your diet. You can sweeten malted barley, sugar, dates, honey or raw sugar to your food. These and other sweeteners are online.

The real murderess of swine influenza H1N1 - Secondary infections

Would do well to keep the potatoes from your diet completely. Even if they contain carbohydrates, carbohydrates in potatoes are not good. Bread is another element that is not necessary. If you needEating rye bread. It 's the best choice.

Your diet is as important as building the immune system with probiotics and the elderberry extract. If you are cold or flu symptoms come on, start the echinacea and goldenseal immediately. Diffuse essential oils in the living room, others think too sick, and stay hydrated. Drinking coconut water and eating chicken soup for electrolytes. Eat only when hungry, and get plenty of rest.

Avoidsecondary infections, because the real murderess of swine influenza H1N1. Therefore, you have to worry if you feel flu-like symptoms occur. Staying at home, so do not give your virus to others. Although there are some ways to protect against secondary infections here, there are many other ways, you need to know. Start by checking the ways to prevent influenza infection, or secondary now, too. As always, my healthy eatingFriends.

The real murderess of swine influenza H1N1 - Secondary infectionsInside North Korea Video Clips. Duration : 46.03 Mins.

Go undercover with National Geographic correspondent Lisa Ling as she journeys into mysterious and reclusive North Korea.

Tags: Lisa Ling, North Korea Kim, Jong, Asia, Government

Pet Hair Removal

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Protection against swine influenza virus

The swine flu victims has created anxiety panic increasing with the growing number of people tested with the H1N1 virus. The need to raise public awareness of health protection measures against the H1N1 virus is essential. Allows you to explore some measures to protect the individual can follow to ensure the safest possible?

Masks and surgical masks will certainly help coughs or sneezes, spreading droplets. If all are infected loved one, is agood idea to wear a face mask constantly. But to wear masks does not mean you're infallible infected with influenza virus.

Swine Flu Symptoms

You can also contract the H1N1 virus, if this happens. an infected person coughs or sneezes into his hand. Then press your hand touches a door knob or a switch. After a while, 'you happen to touch the door knob or a button and then touching the face, eyes, mouth or nose, you get infected with H1N1 influenza virusVirus.

Protection against swine influenza virus

Using masks is not the most effective strategy for preventing influenza virus, why not sneeze or cough is the only way for you to respiratory viruses.

You must be very careful when you are in public places such as public transport, offices, cinemas or just about any place where there are crowds. Avoid touching on something if you are out. Make sure that you double-face is not touched in public.Preferably use a tissue and throw it away if you use it.

The most effective way to prevent respiratory viruses like swine flu washing hands with soap and water for half a minute good. Clean with a paper towel and discard. Most of us do not do it often enough or correctly.

Remember, your hands after sneezing or coughing into your hands to wash. If you do not have to hand soap and water, alcohol-based disinfectantare very effective against influenza viruses kill.

If you have any of the symptoms of swine flu at your health care provider immediately. It 's a good idea to duck out of people until you feel better. This only prevents the virus H1N1 swine influenza, but for all influenza A viruses.

Protection against swine influenza virusInside North Korea Video Clips. Duration : 46.03 Mins.

Go undercover with National Geographic correspondent Lisa Ling as she journeys into mysterious and reclusive North Korea.

Keywords: Lisa Ling, North Korea Kim, Jong, Asia, Government

Pet Hair Removal

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Autism and the vaccine against swine flu

Parents of children with autism are aware of what it might mean for their sons and daughters the vaccine. Many are concerned about the routine immunizations, but it must also be aware of potential risks of swine flu, or influenza A (H1N1) in particular.

This vaccine has been marketed, so to speak, to take the influence of the public and the Government's claim for protection against swine flu. GlaxoSmithKline says that "clinicalThe experiments are limited "by the demands of the government and that" further studies will be carried out and therefore necessary, after the vaccine is made available. "

Swine Flu Symptoms

Trials are expected by the Aug. 17 test the vaccine on 12,000 children aged 3-8 start. Then 6-80 doses will be administered by mid-September. Although officials have "guessed" the correct dosage of the vaccine to run to the market by the time the school has started. Do not knowVaccine efficacy or side effects to complete the first round of testing, but expect that you will need two vaccinations.

Autism and the vaccine against swine flu

I am confident in the process, the vaccine was obtained through, because flu vaccine is exactly the same way as others. The only difference is that the vaccine contains adjuvants to enhance the immune response of the human body. There are currently no vaccinationsUnited States, the approval of the use of adjuvants.

The United States would prefer not to adjuvants in vaccines, because it might give people a reason to avoid them. In 1976, vaccine adjuvants have been used in swine influenza. Some people have a pathological immune response that leads to death. About 500 people were permanently paralyzed due to a neuromuscular disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). GBS is an immune response to foreign antigens, which attacks the nervous system.It causes muscle paralysis, sensory disturbances, and sometimes cardiac arrest.

GBS is usually a rare side effect seen following influenza vaccine. The swine flu vaccine in 1976, it is assumed that the adjuvants increased because of the body's response to the vaccine, the incidence of GBS increased from 1 million to the normal level one by one to 105,000.

Parents of children with autism, understandably, more concerned to ensure that the vaccinationscould cause an autoimmune reaction, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome. No one knows for sure that the auxiliary, the exact cause, but they were forbidden to vaccination in the United States in subsequent years. Because our vaccines in other countries, largely in an effort to keep the vaccine immediately available, the United States allows carriers, this time to protect themselves and vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits that may occur due to the distribution of these barely tested,questionable vaccine because they face the state of the pandemic.

With all the hype and confusion surrounding the swine flu, it may be difficult to make a truly informed decision. The swine flu has been described as a mild year for influenza, which so far less of a problem and caused many deaths less than normal seasonal influenza year, we look. Many parents of children with autism are always looking for safe alternatives toVaccines.

Vitamin C helps your body all the influence and resisting all infections. E 'was also found to be highly reliable to eliminate and reduce the symptoms of influenza. You can take enough vitamin C buffered vitamin C powder in order to simply get your digestive system.

Autism and the vaccine against swine fluInside North Korea Tube. Duration : 46.03 Mins.

Go undercover with National Geographic correspondent Lisa Ling as she journeys into mysterious and reclusive North Korea.

Tags: Lisa Ling, North Korea Kim, Jong, Asia, Government

Pet Hair Removal

Friday, November 26, 2010

Health benefits of lemon juice

Lemons contain many important constituents of foods, such as citric acid. Thanks to their taste and health benefits, are used in many dishes and fruit juices. In addition, the lemon juice be used as a preservative and helps prevent the discoloration of meat products. Lemons are stored at room temperature juicier than frozen ones.

Also, you can also microwave the lemon for a few seconds before squeezing them. It will help you extract more juice.

Health Virus

There are many> Health Benefits of using lemons. Some of them are:

Health benefits of lemon juice

Lemons prevention and treatment of many diseases and viruses.

When lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C, helps strengthen gums and teeth.

Lemons are also used to treat various diseases, including suffocation and itchy ears.
Lemons in the treatment of digestive disorders, such as lemon juice increases the amount of saliva and gastric juice products to help the agent stomach. InIn addition, the lemon juice kills intestinal worms and removes harmful gases in the digestive tract.

Besides this, the lemon juice is a proven aid in the cold. Only half a liter of water boiled in lemon juice, extracted from two lemons and add the honey. Take it at bedtime.

Given that the lemon contains vitamin P, lemon juice also helps in controlling the bleeding and prevent capillary fragility. Lemon is very effective in treating conditions of high blood pressure. IfYou should feel tired, a glass of lemon juice, as it gives instant energy and improves circulation. Soak aching feet in warm water and rub with fresh lemon juice is the best way to comfort her. While the hot water opens the pores, lemon juice, offers a relaxing and cooling. This treatment increases the quiet and refreshing sleep.

Lemon juice not only provides benefits, but it adds flavor and aroma of fruit and vegetables inside.

Health benefits of lemon juiceSoul Eater - 3 - The Perfect Boy... Video Clips. Duration : 23.85 Mins.

Part 1 available on DVD 2/9/2010! funimation.com Death the Kid, Patty, and Liz travel to the desert to deal with a witch whos raising the dead. If the gruesome horde of mummies they find doesnt stop them, Kids freaky obsession with symmetry might.

Tags: funimation, animation, anime, japanese, soul, eater, human, weapons, death, scythe, supernatural, shinigami

Pet Hair Removal

Swine Flu Vaccine Availability - Your family refuse vaccination against H1N1?

What is the swine flu vaccine will be available this fall? Is there a chance your family will be denied a swine flu vaccination? This is without doubt one of the biggest issues to be addressed in the coming months.

The vaccine against influenza H1N1 is not the same as the normal seasonal flu vaccine will be offered again this year. The H1N1 and swine influenza, is a distinct and deadly strain of flu. His first appearance in the spring of 2009. If the pattern of recent years are indicative, itIt is likely that this influence may reappear in a more deadly force in autumn and winter. Is it serious?

Health Virus

From 1 September 2009, the Centers for Disease Control in the United States does not have a precise date on which the swine flu, or H1N1, the flu vaccine are available. However, according to sources, once introduced, will probably be the largest and most expensive vaccination program in the history of public health. The cost to U.S. taxpayers, alone, in which hisPosition of 10 billion dollars.

Swine Flu Vaccine Availability - Your family refuse vaccination against H1N1?

It is this type of cost is justified? If one considers that economic times are tough, you have to figure the U.S. government did not distribute $ 10 billion a vaccine program without a real concern that things could be worse very quickly with this pathogen.

Researchers tell us that there is no vaccine, perhaps one third of the world's population-month contract period, the potentially lethal H1N1 virus in the next 12 This isbecause the vaccination program is far from certain, even when it seems that it is now late.

Most people will have the opportunity to make the jump to the vaccine --- but, because of the limited availability of vaccine against swine flu may be only enough vaccine to inoculate a selected part of the population. His family, like many others, may be required to give up their place in line --- this is a vaccine denied.

Why do we say the swine flu vaccine availability is limited? Instead ofof vaccine delivery in October 2009 from an initial 120 million doses for the population of the United States, vaccine manufacturers say they get into a position with only 45 million doses. This means that millions of Americans will be left vulnerable in case the deadly virus is more a way to turn - something that is known influenza pandemics in the past have done

Swine Flu Vaccine Availability - Your family refuse vaccination against H1N1?Inside North Korea Tube. Duration : 46.03 Mins.

Go undercover with National Geographic correspondent Lisa Ling as she journeys into mysterious and reclusive North Korea.

Tags: Lisa Ling, North Korea Kim, Jong, Asia, Government

Pet Hair Removal

Thursday, November 25, 2010

H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine - It 's safe?

Misinformation is dangerous.

In recent months I have been glued) vaccine TV screen trying to find information about swine flu and swine flu vaccine (H1N1. My concern is, viruses driven by the fact that my daughter is pregnant and is said to be very susceptible to H1N1 .


The message is that we believe that this is a desperate situation and that we should have all the vaccine - but I did my research, it appears thatThe virus does not spread as much as we have been led to believe, and there are also risks making the vaccine, which we believe should be on it.

H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine - It 's safe?

"All we have to fear is fear itself" FDR

The uncertainty about the technical part of the vaccine and the problems that led me to do my research possible. Here are some of the things I discovered:

• There is risk associated with each new virus and not tested -Experts say the benefits outweigh the risks and the most vulnerable people than the vaccine should get.

• The thimerosal is a component of the vaccine - which contains mercury, which own risk - in addition, this substance has been linked (though not proven) to revive autism in children. The amount of mercury is very small (energy-saving bulbs contain much more), and therefore can not be a problem - checkif the doctor can be DANGEROUS to you.

• The FDA has the vaccine is not normally tested as complete - so the unknown side effects. However, the vaccine is based on similar vaccines and should not be much difference - even the likelihood, a side effect is small

• The swine flu vaccine, where a similar siteImpact on the normal flu vaccine - so if you were not notified to the flu vaccine, you should not swine flu vaccine.

• The vaccine contains live virus and is not suitable for people with autoimmune diseases (eg lupus) - how the immune system is already weak, the vaccinations can be dangerous.

· Female pregnant - because of thimerosalLink Many pregnant women doctors to avoid the blow. Etc. However the chances of side effects of the vaccine are very low, so you should talk to an expert before the decision.

I have about 50 or so to read Web sites and experts agree that the side effects are minimal and therefore the most vulnerable patients, the vaccine should be taken as the benefits outweigh the risks. My advice is to talk to your doctor first vaccine - mustthe latest information, and also to know if there is risk, based on the history of medicine.

H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine - It 's safe?Red vs. Blue Reconstruction 19; Finale Tube. Duration : 9.73 Mins.

Buy the DVD: roosterteeth.com The final chapter of Red vs Blue Reconstruction. Originally aired Summer 2008.

Tags: Red, vs., Blue, Reconstruction, chapter, 19, rvb, vs, Rooster, teeth, halo, machinima, funny, comedy, wash, caboose, meta

Pet Hair Removal

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What do you do to minimize the impact of swine flu?

I want you to know a bit about viruses' the nasty little known swine flu, and some of the measures to minimize you can help yourself and maybe even be that some of the unpleasant effects that you can have if that is the case at hand. infect

all the swine flu virus before the virus is new, it originated in Mexico in early 2009. At this moment there is no vaccine available, the vaccine should be developed, that pharmaceutical companies, and the laboratory before being tested on humans in order to understand how you will, is the availability of a few months later, probably towards the end of 2009.

Swine Flu Symptoms

A zoonosis is a disease or infection, or can transfer from a vertebrate animals to humans. You can bacteria, viruses or parasites, this case of swine flu. The problem with viruses is that they are constantly changing, perhaps> Swine influenza virus is not very aggressive this year, but next year could have been fatal train developed much more.

What do you do to minimize the impact of swine flu?

It is believed that the virus may be a mutation of the avian influenza virus and the swine flu virus, that Mexico has the difficulty of the diagnosis, what the problem was with people. Doctors there began their patients antibiotics, which is not helpful to give everyone, because antibiotics do not kill a virus,Antibiotics are effective only against bacteria.

It is assumed that the drugs flu-like Tamiflu, which helps to calm some of the effects, but certainly not a guaranteed cure.

All reports so far is that this flu virus is not worse than normal seasonality, but you must remember that thousands die each year from ordinary flu. There are people at risk around the world react differently to the flu, and some others are hit hardsuffer only mild symptoms, there are of course many people who completely escape the influence. Today is the last day of May 2009 and there are more than 15,000 cases of swine influenza in the world these numbers look very good and surpassed by tomorrow and the next day.

What can we do to help ourselves, we are all the usual things that reason, you wash your hands often, stay away from the crowd when you sneeze, do it in a tissue, thenDiscard the paper, do not approach the other, coughing, sneezing, or not.

to eat healthy foods, focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries, all that is natural and do not forget to keep hydrated, drink plenty of water.

You may wonder why different people in different ways influence, also can influence the age have worse consequences for children and. It may also be due to a more happy, not at the place where everything washappens.

One can also assume that some system better and more efficient immune system than others. All we have built an immune system, has been since its inception. The immune system is to help the body fight against every kind of infection that comes, if it is a virus, bacteria or any other type of disease. You should, as I said to start eating healthy foods are concentrated, and see if you perhaps should vitamins or natural supplements such asThe diet that has been used for years to improve the efficiency of the immune system. There are some excellent natural products that are classified as natural foods for your immune system. Me and my family were among these products for over five years and have never had serious health problems since.

Some of the symptoms of swine flu. A large number of victims say that one of the first flu symptoms was BloodshotThe eyes, cough, runny nose, abdominal pain, frequency of operation with the cabinet. A general malaise. Some people have all these symptoms and others have only two, maybe one or there is no fixed rule with nature.

What do you do to minimize the impact of swine flu?Inside North Korea Tube. Duration : 46.03 Mins.

Go undercover with National Geographic correspondent Lisa Ling as she journeys into mysterious and reclusive North Korea.

Keywords: Lisa Ling, North Korea Kim, Jong, Asia, Government

Pet Hair Removal

Monday, November 22, 2010

Make your body resistant influenza, H1N1 and other infections

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide a terrible flu season, up to 40% of Americans and causes up to a few hundred thousand dead. What can you do to protect yourself?

Do not count on flu vaccine

The sad truth is that the influenza vaccines do not work. As a result, tens of thousands of people are infected each year, with more than 30,000 die from complications despite widespread vaccination.

flu vaccine is a medical myth. It is fundedas a way to prevent influenza, but, as every doctor knows, is not effective for children, adolescents and adults. The only people who have influenza vaccine appears to benefit local residents, and have very little use.

As for the swine flu vaccine, no one knows how effective they are, but there are already many reports suggest that this vaccine may be dangerous to your health.

In 1976, the last year we had an epidemic of swine flu, a single personactually died died of swine flu vaccine and 25 from side effects. The vaccine had to be taken off the market because hundreds of people have developed a serious neurological complication called Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Do not rely on antiviral drugs

There are four antiviral drugs that are FDA approved for the treatment of influenza. You Symmetrel (amantadine), Flumadine (rimantadine), Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir). The last 2 will be the best.

Arecent article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases (September 2009) published 26 scientific studies examined to see how good fight Tamiflu and Relenza, the flu.

In a group of more than 4,000 people, these drugs reduced the duration of influenza symptoms on average half a day. Not exactly a great performance.

The authors conclude, "In order to control seasonal influenza in healthy adults, the use of antiviral drugs is unlikely to be the most appropriate frameworkAction. "

In other words, do not rely on anti-viral drug that has been fighting the flu.

What is the answer?

Your best hope is a strong immune system that neither the flu or influenza virus will have no chance to infect you. This is achieved through good nutrition and special dietary supplements.

The body uses the materials that accumulate in cells, organs and immune system. If you eat healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals andother nutrients your body will have a lot of good material. But if you eat artificial foods are processed (white bread, pasta, rice, biscuits, cakes, sausages and other meat products, eggs, bats, etc.), your body will not have the resources with which to build a strong immunity.

The first step is to clean up your diet and unnatural "foods" that do not grow on trees get rid of, but built in a factory.

But even if you eat a good diet, is still a chance that we canmissing some important nutrients. So I have, and advise my patients to take complete process called Catalyn standard.

Not the typical multi-vitamin because it is made of food. It contains 12 foods, some vegetables (carrots, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, etc.) and some of animal origin (bovine liver, bovine spleen, etc.). All foods are selected because they contain all the vitamins and trace elements known and unknown Your body needs to optimizeHealth.

The food is dehydrated using a patented technology that uses low heat, because high heat can destroy some nutrients. It 'a little' how to turn grapes into raisins. A place has all the nutrients of a cluster, with the exception of water.

All 12 food products are then mixed together and formed into pills. But since the pill has really made of foods can be chewed properly. A bottle Catalyn take 2 months.

Check the ingredients of the multivitamin you are now. IfThe ingredients are carrots, wheat germ, beef liver and other foods, this is a good product. But if the ingredients of ascorbic acid, d-alpha-tocopherol acetate, thiamine, and other synthetic substances, is not your food supplement, but it was done in a laboratory. AND 'cheaper because they do not provide all the vitamins and minerals that are naturally present in food.

other dietary supplements

There are many supplements that can boost the immune system, but atI recommend at least these four: Cataplex C, Echinacea Premium and Immuplex Cataplex D.

Cataplex C is the natural form of vitamin C. You probably already know the importance of vitamin C for the immune system. What you may not know that most vitamins are not real but synthetic. They are made in a laboratory in the petrochemical industry or genetically modified corn syrup.

Cataplex C provides real-time, a complex of vitamin C from a variety of food sources, which is why I recommendBuild your immune system.


Most people think that Echinacea is a plant that should be taken for a couple of days if you get a cold or the flu. This is wrong.

For best results, Echinacea can be used daily for general support of the immune response, make your white blood cells stronger and improve the production of interferon to fight the virus and activated white blood cells. But it must be the right kind of Echinacea - angustopholia. It must be right - the root.

MostEchinacea supplement on the market today flower Echinacea purpurea. This is the wrong system and wrong side.


This is a product that tissues and organs of the immune system, particularly the thymus, spleen, liver, bone marrow (where white blood cells are produced), and white blood cells are supported.

E 'with natural vitamins and minerals and extracts of liver, thymus, spleen and bones, which charged the same institutions and improveGlands of the body. This type of treatment and has been called glands of naturopathic doctors operated for centuries with great success.

Cataplex D

Natural vitamin D is determined by many different substances, which is also made as cholecalciferol vitamin D3. Cholecalciferol Vitamin D is not the whole, only a small part of it, such as ascorbic acid only a small part of the complex of Vitamin C.

Many studies have shown that vitamin D complex is very importantfor the normal functioning of the immune system. Some experts believe that low vitamin D is the cause of outbreaks of winter flu, colds and other infections.

A good amount of vitamin D is 50 ng / ml or more. Most people I see well below 30 or even below 20, even in summer. This is even worse in autumn and winter because the sun is too weak to make vitamin D.

Many people take dietary supplements with vitamin D3, but like I said, does not provide all the vitamin D. Abetter integrate Cataplex is D standard methods. It gives the whole complex of vitamin D is not just a component.

Start buying your immune system right now!

Wait do not start until the winter building program on your immune system. The time to start today. When you start taking these supplements now have enough time to improve your immune system so it is ready for when the flu season begins.

Do not get hit by a flu. The predicted serious outbreak of influenzaThey influence, if your immune system. And it is up to you to build the defenses, so you can fight the common flu and swine flu. With a strong immunity to protect against colds and other infections.

Be prepared for the upcoming flu epidemic to build your immune system. A strong immune system is the best protection against colds, flu, swine flu and other infections. To strengthen the immune system you need a good diet and a number of important nutritionalIndemnity.

For information most common way to improve your immune system, click on the link below.

Pet Hair Removal

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I am or not the new vaccine against H1N1?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

People remember it as H1N1, commonly referred to as swine flu has hit about 18 countries around the world in 2009. Hundreds of people were very sick. It has affected most people who are the current state of health. E 'was because some schools and businesses were shut down temporarily for fear of contracting the highly contagious influenza virus. Foreign travel has also been temporarily banned in order to avoid spreading the influence of other countries. To avoid thiseven a vaccine from four major pharmaceutical companies has been made. Sanofi-Aventis SA, CSL Ltd, MedImmune and Novartis AG have been issued by the SU Food and Drug Administration said. GlaxoSmithKline Plc has also facilitated the development of H1N1 vaccine. These 5 drug companies are willing to pay more than the provision of sufficient vaccine supply for millions of people.

Even if the vaccine is really for the solution of H1N1, people can not be doubtful. YouThe vaccine is not safe enough. These people can not be held responsible. Your life is at stake. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly encourage the people, toured the new H1N1. A recent campaign was made for people to raise awareness of the availability of the vaccine.

The vaccine comes in two forms. E 'is by intranasal and the other by injection. E 'is particularly important for those people who are lined up in the high risk category.The people in the high risk category are those with existing health conditions, pregnant women, children and elderly. In general, these people have a weak immune system. It 'makes them very vulnerable to the virus.

One of the specific reasons why there are people who are against the vaccine because of its mercury component. Mercury pollution is believed to cause mental defects to the fetus or infant. But people from CDC strongly denied misleading informationbe passed around. First, it could pass quality standards of the Food and Drug Administration. This rule, which for the possibility that the flu vaccine as unsafe. They also convinced about the safety of the vaccine record of the past. In essence, it is based on the past, such as influenza vaccines have been made out. The expected adverse reactions were fever and pain / redness at the injection site have not been conducted. Apart from certain that the public health, to all civil servantsgood.

If you look at the positive, the vaccine helps a lot. The vaccine makes us immune to H1N1 virus. Those who expect to get the disease are those immune to the virus at all. But the decision to have a vaccine is still for sale. You have to protect you and your family. If you have questions about this new vaccine against swine flu, it is better for your concerns directly to local health authorities. You may be able to offerEvidence for the history of the vaccine. So in the end, you can decide if you want this new vaccine or not.

Pet Hair Removal

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Swine H1N1 Influenza vaccination compulsory? Nurses and doctors Pushback

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Albany nurses Pushback

There are a lot of disturbing stories that the public can be found in the study of swine influenza H1N1 in relation to vaccination and in some cases, be forced to leave. A day care worker in Albany, NY was sentenced to seasonal influenza vaccine to take place on or remove. I thought this was a free country? That just does not sound good! E 'was also pointed out that this mandate was shot in the same place for swine flu. This is shown inNew York State Department of Health has issued emergency regulations in August 2009.

People's lives on track, if they give something I feel strongly about the impact on their personal health to decline.

Albany nurses are planning to fight. Nurses and other medical professionals in the area are scheduled to stage a rally next week in this state regulation, which mandates lose their jobs when the swine flu shot will refuse to protest. They plan toIn this way the flu vaccination because they feared for their continued growth over the ingredients in the vaccine is dangerous and the government's plans to vaccinate the entire population by force with the H1N1 influenza virus.

As far as I'm quite happy that someone standing up against the intimidation of the government and refused the shot, if you do not want it. Physicians around the world, indicates that the vaccine is not tested properly, it contains mercury and other dangerous additives squalenecan react very badly in the human body.

Health Care Workers are not sure that it is safe

This vaccine has not been clinically tested in the same way as the regular flu vaccine, "said Tara overlap, a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at Stony Brook, the division that has produced a number of demonstrators.

And 'now look like thousands of health professionals within their work Nov. 30, 2009 will lose if they refuse to release. Many of theHealth professionals are used under the annual flu vaccination, but not so fast as this.

The current H1N1 swine flu vaccination, according to them, tested and proven. I ran from pharmaceutical companies and do so with the full approval of our government. The U.S. government gave the pharmaceutical companies added incentive to run for the vaccine, giving them complete exemption from any damage that occurs fromthe vaccine. This means that no one in this country who may be adversely affected by the vaccine will not sue the pharmaceutical companies or balanced, as again in 1976 during the first vaccine against swine flu fiasco is concerned.

Recent studies report that / 3 of the nurses and health workers in the United States and the United Kingdom is one refuse to accept the vaccination, with another third undecided virus be vaccinated for swine influenza H1N1. The mainstream media are silent on the negativeEffects. It almost seems as if the media is working for pharmaceutical companies and do not look out for the welfare of the citizens of the world.

Hazardous ingredients ever used in the Body

And why are health care professionals leading the charge for pigs take flu vaccination? It is used for a variety of reasons, such as the vaccine has fallen through the safety procedures, while the governments of drug companies blanket immunity with their suppliersThe complaints come from the vaccine can cause death and injury. Because pharmaceutical companies give immunity from prosecution? Perhaps because the drug companies and our government something we do not know! If this vaccine is so safe that would not make sense, do not need drug companies to protect people from injury?

E 'was revealed that some batches of vaccine is mercury, a toxin with autistic disorders and neurological diseases. The vaccine is also the dangerous adjuvant squalene, which are directly linked to the cases of the Persian Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other serious diseases.

Many people are allergic to squalene, and may not realize that this is part of the vaccine. When I served in the Marine Corps I had with some fellow marines who were in the first Gulf War in the early 90s and some of them were already strange diseases like fatigue and hair loss.

Getting the> H1N1 swine influenza vaccination should be a personal choice for you and your family. It has never been a mandate for a drug that are not tested properly with the government by intimidation, if you do not get the vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are making billions from the swine flu vaccine and the public is in danger from their excessive profit. We have all the facts so that we can be informed of our decision each of us something so vital to ourHealth and for our family health.

It strengthens the immune system with Vitamin D

If you choose not to or H1N1 swine influenza vaccination, you should at least strengthen your own immune system. Take multi-vitamins, especially when taking vitamin D. Reports continue to be the one with the correct levels of vitamin D in your system help prevent any virus that came to see this influence. Vitamin D levels fall in autumn and winter because the sunlightthat vitamin D produced in the body. Add some 'of vitamin D and vitamin C to your daily diet and build your immune system today.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

to deal effectively with swine influenza (H1N1) with Chinese herbs

Not long ago, an article published Ditan Hospital in Beijing, reported that "88 of the 117 patients (H1N1) that the only disease herbal fully recovered and were discharged." It is a success rate of 75%. What are Chinese herbs that are so good? The deputy director of the hospital said there were four herbs in the packets given to patients who have made into a tea and mouthwash. Lonicera japonica (honeysuckle workedFiore), Isatis Indigodica, Mentha (mint) and glabra (liquorice). All were treated with 3 grams per serving. The same herbs in Chinese herbal medicine shops here in the U.S..

Lonicera throats is used almost exclusively for the prevention and treatment of colds, respiratory infections, sore throat and flu symptoms in general. evaporator can be used in the kitchen and be inhaled along with the traditional way to bring it to(Boiling) water. In a study of influenza, patients were treated with 1150 results for a combination of herbs that contain honeysuckle and was very good. Lonicera fresh is best because it includes the effects of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. As an antibiotic, and has "demonstrated a broad spectrum of inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, a variety of other pathogens.

woad root (Isatis) is the grass for the next influenzaFight formula. This herb, medicine is classified as a toxic plant clearing heat in Chinese herbal medicine and is often the upper respiratory tract infection. These pharmacological effects have been well studied, and supports the pursuit of success in the treatment of acute sore throat and influenza virus. Like other Chinese herbs, is often a formula in combination with other herbs. Herbs often work more effectively if they collaborate with the right combination of cookedherbs synergistically compatible. Allergy, sulfonamides, an allergic reaction to this herb, and is not recommended for participants Coumadin or blood-thinning medications, since this action. However, the risk of a serious interaction may enhance the light. I say this to emphasize that the strong medicine and herbs should be prescribed and dispensed by a qualified professional.

The last two herbs in this formula is very simple herbs I'M sure everyone has heard of, but not swine flu influenza have maintained a high value for the treatment of influenza-like virus. I hope this article changes the perspective. Mint is seen in almost any grocery store in the United States and we have all heard of licorice. But these two herbs are not necessarily found in neighborhood grocery store. Be sure you get the right kind and there are literally hundreds, if it is mint. Menthahas a long history, when it comes to the treatment of high fever accompanied by flu-like symptoms. In fact, the original text, about 600 Mentha was written in, while the positive effect of liquorice have also been documented previously. Sore throat, red eyes and headache are common symptoms, some only deal Mentha. This is in many Chinese herbal formulas known as liquorice. Both are considered as GRAS (generally recognized as safe)FDA. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in the Chinese Materia Medica, with a volume of information and research. E 'traditionally used to "harmonize" a formula in Chinese medicine, it has many therapeutic measures for themselves. More than I can list Amazon.de.

The four above-mentioned herbs are very effective, and together they are greater than the sum of its parts. Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalH1N1, a packet of herbal medicines for prevention. If you are traveling in China, you can just. Better yet, ask your herbalist and acupuncture and herbs to get your very own power plant for your constitution.


Herbology Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, Chen and Chen, Art of Medicine Press, 2001.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Concerning the preparation swine influenza virus - H1N1 Outbreak

Image : http://www.flickr.com

To prepare for the epidemic of H1N1 swine influenza virus. The first task ahead is the development of the immune system. You can Elderberry liquid, pill or extract form. Remember, before starting the drug regime, natural or not, you should always consult your doctor.

This article contains information of an epidemic of swine influenza H1N1 virus to prepare in case their contract, and what I personally consider what the next step in yourLine of defense probiotics. How do you concentrate the old everyday use probiotics. Probiotics can be found online or at most drugstores.

Looking for probiotic-based tribes. Make sure that the probiotic has "bifdum B. and L. acidophilus and L. bulgaricus" in them. These strains of probiotics have the best preventive measure such as overall health.

However, when symptoms occur, consider the following. Diffuse essential oils. E 'it is clear germs from the air. Diffuser insert in the living room or den, and all together. Diffuse essential oils through the areas that you spend more time in. It 's good for your pets too.

Other things to consider are to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Eat chicken soup for electrolytes and get plenty of rest. disinfect hands often and teach your children to do the same.

Now is the time to use Echinacea. Even if you do not build Echinaceathe immune system, I do not recommend the herb Echinacea and long term, for the short term once flu-like symptoms

Follow the directions on the package, and you can take echinacea for seven days. Do not stop after two or three doses. As with any medication you need for the relevant time period. Do not take echinacea for kids! Be careful with your doctor before taking.

Use the information to be ready for the swine flu, first, the H1N1 virus hasan outbreak. Using probiotics as a first line of defense. They have many functions as we digest the food and helps the creation of serotonin. Take them as directed by the immune system in preparation for the construction of the flu season. Probiotics are in pill, chewable, liquid and milk. As always, eat healthy my friends.

Pet Hair Removal

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swine Flu Statistics

Recent statistics show that people with influenza are most at risk of severe disease with swine flu are:

* People with diabetes at any time.
* Pregnant women.
* Children under 5.
* People with chronic kidney disease.
* People with chronic heart disease.
* The with asthma.
* People with liver disease.
* The oppressed with an immune system.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC Deputy Director-Interim ReportScience and Public Health, said the United States, most of them, the influence of having been admitted to hospital because) they were 5 to 24 years old age group (62%, and those over 55 accounted for only 1% of swine.

A new study tracking the epidemic in Mexico, noted that the H1N1 flu faced by those groups aged between 20 and 50 the hardest, with a higher mortality rate than other age groups.

The consensus seems to be of the opinion that the virus is much more likelyyoung and old. Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom since 1998, said the flu virus from a human being is a part of animal (pig), part bird and part, and the human element that had passed into circulation, with the result that the immune system of elderly people are able to offer some protection, which means that young people will take precedence, if a vaccine could be available.

World Health Organization (WHO) data show that on July 6that 94 512 cases and 429 deaths. It 's more than likely that many more people were infected, but are not listed, why not consult a doctor.

Swine flu shares

Should think that the capture by the H1N1 virus in its mild form can provide some protection to offer a virulent strain caused in the winter. History shows this is done in 1918, when a mild spring followed by an outbreak of two deadly waves stretchingthe following year.

Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts said the BBC Radio 4 Today program that he "had heard rumors of" parts instead of swine flu.

"There are a lot of talk from people who take a fairly reasonable conclusion that it would be better, since the virus so far that we all think it could mutate into a virulent strain come next winter," he told them.

specialists in infectious diseases to understand the reasonscaptures the mild strain as a protective measure, but Dr. Anne Moscona, a flu expert at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, said that the parties had swine flu was told by a journalist for women a journal to keep asking "When should mothers, such as chickenpox parties.

"I think it's completely crazy," said Dr. Moscona. "I can not believe people are actually doing. I understand the thought, but I'm afraid we do not know enough about how this virus will respond,in each individual. It 's like the Middle Ages, when people are deliberately infected with smallpox. His vaccination Vigilante - you know, under the immunity in their own hands. "

Maybe going to try to catch the virus at an early stage of development aid is just that it spread?

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Affordable health insurance individual quotes

Health is one of the most important issues we face today. Health care is not just about curing various diseases, or even prevent, only that people of different viruses of the TO had a negative impact on health in general. Contrary , the entire planning different patterns of development, strategic implementation, and so on. The individual content affordable health is an aspect of overall planning, you can helpYou decide what to buy insurance in order to stay fit and healthy for the rest of your life.

These plans are not carried out in a micro-development. They are worried not only about a particular community or a place. They are taken in a broader perspective. But at the same time, a person who wants to ensure his health may make their own preferences as to the individual health insurance.

Individual health insurance companies provided by various insurance companies.If you are on a large scale, while many states and municipalities have been conducted throughout the country. But almost all airlines, the individual health insurance are more concerned about health insurance entirely the work of health and generation of cash through it.

The most important issue of accessibility for an individual. Most insurance companies set their prices and offerings so that the average premiumAmericans can afford to take it and adopt it. Therefore, a person of modest means a supposed to be able to get the country into health insurance plans and programs of the various health insurance companies in and around.

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herbal treatments for herpes virus

There are two types of herpes - type I and II Type I virus causes cold sores usually on the face, mouth and lips, while type II causes ulcers in and around the genital area. While there are eruptions are many things to relieve the discomfort caused by the sale, usually will not speed up healing and can not cure the virus, once established. There are medications that may be prescribed by a doctor, but do not do much to alleviate the pain andEmbarrassment of injuries, and can sometimes be toxic and harmful to the body. If you are suffering from a herpes break out, you should be more natural remedies for quick relief. But remember, these herbal remedies are designed to facilitate the complaints are not intended to cure the virus, which is no longer contagious.

One of the most amazing provide some comfort, with a cold compress of black tea leaves. Seep the tea and then leaveto cool until it is hot or cold. Place the compress on the breakout - even in the genital area.

olive leaf is to try another option. olive leaf extract can help in this by a recent epidemic, and may prevent future outbreaks, when the extract is taken every day to help. It works by strengthening the body's immune system.

Gold Seal to help take care of some of the physical symptoms of an outbreak, that the itching and burning.goldenseal powder with just enough water are mixed and then applied to the lesions often give relief in a single dose or two.

Herbs, fungi and other methods of preventing epidemics

Reishi mushrooms taken as a daily supplement should help your body an anti-viral. Add the mushrooms to your daily diet is another option, and a delicious idea to consider. You can almost all species of fungi on many of your favorite foods.

Consider probioticsYour diet. If you take a supplement or your probiotic foods like yogurt, the bacteria considered a healthy thing in the right direction and may reduce the incidence of the outbreak is strong. probiotic foods are easily found in local grocery and country food stores throughout the region.

Siberian Ginseng is working to strengthen the immune system, but it should be with great caution by those suffering from high blood pressure, heart and circulatory problems are. It shouldbe avoided by pregnant women.

In addition to herbal remedies, it is important to keep track of proper nutrition and its role in the prevention and management of herpes outbreaks. If you are not getting your recommended amounts of essential vitamins and minerals in question, with a multivitamin supplement.

Pet Hair Removal

Monday, November 15, 2010

Swine flu symptoms

New swine flu virus from human influenza A (H1N1) is still very much in the news. Keiji Fukuda of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the chief said that the disease is 64 countries and 19 273 infected people so far achieved, resulting in 117 deaths.

Here is the list of countries most affected: the balance of 58 countries around the world

USA: 10,053
Mexico: 5029
Canada: 1,530
Australia: 501
Japan: 385
UK: 339

WHO isexplain in more detail about a global epidemic of influenza and influenza-like symptoms is currently under 5, but closer to 6 stages. Step 6 is the highest alert on the WHO scale. Tell the world what condition is a pandemic in humans, between humans, unlike bird flu reaches transferable, this is not yet.

So what are the symptoms? Some symptoms of lung infection sudden onset of fever, signs ofBronchitis, chronic cough or shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include headache, sore throat, tiredness, muscle aches, chills, sneezing, runny nose and loss of appetite. Some cases showed gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, nausea and diarrhea).

How is it spread swine flu? Influenza viruses and the mouth are the tiny particles can be spread by droplets which pass through the nose when coughing or sneezing. If youcoughing or sneezing without covering mouth and nose with a handkerchief, you can go down to the risk of others, they breathe in diffusion

Always failing cough or sneeze into a tissue and then me and then wash your hands thoroughly. When you cough or sneeze into your hands, germs and the spread of your hand to all surfaces that touch. everyday objects such as door handles, elevator buttons, computer keyboards, doorknobs, telephones and TV remote controls are all common surfaceswhere to stay influenza virus, sometimes for days. Then, when other people touch these surfaces and then their faces, may give germs, and their systems were infected.

When swine flu spreads, it is necessary to keep you informed and updated as the situation changes, check TV and radio, check for updates to my blog and give you up to date.

Pet Hair Removal

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How long H1N1 Minute and what you can do to prevent it?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

How long does it H1N1? Even if a relevant question, the answer is more open to disease is very complicated. And very personal. Sun Let's look at these aspects in order to try to answer your question.

First H1N1 strain of influenza is to do just that. They could also be called the 2009 flu. The H1N1 flu is a normal fluctuation of annual influenza. It is not serious, not more virulent than any strain of influenza.

Well, we hope you ask how longIs the flu last?

And that comes at you. No health problem, which can include all of the influenza strain ever a hold of you if you have a healthy immune system. An immune system a bit 'weak, the flu, but will be of short duration, even though symptoms may be accompanied by very intense.

A weakened immune deficiency not only get a hold of you the flu, it will take a bit 'long, although the symptoms can be very mild.

So thelabel of the disease, and the influenza strain is much less important than is currently accepted in mainstream thinking. What is the value more is the health of your immunity.

So how can you improve fast?

One of the quickest ways to treat your influence is good with homeopathic treatment. This is because homeopathy works by helping the immune system. Then heal. It can and must be fast.

One of the advantages of homeopathic treatment is thatLearn how to use some of the common home remedies. All kinds of problems can be treated with the common cold to influenza, a slight pain in case of infections and all types of injuries is serious, but always win.

Pet Hair Removal

Saturday, November 13, 2010

FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus)

FIV Feline immunodeficiency virus is a type of lentivirus that health is the ability to cause pet, the disease develops slowly and can severely compromise. The deadly disease is your cat, but also to contrast with studies that, even with this kind of a health problem, pet the cat could live for many years without the disease positive symptoms associated with it.

FIV occurs worldwide and is spread almost everywhere.More than 1.5% to 3% of affected cats were FIV in the United States alone. About 5% of FIV-positive cats suffer from some form of feline leukemia virus (FeLV). The feline immunodeficiency virus or FIV can cause a serious health problem in most domestic cats and even cheetahs. FIV is similar to that of the HIV virus or HIV in humans. This virus attacks the immune system and your catweaken to the point that he prone to different types of infections and serious illnesses. This virus is a serious health problem pet, you need to take care of when you see the symptoms. The main problem is that there is no cure as yet for the provision of IVF and there are vaccines that can prevent you gave your cat to an infection.

The risk factors that include in IVF:

1. Age of your cat
2. The gender of yourCat
3. The nature of the disease
4. The time spent outdoors your cat

FIV infected cats are usually older than the younger ones and cut the average age of each cat just 5 years. aggressive cats, especially males, often engage in fighting other cats have a problem of greater sensitivity, as all non-cat fight for the serious animal health.

Normally, the cats are sick or those who have this health problem pet is much weaker than the otherCats. According to a poll showed that shows almost 15% of all cats in the United States, a sort of clinical signs of FIV infection.

FIV is transmitted easily through deep bite wounds from cats. So if your cat has been involved in a fight, you should first check bite wounds, so you completely avoid animal health problem. There are other scenarios in which the virus IVF babies transferred to, or a cat, as a mother cat queenKitten and that can happen in pregnancy or through breast feeding. Like HIV, FIV transmitted by blood transfusion.

FIV is a deadly virus that affects only about cats and some other cats as the name. Some pathogens such as bacteria and parasites are responsible for the development of other infections that you have given your cat FIV-positive. This is considered a serious animal health problem, because the FIV virus from a cat can send yourfor people who can seriously compromise their immune system.

Pet Hair Removal

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sarcoidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Sarcoidosis (also called sarcoid or Besnier-Boeck's Disease) is a disease caused by inflammation. The disease can control all organs of the body in any position. The disease usually affects the lungs granulomas. Organ systems most frequently affected are the lymph nodes (especially intrathoracic nodes), skin, eyes, liver, heart and nervous system, muscles, kidneys and endocrine system. E 'characterized by granulomas (small rounded outgrowthsThe symptoms that result from blood vessels, cells and connective tissue) that can produce very different. It 'usually a chronic disease for several years or a lifetime. These small granulomas can grow and clump together, so that many large and small groups of lumps. If many granulomas form in an organ can affect the body works. The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. Symptoms can sometimes appear suddenly, often, but do not appear more gradually. When viewingX-ray images of the lungs, can cause the appearance of tuberculosis or sarcoidosis lymphoma. In most cases, these granulomas clear, with or without treatment.

Sarcoidosis almost always occurs in more than one organ at a time. Sarcoidosis is not a form of cancer. If you do not have signs or symptoms of sarcoidosis or just waiting and-see approach may be appropriate. There are a variety of granulomatous disease similar to sarcoidosis, includingTuberculosis. Pulmonary sarcoidosis can cause loss of lung volume (the amount of air the lungs can hold) and abnormal lung stiffness. It is more common in people of African descent than Caucasians, as seen in the first place the people of northern European descent, in this case. It occurs worldwide in every race. The similarity of tuberuculosis has led to speculation that sarcoidosis is due to an infectious organism. It occurs most often in adults between 20 and 40. Drugs, Increased Th1 response, such as interferon have been reported to trigger or exacerbate sarcoidosis. Recently, the oncogene's expressed -1 has been determined that in people with skin diseases such as sarcoidosis are granulomatous much. Granulomas may decrease the number, when sarcoidosis is spontaneous, or contain, if it responds to treatment.

Causes of Sarcoidosis

The most common causes and risk factor for sarcoidosis include:

The cause of sarcoidosis exectis not known.

A respiratory infection caused by a virus.

A poisonous substance.

Environmental causes.

A congenital or genetic factor.

Exposure to toxins or allergens.

Non-infectious agents, such as aluminum, zirconium, talc, pine pollen, and clay.

The symptoms of sarcoidosis

Some sign and symptoms associated with sarcoidosis are as follows:

Shortness of breath.

The skin problems.



Mild chest pain.


Weight loss.

Small red bumps on the face, arms and buttocks, a condition more common in blacks than whites.

Dry cough.

Night sweats.

The treatment of sarcoidosis

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of sarcoidosis:

Sarcoidosis is usually first treated with steroids.

Drugs called corticosteroids are the most common treatment used in fighting sarcoidosis.

Radiation has also been used forthe treatment of burn injuries.

Patients may be advised following a diet low in calcium and avoid sunlight and vitamin D are prepared.

Prednisone if symptoms do not improve the immune system agents such as methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine, chlorambucil, hydroxychloroquine or other may also be used.

Antibiotic therapy has been reported effective in the lung, lymph and cutaneous manifestations of sarcoidosis.

Eye and skin damage can be handledwith topical corticosteroids (eye drops, creams or injections). have laser surgery in the treatment of disfiguring skin plaques and lupus Perniö used.

Pet Hair Removal

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Corona virus disease in dogs

Sometimes an illness of short duration also leave a dog in pain and discomfort. Coronavirus disease is such an animal health problem, the dog that attacks the intestines, even if only for a short time. Coronavirus disease is also known as the name of the Crown and the virus causes the disease appears to be a ring which, when viewed in an electron microscope projections, therefore, to look like a crown.

How coronavirus is transmitted disease?

This diseasetransferable and can be passed in the feces and saliva of an infected dog to a healthy dog. The virus is in the chair and saliva of the dog for the duration of infection or may be 1-2 weeks. Typically, the site can get pet health affected when it comes into contact with an infected dog in a crowded or unhealthy. Incubation of the virus 1-5 days after taking the clinical phase.

What are the main signs ofcoronavirus disease?

In general, the corona virus disease or a mild transient infection in most cases. Only pups of young people suffer from infections and epidemics, serious in nature. Many times, a mixture of infections caused by viruses, such as the nature of coronavirus with parvovirus can be very dangerous and cause discomfort. Pet Health can be a cause for concern particularly when their health, diarrhea is attacked by the unexpected outbreak of coronavirususually leads to lethargy and loss of appetite. The manure is orange with a thin consistency and a bad smell. Sometimes, even the infected animal poop with blood / mucus. During coronavirus disease, pet health is an important requirement.

How can the coronavirus disease diagnosed?

Pet health is susceptible to various causes that lead to diarrhea. extreme cases of viral diseases are confused with other Corona virusesDiseases such as parvovirus disease. Pet health veterinarian must take the dog to see if the diarrhea is more than twenty hours hours or results in a complete loss of appetite and lethargy.

What is the treatment for coronavirus disease?

While there is no specific treatment for coronavirus, antibiotics are an aid in controlling some secondary infections caused by bacteria. Fortunately, the small dog pet health be restored by the slow release Amount of food, 24 hours after the arrest diarrhea. To rehydrate the body, so that the infusion may help. More importantly, a comprehensive pet health care, get an early diagnosis can be done to help treat extreme cases of this disease.

There are coronavirus vaccines?

Coronavirus vaccines for diseases of dogs have been developed in recent years. More and more now with veterinary vaccines for immunization programs regularly. These vaccines restore pet> Health and constitute an important part of routine health care of animals, but the vaccine should be administered only under medical supervision.

If you suspect that your pet have a lot of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian immediately, treatment of this disease is essential for the health and animal welfare.

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The H1N1 virus - Facts about a possible pandemic

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Influenza H1N1 is a virus that attacks the human immune system and can cause serious secondary illnesses. In extreme cases, the victim dies. This influence is named after a type of virus that affects pigs. Course of swine influenza virus similar to the infected pigs. The H1N1 is the official symbol of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the virus name is derived from the medical terms hemagglutinin and neuraminidase type 1 type.

It 'been aMisconception that contract H1N1 pig to be taken and as the name is derived from the animal, cooked sausages are sure to be eaten.

The influenza virus is transmitted from person to person like any other type of influenza virus. It is possible contaminated surfaces, infecting virus particles into the room to avoid contact with infected people or objects. For this reason, it is not enough simply to wear a surgical mask alone - you shouldThoroughly clean your hands often, so you do not catch the virus. H1N1 can survive for days on the tissues for 12 hours and less porous surfaces for about a second emphasis is unusual face masks because it avoids touching the objects, but you can not avoid breathing the air around you.

If someone starts to show that H1N1 influenza symptoms regularly. These people have a fever and sore throat. These people can not breathe in the correct position andcan be a headache. In most cases, are cold and may vomit.

For health professionals in pandemic areas or working in close proximity to the affected victims, form the best barrier against air pollution, as the special fibers neutralize the virus and the sieve.

The virus is usually spread through the air, should alleviate the overcrowding in areas where accidents are reported. You are not a part of emergencythese areas then you should stay away from those places.

There are many types of N95 masks are used to prevent infection. The type you choose depends largely on your personal situation and how comfortable you will wear them. You should look for style, 2 for fastening belt must go to the head. There are also those with an adjustable nose bridge. There is another, a check valve, so you have to breathe more easily. Another guy has his ear.

E 'are many ways to treat the flu virus. The most common type is the use of antiviral drugs like Tamiflu. Some victims are infected can recover without the need for medication at all. A serious effort is made to a vaccine, so that people can be effectively protected, but that could take months to develop, as studies are still ongoing.

In the possible event of an outbreak of swine flu virus, you must keep calm and keep abreast of updates of the government. Follow theInstructions, where health and away from crowded places.

Pet Hair Removal

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foreclosures and West Nile Virus

The number of "bank owned" and "foreclosure" signs in your area are likely to be depressing, especially when it refers to people who know and care about. The problem can lead to a form of degradation of the neighborhood, as are the homes and yards well kept rare.

There is a problem: you can not have thought ... Backyard pools and debris that has standing water. Mosquitoes love this kind of environment is perfect for their eggs for the next generation of productionitching parasites. These mosquitoes can transmit diseases, and often is submerged in particular, the West Nile virus.

In some areas, you can get a little warning that the problem occurs. West Nile attacks of birds, and often fall dead for no apparent reason, physically. If you happen to see this phenomenon, immediately call the vector control.

Most people are familiar with the disease has never been able to get it, have no symptoms. There are two groups ofSymptoms that may occur and, again, many people have the smaller sets. Twenty percent have one, fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen glands and fatigue. Some also feel pain in your eyes or a rash.

A percentage of the population to develop severe symptoms. Swelling of the membranes of the brain and spine are possible, including paralysis, severe headache, drowsiness and coma. A severe headache, neck stiffness, tremors and confusion are also possible.

Mild effects of West Nileusually very own in a few days without medical care. As you can see from the symptoms of heavy duty, medical care is necessary and likely to stay in the hospital to get over it.

Blood tests can determine if West Nile is the problem. You can also request a spinal tap and an electroencephalogram, test your brain activity if you develop more serious symptoms. This allows physicians to prescribe drugs they know what to get you. Thoserequire some minor symptoms usually only over the counter painkillers and plenty of fluids.

One thing you have to do is prevention. If you are a free house, which is not borne much to talk about in the city and in which the concerns of standing water. They have the records and find out who is responsible for the construction, maintenance so that they know. You may also want control of the carrier, since they can go see the property for mosquitoes.

Pet Hair Removal

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The prevention of swine influenza

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Swine flu, H1N1, or influenza A virus in 2009 - no matter what we call the flu, you do not want to take this year. Since October 2008, Center for Disease Control has characterized America more than 2,100 seasonal flu viruses, and almost 500 cases of H1N1 in the United States. Just this last week, the CDC reported an influenza associated pediatric death, that death was infection with the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus. Whateverparticular kind of influence you try to avoid, there are many small decisions can make on a daily basis to reduce the risk of influenza. According to the CDC, the spread of the H1N1 virus 2009 is the same way as seasonal flu. Flu viruses spread mainly through coughing or sneezing by the public. Occasionally, some also become infected by touching something, like an object or a surface with flu viruses and then touching yourNose or mouth. The most important steps that should be taken to prevent, for seasonal influenza or H1N1, will include the mouth when sneezing or coughing, wash your hands and a healthy diet.

The doctors were trained to cough into the sleeve. This is a wonderful, the practice of health promotion, more people should try to embrace. Everyone could stand to be a bit 'more considered and careful when sneezing or coughing in public. Only you turn your head toSide and cough on your shoulder is not enough to stop the spread of germs. As the H1N1 flu virus most other contagious and 2009, we should make every effort to spread the seeds that fall. The CDC has proposed two options to cover our coughs and help in the fight against the spread of germs. First, try to cover coughs and mouth with a handkerchief, then immediately throw away the tissue. If you can not grab a cloth or paper towel fast enough to cough inthe sleeve of his arm. The CDC recommends not to cough or sneeze into your hand. That makes perfect sense, because when you sneeze into your hands, for example, just more used to spread these germs in your body would have more potential to spread germs sneezing into the air.

Speaking of germs on hands, it is extremely important to wash your hands regularly, especially after coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Asatisfactory hand washing, is to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. The water should be warm but not hot enough that it is burning or discomfort. The warm water helps to fight germs. The use of soap and a scrub hard on your hands for 20 seconds to continue to kill bacteria. Try to scrub between your fingers and the fingertips under the nail. A good way to make sure it is to wash their hands for a long enough perioda short song for the children to sing the ABC. Children's songs last about 20 seconds and provides a fun way your time.

A healthy food choices is another great way to avoid the flu. There are many ways to strengthen the immune system and help the flu was gone. Eating alkaline foods is a great immune-booster, because they are anti-inflammatory. antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables are excellent prevention of chronic infection. If youTheir food more alkaline, try to eat more lean meat, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Add green tea, extra virgin olive oil and drink plenty of water to flush harmful toxins are also recommendations for combating the flu.

Obviously prevent the flu is much easier to treat. So be careful and limit unnecessary exposure to germs potentially covered surfaces. Cough into tissues, wash hands and eat foods with antioxidants. While theseRemedy seems obvious, sometimes they forget to east. It 'very important to make healthy decisions in influenza season, especially with the threat of the H1N1 virus in the face again. Make sure your protective measures adopted today, tomorrow and every day.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Swine influenza H1N1 Influenza Primer - A straight forward, non-technical summary

We all have) the amount includes an on Swine Flu (H1N1 virus in the news recently because of all the hype and fragmented reporting, there are still plenty of confusion. What follows is a short, easy to read information about the disease summary this is what more or less hysteria and excitement.

The 2009 virus is an H1N1 influenza virus was first identified in April 2009 and is highly contagious, especially among young people. It is devastating impact is expected to last well into 2010 and possibly the next deadly pandemic seriously. E 'swine flu was reported in each of the states in the U.S. and all its territories, based on more than 1 million cases, but the number of clinically confirmed cases are actually much lower. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently raised the threat level for stage 6, which means that a pandemic. This means that the> The Swine Flu is contagious reach a state of "easily from person to person." Step 6, it seems appropriate, because most countries have reported H1N1 in the world of its most recent cases.

The flu has spread to swine influenza unusual in a way far more people with the disease in the autumn and winter season as seen with the usual. Furthermore, it seems to strike young, healthyChildren and young adults, and there are many cases pending less than 64 swine flu in adults over the Internet. As the influence in recent years, however, seems to be spreading H1N1 to contact the old fashion way by coughing, sneezing and direct. Therefore, we have seen spikes in the population living nearby, classrooms, dormitories and the like. Patients with chronic illnesses and pregnant women seems to be the greatest risk for catastrophic illness as a result areH1N1 contraction. The CDC has estimated that over 40% of the U.S. population could be affected by swine flu this season, and that includes health care. You can see why there is so much fuss about this disease.

The symptoms of swine flu similar to seasonal flu:

Limb pain
Neck pain
some people are getting diarrhea and vomiting, and

So why is it sofatal? Patients who have contracted the H1N1 often have severe symptoms and complications from the virus, a medical condition or disease well controlled, something deadly and uncontrollable. severe asthma, respiratory problems and pneumonia are common causes of swine flu death.

A carrier of H1N1 will be contagious for a day before symptoms start and up to 7 days after finally sick. If you get the flu, or seasonalif not, and if the symptoms under control at home, stay home and contact with others. Do this while the best and for a week of feeling bad, without symptoms or fever. Hand washing and general hygiene is extremely important to protect yourself and your family from the flu. This is especially true for children of school age.

The H1N1 influenza vaccine is distributed. But because it is new andLimited Time Offer, is reserved for persons to identify the highest risk. This high-risk population has been designated a "priority group" and consists of health workers, pregnant women, caregivers of children, people 6Mo to 24 years, and someone with a chronic health condition.

E 'is anti-viral drug Tamiflu in the news and 2 are thought to be effective against swine flu, Relenza. These drugs prevent viralReplication after a person is already infected. Unlike vaccines, antivirals, these are not preventive. They simply shorten the duration of the disease and symptoms must be specified with the first 48 hours after onset.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Care for patients with influenza

workers swine flu has been a significant amount of media attention in recent months in healthcare and the public in preparation for the next wave of infection of flu to hit the United States

Understand how the flu virus can cause infection in the body and symptoms may increase the resulting possibilities for early detection of the virus emerge to minimize possible complications.

There are a lot of articles onWeb game now that the media attention swine flu. These articles emphasize the risk of contracting swine influenza, the mortality rates in countries with little health care and the need to protect the public from this influence.

But what is a virus? How does a virus? Since it is on us sick?
It 'nice to know that the rates of mortality and the risk of the virus, but we have an idea of what to expect whenContracted a virus. Knowing how the virus infection and cause cellular damage to the body is a reference to us ways we can prevent the virus from attacking us in the future.

We also need to know the symptoms of a viral infection. Just to inform people that infection with influenza virus is not a good risk. People need to understand the symptoms of flu, if it expresses the consensus of the pigs, and symptoms ofpossible complications of influenza, the need to be searched.

Viruses are basically just a collection of genetic information in a protective layer that uses a host cell to multiply collected. How do they see negative effects in the body that we, as a disease.

There are several types of viruses out there, but the flu virus tends to get the most attention. It may hurt us like a dog you chills, headache, muscle aches and general miseryWeeks at a time. We try to prevent the flu by washing our hands during his stay in flu season, and take our flu vaccine as soon as they become available.

So why not always effectively vaccinated against influenza? What is the swine flu, which is so terrible? How can we prevent this disease? Is there anything I can do what we've dealt with swine flu, if we captured? Who is at risk for this disease?

Here again the media attention has beenwhere death rates in the 3rd world countries, complications from the flu, and the rising panic of the people think that they are at risk of contracting the flu. There are also signs warning passengers at airports in the risk of influenza swine. But we really understand you know?

There are some items that I found detailed information on the processes used to make a virus to a host cell, the way in which we infected patient, and provides good information forthose who are at risk of contracting the virus and those who are already in the diseased area. They are also going on the hunt for an effective vaccine against swine flu and discussion with the government is discussing the issue of vaccine safety test without the typical. Check it out if you want to learn more!

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The treatment of West Nile virus with high quality grass S. John

West Nile virus, although new to the United States is
well documented. The Centers for Disease Control
identified as a flavivirus, a member of
Togavirus family. It is closely related with the yellow
Fever and dengue fever. This is important because
togavirus family are encapsulated viruses,
ie, they are having a lipid (fat) covered

This is exciting because it means that the virus
Internet on treatment with highQuality St.
Grass S. John (St. John's wort). Several studies have been conducted
on a variety of enveloped viruses, including
Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, Parainfluenza
Virus, Vaccinia virus, cytomegalovirus and other
Retroviruses, including HIV-1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10

Virus non-encapsulated or "naked" viruses were
for comparison purposes10 examined 13

St. John's wort is a potent anti-viral drugs in a varietyof
encapsulated virus families, but did not show
Activity against naked viruses.

Unlike a vaccine that is specific to each
SJW is active against encapsulated organisms
Viruses from a variety of mechanisms, including
Light activation, interference with DNA
Transcription, the impairment of the assembly of intact
viral particles and the lipophilic (fat loving)
Type of ring structures (the quinone and
phenolic groups) 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15
These structures are essential for biological ring
Activity of SJW.

From these results it is reasonable to use high
Quality, SJW pharmaceutical grade in the fight
West Nile virus, as there is no effective
active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Quality is critical since the level of hypericin
and pseudo-hypericin are
Button. I can only recommend the SJW product
produced by Medi-Herb, which is a drug
House in Australia, comparedPharma
Production rules. The product is
distributed by Standard Process by
Alternative medical care, including
Doctors of chiropractic, acupuncturists and
Veterinarians. SJW is quite unstable and
Active ingredients degrade on store shelves. A
independent analysis of three products (all
have been certified to contain 0.3% hypericin) were
shown that much variation, with a product of 25%
under the label. E 'is of crucial importance
phytochemical that the integrity of the whole
system are retained for a maximum efficacy.16

1Andersen DO, Weber ND, Wood SG et al. Antiviral
Res 1991, 16 (2): 185-196.
2Lopez-Bazzocchi I, Hudson JB, Towers GHN.
Photochem.Photopbiol. 1991, 54 (1): 95-98.
3Moraleda G, Wu TT, Jilbert AR et al. Antiviral
Res 1993, 20: 235-247.
4Tang J, Colacino JM, Larsen SH et al. Antiviral
Res 1990, 13 (6): 313-325.
5Hudson JB,Harris L, Towers GHN. Antiviral Res
1993, 20 (2) :173-178.
6Lenard J, Rabson A, Vanderoef R. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 1993, 90 (1): 158-162.
7Degar D, Prince AM, Pascual D et al. AIDS Res Hum
Retroviruses 1992, 8 (11): 1929-1936.
8Carpenter S, Kraus GA. Photochem Photobiol 1991;
53 (2): 169-174.
9Lavie G, Valentine F, Levin B et al. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 1989, 86 (15): 5963-5967.
10Meruelo D, Lavie G, Lavie D et al. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 1988, 85 (14):5230-5234.
11Kraus GA, Pratt D, Tössbergland J et al. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun 1990; 172 (1): 149-153.
12Takahashi I, Nakanishi S, Kobayashi E et al.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1989; 165 (3):
13GB Witte P, Agostini P, Van Lint J et al.
Biochem Pharmacol 1993, 46 (11): 1929-1936.
14Panossian AG, Gabrielian E, V Manvelian et al.
Phytomed 1996, 3 (1): 19-28.
15Lavie G, Mazur Y, Lavie D et al. Transfusion
1995, 35 (5): 392-400.
16ConstantineGH, J. changes in Karchesy
concentrations of hypericin in Hypericum perforatum
L. and commercial products. Pharmaceuticals
Biology 1998, 36 (5): 365-367.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

With the spread of swine fever? The contact between humans of the H1N1 virus Explained

Image : http://www.flickr.com

With the spread of swine fever? That is the question in the minds of many people like the H1N1 virus will spread further. Currently the disease from person to person contact is transferred. If someone coughs or sneezes, but the particles that emit the virus content. If you touch something that is all particles and then touching their mouth or nose, you get the flu.

If someone you know, H1N1, should be particularly careful to avoid any physicalTransfer fluid.

But I do not know if people get to have daily contact with. During 5500 Americans were hospitalized and 363 died of the disease, is the fact that many people who come down with him, think they have the traditional influence. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 40 percent of Americans fall so in the next two years so that it is a bit 'too concerned.

The problem is that someone with onlymild symptoms of the disease to another step, a more serious person will develop. In fact, in one of the first deaths in the United States, took an active deputy in a school's disease, some students who have traveled to Mexico was spring break. The students had only mild symptoms.

To minimize the possibility that fall with the swine flu, wash your hands often with soap and water. Wash for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing vigorously. You should also avoidAvoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Remember to be contacted by one person to another, such as the influenza virus is transmitted, and, if possible, to minimize contact with people who are affected. If you get sick, you owe it to the people around you and the public to stay home from work or school. Also cover the mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and immediately dispose of the tissues. Wash your hands immediately. Finally, if you fall ill, disinfect surfaces are common. That in aIn short, it answers the question "What is transmitted swine flu?"

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Swine flu source

There are various theories about the origin of the swine fever and swine influenza in the debate this time is an unstoppable train. It is not surprising, given that in recent months has dominated the front pages.

Here is another problem, as often happens when an object is dominated by the news online and offline, in core discussion often goes astray and, worse, to find the additions and omissions unskilled or otherwise find their way into the debate.

You will receive aThe point of being unreliable sources are cited, and sometimes the most important sources are far left.

Part of the problem of determining the source of influence appears to be widespread, as it spreads beyond the speed with which. The virus can easily cross continents very quickly, making it difficult to contain.

One thing we know for sure, the swine influenza virus in pigs and first time that the first pig was limited and was notcontagious to humans. For decades, outbreaks of swine flu, then was suddenly restricted driver pigs cattle, pigs and other farm workers who had close contact with pigs pigs sick with flu-like symptoms.

The virus that had entered the body of pigs for workers, then attacked the host immune system and, after extensive scientific research has been given to the pigs - and so the swine fluinfluenza virus had changed and adapted to transmit to humans.

It was only a matter of time before the general population would be infected - and this is where we are today!

Scientists are still working all day to determine the source and origin of the virus http://thehomebusinessventure.com/swineflu.html] influenza virus [but is a true work in progress.

In the meantime, do not speculate with fuel sourcesfire panic we do?

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