Friday, September 10, 2010

The secret way to protect against swine influenza virus

The swine flu or H1N1 virus has extended to each of many countries in the world that seems to have happened inexorably to panic, what will be. For what happens when strains rise to new start and seem to focus contagious infection. World Health Organisation (WHO) has redefined the word pandemic. "The definition, people who changed the disease kills one million people in one of the millions that could infect. There aresome different ways to search this action.

Which could change their definitions to help pharmaceutical companies? This is possible. Pharmaceutical companies worldwide exert much influence and power, and are certainly in the business of selling drugs to as many people as possible. Preventing the creation or marketing of drugs, possible infection with a disease, would surely be to their advantage for the spread of a pandemic of any kind. The H1N1Vaccine was a suspect in all, considering that they have a very good track record of population groups at high risk. This vaccine is most effective for particular individuals, have a natural immunity and disease resistance, adults in good health. WHO can facilitate the application of a vaccine to be effective and will require extensive studies to demonstrate the least.

The other way to watch shows of this pandemic is that the swine influenza virus or another could be a precursorto something even bigger. The focus on swine flu can distract us from something far more deadly as the Spanish flu. This focus is typical of western medical thinking. Treating symptoms and not the cause of the disease. Interestingly, it is known that animal diseases in the race, which spread quickly on the population living close knit. Is it a coincidence that the last two world pandemic alarms from the two animals kept in close contact slaughter pigs and birds?Or that people in prison or high-density urban areas, the disease just as quickly? My hope is that be not paid in the future, the same effort and attention for the cause of the disease and treat only the symptoms of a pandemic.

It 'very important to note when we hear all the news about pandemics hysterical that the best way to prevent illness is to wash your hands, cover your mouth and avoid densely populated areas. With these simple things you immediately reduce youroverall risk. Fortunately for the use in developed countries, it is very easy to do these things. These are the weapons that each man should employ against all viruses, even a pandemic.

It should also be considered important for a healthy body fights a disease better than the unhealthy. Reduce or eliminate the stress of moving regularly, eating a healthy and balanced diet and remain well supplied with moisture. This will be set at an optimal level of energy to avert anyThe nature of the disease that comes your way. Overall balanced healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude should be ignored as immunity boosters. replicate injection or pill can not really healthy.

The last key issue to remember when you panic on the face of global pandemics Is that the WHO and other health monitoring agencies dealing in disaster management. You are responsible for the dissemination of information and medicine in case ofCrisis level pandemic. To facilitate a better response to their reliability and availability of these organizations pandemic itself, when it is necessary to develop Any situation, how to treat a global problem as possible. In this way, you create situations like Those that occurred during Hurricane Katrina in New New Orleans itself, not as a place to go, how to get there to Avoid knew what they were or Who Should Should give the orders. It may seem at times asThese organizations are the creation and production of Bergen mole hill, but are, in essence, prepare, and to assist in the best way, that if they are actually needed.

The best action and advice on virus diseases that sweep the globe time to time, of himself every day, not just the days when you are afraid of being sick. Be sure to treat yourself, the body and maintain a positive attitude. With a holistic view ofOwn health, you can be an equilibrium state to be live, as the largest type of immunity against diseases ... Our ultimate weapon: a natural, healthy and balanced immune system.

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