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the first cases of A / H1N1 influenza virus emerged in 2009 in the month of April, it was believed that the flu strain has emerged Mexico a. By the end of June, when the tests have ended America confirmation of Mexican origin, a new theory suggests that A / H1N1 in Asia and North America have been transported inadvertently was a people carrier on unaware. But probably not the case. Instead, it is likely, though unconfirmed, that A / H1N1GM is a creature that originated in the United States, in a laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, has avoided the accident by a kind of contamination.
The proof of this scenario is compelling:
1. A / H1N1 epidemic, Institute of Molecular Virology (IMV) have had the opportunity to Bock Labs (managed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison) The production of vaccines has been involved in a study for the transmission capacity. This study involvedReverse genetic engineering of a tissue sample from a deceased woman, Intuit Spanish flu, which had up to 50 million people killed during 1918/19 pandemic was dead was drawn.
2. The A / current version of H1N1 is a highly unusual virus has never seen, combining genetic material from North American human, avian, swine flu and swine flu Eurasian. [1] Such a combination is unprecedented, never found the status in pigs, birds or humansare for The Associated Press, and probably unlikely, of course, have arisen. If that does not close relatives of the load current, and we are the mission of the Israeli army - should be taken by the artificial creation of genetic engineering offers the best explanation - virology research and management training at the molecular level.
3. Retired Australian researcher Adrian Gibbs, who played a leading role in the development of Tamiflu ®, a powerful anti-influenza drug, theorized May 12 2009 that the new strain A / H1N1 studies probably escaped from a laboratory setting, because it showed the characteristics of "putting on" accelerated evolution ", as what happens when the growth of influenza virus to try to adapt to the eggs in the vaccine [2 ]. Although the World Health Organisation (WHO) has quickly ruled out Gibbs' theory, sir, the next day, it is unlikely that enough studies completed in just 24 hours could be completed for the survey.
4. For A /existence> H1N1 was firmly established in 2009 in the United States May 10 Wisconsin and Illinois had almost one third of the country. California, Texas, New York, Illinois and Michigan, also in July 2008 compared to a population of 36,755,666, 24,326,974, 19,490,297, 12,901,563 and 10,003,422 respectively - Since then, Wisconsin has been consistent in the nation, despite its population of 5,627,967 in July 2008 estimates, compared to the largest based outside. By June 12, 2009, had as a dispersionLocated in Wisconsin and Illinois still account for more than a quarter of cases in the United States. Demographically, this excessive workload makes little sense. However, when Madison, WI is considered as a starting point, the workload of the two states irrefutable evidence of the creation of the virus. For A / H1N1 probably escape immediately IMV (affects the urban environment and close to local including Illinois, because a significant number of commuters Wisconsinites in this stateday) before spreading to Mexico (probably been sent by the UP National Pork Granja Carroll have plants located in La Gloria, where the first case at H1N1 believed to be one of, a subsidiary of American-based Smithfield Foods), other parts of the U.S. and, ultimately, much of the rest of the world.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Reports:
05/10/2009: Wisconsin: 357 cases (14.1% of national workload), Illinois: 466 cases (18.4% ofnational workload)
12/06/2009: Wisconsin: 3008 cases (16.8% of national workload), Illinois: 1983 cases (11.1% of national workload)
5. To date, swine flu, the A / H1N1 pandemic version of 2009 were found not to theories endemic swine population worldwide discount natural mutation and the first pig-to-human transmitted. In addition, the pig population in Wisconsin are not positive for haunts the novel A / H1N1 strain, which is currently theWorld.
6. Words and actions point to the previous knowledge. Already on the 25th April 2009, when the new A / H1N1 strain was officially established officially only in three countries (11 cases), a top CDC, Dr. Anne Schuchat said: "I do not think we can contain the spread of these virus. We "From 28. Decided in April, 2009 Vice President Joseph Biden of Mexico in quarantine citing the limited use, like (64 cases in 5 states) "the swine influenza virus [is] already penetrated many states." An immediate quarantinethe news of the outbreak of the H1N1 A / Mexico has emerged as a likely April 23, 2009 was not implemented because the CDC and senior officials of the U.S. government had already alarmed by the accidental release of IDF confirmed infections and consistent and unreported. A little sense of quarantine, since the cases are rapidly developing in the United States and why such a move would have probably got suspicious when these cases were subsequently confirmed and reported.
7. Championsnew A / H1N1 virus, the CDC had already at the entrance of Mexican champions. Pro CDC virologist Ruben Donis in an interview), led by Science Direct (published April 29, 2009 - The CDC had completed the sequencing of the novel A / H1N1 strain or two weeks before April 15, 2009 - three days before Mexican officials sample Headquartered in Atlanta swabs sent for testing.
On the basis of the facts cited convincing, conclusive evidence that the outbreak ofA / H1N1 influenza virus that led to the declaration of a pandemic that first in 41 years, was produced synthetically and, probably, WI can be traced back to the lab in Madison IMV. Consequence of the lack of moderate risk-based A / H1N1, the characteristics and potential threat, especially to a generation whose immune system has never yet borne a pandemic and pre-existing conditions (asthma and other respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart problems, diseases and pregnancy, callfew), whose immune systems are ill prepared or equipped to recognize and fight the novel strain or need to be taken seriously. Right now, this is done is not (eg New York City Department of Health said on its website as late as June 25, 2009 - "Most cases of influenza-like illness should not be tested for ' H1N1, "even though the flu season has gone for the summer, the failure to isolate suspected cases, secondaryThe infection, etc..) Continued failure to do so, can vary from 1 million (based on a mortality rate of 0.25% on the current WHO that could be infected up to one third of the population estimates in the world) 25 million or more dead, because people are treated much more disease (developed after serious complications) and / or if the virus mutates into a form more deadly than the death rate + 1%, who has exhibited in Argentina , a country that has just enteredWinter season.
[1] Donald G. McNeil, Jr. A New Theory, steps swine influenza in Asia and Mexico. The New York Times. 24. June 2009.
[2] Who flu experts claim swine flu laboratory developed by looking at 12. May 2009. 24. June 2009.
additional source
Wayne Madsen. Hybrid A / H1N1 version linked to genetic trigger for larger, changed. Online magazine. 24. June2009th 24. June 2009.
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