Thursday, September 30, 2010

As you and your family to protect against the bird flu virus!

Avian influenza is an infection caused by avian influenza (Bird) cause influenza (flu) virus. These influenza viruses among birds in nature. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in the intestines, but usually do not get sick of them. However, the highly contagious avian influenza in birds and may have some domesticated birds, including ducks, turkeys and chickens, which makes them very sick and kill them.

Avian influenza viruses do not normally infect people, but several cases of human infection with avian influenzaThe viruses have occurred since 1997.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has a prophetic warning in December 2004. It claimed that if the bird flu has caused the next pandemic, the virus probably came from Asia. This seems to be a harsh reality. From September 2005 a total of 63 people died in Southeast Asia. 11 countries have fallen victim, as more and more people are infected and hospitalized.

"No government, no head of state to be takenunexpectedly, "said the Director-General Lee Jong-Wook." It 's very important for us all to be ready to ... "

He advised the countries in the event of pandemic stockpiling antiviral drugs and their placement in high-risk areas for the preparation, intensify efforts in vaccine development and planning for the massive economic and social disintegration.

Remember, governments and industrial companies are rich buying and storing supplies quickly known antiviral drugs. It is advisable to start protecting His family now ordering medications such as Tamiflu ®, as pharmaceutical companies, warning that stocks are rapidly running out.

commercially sold as influenza Laboratories Inc.), the promise of showing against the H5N1 influenza virus - virus and manufactured by Roche, Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir studies with mice. The bird flu drug significantly increased the survival rate of infected.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of> Health (NIH), funded this research in mice mid - 2005 and the results are published online in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. British researchers reported finding H5N1 flu virus in the cerebrospinal fluid of a boy who died of influenza in Vietnam in early 2005, indicating that the H5N1 virus can infect the human brain.

The symptoms of avian influenza in humans have evolved from the typical flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, cough, sore throat and muscle) to eye infections, presentedPneumonia, severe respiratory diseases (such as acute respiratory distress) and other serious complications and life-threatening. The symptoms of avian influenza may depend on which virus caused the infection.

Infected birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. susceptible birds become infected when in contact with contaminated secretions or surfaces contaminated with excretions are. It is believed that most cases of avian influenza infection inThe people passed through contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces.

The H5N1 virus currently infecting birds in Asia, the disease is caused by man, and death is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, two antiviral drugs commonly used for influenza. Two other antiviral drugs, Oseltamavir (Tamiflu ®) and Zanamavir demonstrated success in the battle to treat the influenza virus H5N1 by. continue their studies and research.

"In 1999, the United StatesFood and Drug Administration, these two new effective drugs approved to treat influenza A and influenza B. These drugs block called neuraminidase inhibitors, are the normal function of viral neuraminidase (Source: NFID).

Tamiflu ® (Roche Laboratories Inc.) and Relenza ® (Glaxo Wellcome) are both classified as neuraminidase inhibitors, and this protects you and your family.

The antiviral drug Tamiflu ® was prescribed more often thanall others during the last year (2004) the influenza season. E 'for the treatment of influenza in patients 1 year and older, the symptoms were not more than 2 days specified.

It attacks the influenza virus and stops the spread in the body. Tamiflu ® is influenza at its source by attacking the virus that causes the flu, rather than simply masking symptoms.

This is anti-viral drugs for prevention of influenza in adults and adolescents given 13 yearsolder.

Get in touch with your doctor and ask if Tamiflu ® is right for you, for the treatment or prevention of influenza. These drugs can be ordered online.

Tamiflu ® - The first known antiviral known to be effective against bird flu. A tablet that is taken orally twice daily for 5 days. Must be used within 48 hours of symptom onset.

Relenza ® - The second known antiviral known to be effective against bird flu. Inhaled as a powder twice daily for 5 days.A special device called DISKHALER is provided with the drug.

Finally, the best methods to protect you and your family, is that after taking advice from your physician, you are vaccinated. The purchase of antiviral drugs and make sure you understand the new free-three minutes to the procedures of cold and flu drugs, research has discovered by doctors after an accident with the polio virus.

Stay updated with information available online for free superby S. Food U. and Drug Administration (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Please remember, this article is provided for general information only and should not be treated as professionals to replace the care of your medical doctor, physician or other health problems. The author is not responsible for any diagnosis by a user based on the content of thisArticle.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HIPAA Security Compliance - protects confidential patient information Health Information

Strict compliance with the HIPAA security standards, make it imperative that all facilities such as hospitals, insurance companies, health insurance, billing, insurance plans and medical personnel strictly observe this information to the laws regarding the safe transfer and storage of confidential patient health. To achieve this HIPAA Security Compliance is required, some measures taken to implement specified below:

Set up physical security measures:

Computer networks play adecisive role in the preservation, processing and exchange of medical data of patients between units of different health systems. Physical access to important information securely through the following steps:

Create and implement a policy that allows only limited people's access to confidential data and confidence of patients' health.

Installation of workstations and PCs in the security zone of the plant, and is accessible only by authorized personnel. Appliancessuch as computers, printers and photocopiers, fax machines should be so that the authorized personnel of the United Nations is not medical data of patients.

All computer programs should avoid the use of passwords and user ID, the unauthorized access to protect. Passwords must be handled safely, so that unauthorized persons do not have access to them.

A security system must be in place to manage passwords efficiently and ensure the security of health information about patientswhen employees change positions or leave the organization someone.

All storage devices, backup tapes and computer systems must be considered and a log book should be properly maintained.

All paper documents containing health information patient information, but not necessarily in the office must be destroyed so that no other agency that can put your hands.

Improving the security of computer network

It 'necessary to keep a record ofHardware and software installed on your system to understand their role in the treatment of health information about patients secure. The risk analysis should be to create a flowchart of the process work so that the shortcomings of the system are identified and removed to be made. The computer network should be protected from attack by viruses or hacking by some measure of security is to:

Install appropriate gateway security solutions, which has the ability to inspect in-depthWeb content filtering and junk items such as software and a debilitating virus.

Anti-virus solutions, digital signatures, firewalls must be in place to negate any threat online.

procedure to follow proper encryption during the transmission of physiological data vital to the agency network in the public network. The information must be strongly encrypted to protect against unauthorized access or to protect catch.

The security system must be continuallyMonitor your network for suspicious activity and alert the management of adverse deviation from the standard method, triggering an alarm.

Training of employees HIPAA Security Compliance

A well-trained employees are the backbone of successful organizations. E 'of the utmost importance for the organization to increase information, awareness of the importance of handling of' patient safety. It protects the health service actions for non-complianceHIPAA rules by one or more employees. The organization should:

Give employees access to HIPAA-compliant training courses and seminars to increase their knowledge of HIPAA rules.

Education in password management and virus protection.

Train as efficiently maintain logs and audits.

periodic review of the status of the employees of HIPAA security compliance training and periodically update regularly on the latest developments to improve their skills inManaging the health information of patients.

Provide training on the management of the backup system according to the contingency plan in case of natural or artificial, with the aim of protecting health data and maintain critical operations are performed.

Therefore, for an organization to reach the required HIPAA security compliance, you must continually software, hardware and personnel, so that all their work in a cohesive manner, supported by management to integrate the managementcontinuously monitored to provide feedback to ensure local patients and to ensure the safe management of crucial information for health.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Contagious Flu story

Can you give us an indication of the important history of the H1N1 flu virus is contagious 1918-1919, the Spanish flu killed up to 40 million? It 's a fact, I discovered that more people have died from this particular virus, like all deaths in World War I (The Great War) together.

The path followed by the human carrier shipping lanes and trade routes, such as outbreaks with massive movements of armies and troops scattered in several continents.

Strangely, the modelDeath was in the age group 20-40 instead of the normal development of the young, the sick and the elderly. The impact of the epidemic was so severe that the average life expectancy was reduced in the United States for a decade.

But this particular version of influenza virus infection has never been isolated in time, and it was not until 1950 that a 26-year-old Swedish pathologist Johan Hultin had learned that the village of Brevig, Alaska, where 72 of the 80 had a population ofdied of flu contagious, and he was buried in the permafrost in shallow graves. Determined to prove the virus, has received permission to dig the grave, to isolate lung tissue obtained. His efforts at that time were unsuccessful, because none of the art at the time of the samples in cultural life.

Only five years later, his 70 hours Hultin read an article in Taubenberger, Jeffery Journal of Science written in 1918 by trying to influence samplesVirus, and offered to help with the return to the village of Brevig, Alaska, at his own expense. He exhumed the body of an obese Inuit from permafrost burial, which for the name of prehistoric "Lucy", who lived 3 million years older than in Ethiopia. In the meantime, Taubenberger had pulmonary administration of two young soldiers who have died suddenly of respiratory disease, now with the lung tissue of 'Lucy' (the body fat of "Lucy" had reached some significant lung tissueTaubenberger for work) was able to demonstrate that the virus from birds was expected and had mutated to infect people and this could be contagious flu transmitted to man by man made.

As the result was his enthusiasm Hultin forensics as "the Indiana Jones of the Scientific Set" section. Now, in the seventies, not only is a respected former medical examiner, but a skilled carpenter and an avid skier and is equally at home scaling mountains, as he is buried in histo work.

Spanish flu

Interestingly, so called not because of the flu outbreak in this country, but Spain as a neutral country during the First World War, was recognized and has been relied upon as accurate provider of "news" on the progress of the war and Of course, the state of contagious influence around the world.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Swine flu - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

The swine flu (influenza virus A) is a respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that normally infect pigs in the airways. Swine influenza viruses have the ability to mutate in a way that is easily transferable to humans. The 2009 outbreak was caused by an infection with the H1N1 virus and was the first. Observed: flu symptoms in humans similar to Mexico, most of the infection include fever, cough, nasal discharge,Fatigue, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Two antiviral drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir are known to be effective in this condition, if the symptoms within 48 hours after starting. This infection appeared to be a danger to children and adults, and those with an immunocompromised status.

The Ayurvedic treatment of symptoms to the treatment of swine flu, the virus control and prevention targetedThe complications, improving the immune status of the body. Drug-like Tribhuvan Kirti Ras, sitopaladi Churna, Guggulu, Triphala, Maha Sudarshan Churna, Shwas-Kuthar-Ras, Laxmi Narayan-Ras, Ras-Sut-Shekhar Samshamani and Dad can be used to treat flu symptoms such as fever, cough and bodyache. herbal medicine as Chirayta (Swertia Chirita), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Pippali (Piper longum), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Som (Ephedra vulgaris), Dhatura(Dhatura fastiosa) and Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum) can be used for this purpose as well. Gastro-intestinal disorders can be treated with drugs such as Aegle Panchamrut-PARP-Kutaj PARP-Ghan Kutaj dad, Laghu-Sutshekhar-Ras and medicinal herbs like the Vishwa, Kutaj (antidysentrica Holarrhina), Mustafa (Cyperus rotundus) and Bilva (marmelos).

Herbal medicinal products with anti-viral activity may be to prevent or reduce the effects of the virus. Some of these drugsYashtimadhuk (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Tulsi, Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Haridra, Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa) Chitrakar (Plumbago zeylanica) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). In the case of swine flu, before these drugs are started, the better the therapeutic effect.

It 'also important to increase the immunity of the body, in order to achieve a faster recovery and prevent complications. This can be done using drugsas Shatavari (asparagus racemosus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Naagbala (Grew hirsuta), Abhrak-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma,-Laghu Malini Vasant-, Madhu Malini Vasant-, Suvarna Malini Vasant-and- Suvarna-PARP. These drugs can also be used for prevention, both from normal, unaffected population and also by those who are particularly vulnerable, such as close contacts of patients and the medical and para-medical personnel.

Herbal medicinePippali invited special affinity to the mucous membrane of respiratory therapy. It can reduce inflammation, swelling and excess secretions in the lungs, throat and nose. In addition, but also normalized the mucosal damage from acute and chronic diseases. In acute respiratory diseases, it is usually treated with small doses with other drugs. For chronic diseases, was given in gradually increasing doses until tolerance has been or until aprescribed dose, then gradually reduced. This medication is used as a tonic "Vardhmaan-Pippali Rasayan note. This can be used to reduce the risk reasonably to prevent serious damage caused by the spread of swine flu in people or as a preventive drug.

It 'important to disseminate the appropriate measures to ensure that the swine flu infection. Symptomatic persons should be voluntary quarantine for a period of seven to fourteen days to observe thein general, time-consuming phase infectious. Simple measures such as the use of tissue paper to nasal secretions, and disposing of them, can significantly reduce the risk of transmission to others.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pernicious anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency - Vitamin B12, you should avoid?

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Pernicious anemia is a condition that occurs when the body can not absorb enough vitamin B12. Lost in this particular condition, the cells that have the stomach capacity, sufficient to produce a substance called intrinsic factor. Why is it important? Since intrinsic factor initially combine to form a B-12 B12-intrinsic factor complex, so it can absorb the digestive system.

We know that vitamin B12 plays, also called cobalamin, is an important role in many processes:It helps red blood cells, supports the function of nerve cells, and also helps build DNA. In case of malfunction of the body's immune system and starts attacking the cells of the stomach that make intrinsic factor that influenced the decrease in production of intrinsic factor strongly B12, for the worse.

Pernicious anemia is also known in medical circles as megaloblastic anemia. The term describes the megaloblastic large, immature red blood cells in people suffering from this disease, which can be seenmore frequently in people of northern European descent. Often, pernicious anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency terms are used interchangeably, but it is important to note that the pernicious anemia refers only to B12 deficiency, which occurs when the lack of intrinsic factor.

What are the symptoms of pernicious anemia?

Weakness, fatigue, numbness
Tingling in hands and feet
Difficulty walking
Decreased appetite
Weight Loss
Soft, smoothLanguage
Increased heart rate

Why is it important to integrate B12?

Although abnormalities of red blood cells can return to normal with vitamin B12, which supplements are improved when too much time passes before the pernicious anemia is determined, neuropathy (nerve damage), which causes numbness and tingling may be permanent. Pernicious anemia usually a routine checkup and blood tests (CBC or blood cells) found in the doctor's office. Peoplemore likely to develop are the elderly, vegetarians who do not integrate B12, and pregnant women.

An important note is that children breastfed by vegetarian mothers can easily develop vitamin B12 deficiency by the age of 4 to 6 months, because their liver reserves - the normally abundant - are limited and can be rapidly depleted because of their rapid growth (which translates into a strong demand for B12). One last thing to remember is that folic acid supplementation should not be takenVitamin B12, folic acid can only happen in reality, because to alleviate the anemia but allow neurological (nerve) deficit, the progress or even accelerate. For this reason, B12 and folic acid must be added to both together.

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Swine H1N1 Influenza Virus - What You Should Know

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Swine influenza is currently responsible for the recent outbreak in the United States, Mexico and many other countries. However, this is not the first time that swine flu was a problem. The swine flu was responsible for a pandemic in the early 1900s and a small outbreak in the mid-1950. There are many different strains of influenza and you can get a vaccine against him.

The latest version of influenza, which is actually a form of influenza, the H1N1 strain.The main countries that have been damaged, Mexico, the United States and Canada. The last variety is particularly dangerous because they also affect people living in perfect health and are immune compromised. Usually those who are affected by influenza in the elderly and ill health.

Many doctors say that some of the dead could prevent H1N1 in relation to the treatment had it not been delayed. If you can recognize the symptoms early and begin tothen you can simply treat the flu. The influence is not only a concern for individual health, but also for the economy as the swine flu has caused panic and the markets fluctuate wildly.

Although it is not certain whether the swine flu was born, is that it was part of a herd of pigs to Smithfield Foods. This disease is usually found only in pigs, but the disease is transmitted to humans, if people have a lot of possible contact with pigs. Pigs are very sensitive to the influencebecause they can catch the flu from humans, other animals and birds.

Swine influenza is a disease of the air and spread by coughing and sneezing. Some of the symptoms of the latest version of the flu include fatigue, chills, headache, body aches, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. Symptoms can be very simple or very strong and differs from person-dependent. The vast majority of people has just recovered with treatment.

Those who are considered at high risk ofseasonal flu are those who are over 65 years and up to 5, women who are pregnant and people with chronic diseases. About 70% of people who were with swine flu in the hospital, was a combination of the above conditions. It is as dangerous as H1N1 seasonal flu, because both can be mild or severe, and death.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Herpes virus type 2 - What you need to know about genital herpes

For a person newly diagnosed with Herpes Herpes virus type 2, also known as genital, news, the world appears to be the order. There is a life, even if you are diagnosed with this terrible illness was. And even if there is no cure for this disease is not detected, you can easily manage yourself healthy and free of infection prevention of stress. This article aims to answer some of the issues, people with type 2 virus that may have herpes. They areconfused about the disease, you should read this book, so you should at least be informed. Information is the first step in the fight against the disease.

First, you must understand that the virus can change only if the permit. It 'hard to tell if a person suffers from herpes just by looking at him or her. Many herpes sufferers live a normal life. The secret is to prevent epidemics. If you managed to keep outbreaks at baythen you can live without complications. You can also have a partner and engaged in sexual acts, until a safer sexual practices and to be honest with your partner. It 's just a matter of right decisions - decisions that will help prevent the disease to take control of your life.

If you have 2 other people with the type of herpes virus, you can take to the many online forums for the disease. There can be with someone who understands what you're talkingby. Who knows? You may also be capable of a life partner in one of these forums to find.

Remember that two types of herpes virus diagnosis is no death sentence. As long as you keep healthy and maintain a positive attitude, you can lead a normal life and production.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Natural Remedies for influenza A (H1N1)

Since the outbreak of swine flu, some people started the types of remedies, the disease to avoid all these fears. Of course, people have the oldest system of medicine, Ayurveda considered to prevent this disease. While there is no mention of swine flu in Ayurvedic texts, such as flu-like symptoms, but were created in Let's figure exactly how Ayurveda can help the flu at bay.

In Ayurveda > Flu symptoms include fever, muscle aches, neck pain, chills, weakness, the symptoms are similar H1NI virus. It is believed that the attacks of influenza is the result of reduced levels of foreign immunity weakens the body's own mechanism to fight. So, to treat influenza virus Ayurveda mentions some herbs, microorganisms can help the body strengthen its immune system and help fight a foreign account.

Herbs may prevent the swine flu> Influenza
There are some time tested herbs in Ayurveda, the extract can effectively prevent the flu, including neem, ginger, pepper and elderberry. Triphala, the body is strong internally after taking these herbs herbs like echinacea and then get completely removed the symptoms of influenza could have a turn.

Importance of Echinacea
Echinacea is an important plant in Ayurveda to treat a much every kind of influence. It 's like a usednatural antibiotic to treat infections increases the body's defenses against diseases and helps purify the blood. Other things, such as vitamin C and zinc oxide are also useful in combating the symptoms of influenza.

Overall analysis
Looking at the above list of herbs, it is clear that if you have symptoms, it should be possible to exchange any influence when there is no need to panic, the influence is completely cured, but prevention is better than cureSo if you try a weak digestive system, strengthened by the addition of spices like turmeric and coriander in your diet and avoid waste and preserves. Under the proper rest also help.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Protection of swine flu

Swine influenza is perhaps the biggest problem in news today! Currently, it has been confirmed in Mexico, United States, as well as some 70 other countries in Europe and elsewhere. Even as I write this, the first case was discovered in South Africa! At the beginning of June, A (H1N1) strain of influenza (swine flu) pandemic has been declared 41 years, is the first pandemic in! So far this has amounted to more than 140 deaths. The questionis how to protect themselves?

Fortunately, there are many ways to protect themselves. Recently it was discovered a vaccine and medical officials are working to distribute as much as possible. But while this can help a lot, the best way would be just to stay as healthy as possible. Staying healthy is not hard to do. In most cases, wash your hands every time they come into contact with something potentially harmful for the body to keep quite well.Your hands touch everything, and each has. Almost everything you touch in a public place with thousands of people have been affected. If you do not wash their hands before eating, to take these things into your body.

I) A (H1N1 flu is a highly contagious disease that can only be divulged. We all need to ensure they remain in good health and protection against swine flu, so it could expose those who die disease. Following the steps very simpleare the best protection there, and you'll never worry about him or the swine flu to someone else!

If you click on the link below, will be written, addressed to my goal, I'll tell you where everything to one of the Survival Guide written by a party, the former sailor was trained to avoid, swine flu, and one in the near home book a mother of three children. Both books are full of important information to keep you and your loved onesSafe. The following links will help you learn more about how to get all the protection against this disease that you need!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The H1N1 virus in children under 3 years

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Here are some facts about the influenza virus H1N1. Swine flu is a flu usually found in pigs. The virus occasionally changes (changes) and human infectious diseases. The concern is that we have little or no immunity to it. Because of this virus has the ability to spread rapidly throughout the world and can be more difficult than normal seasonal human influenza viruses for treatment.

If your child from 6 months to 3 years, he or she shouldvaccinated. Since children under 6 months of poor response to the vaccine, recommended that parents and caregivers receive the vaccine against the best defense is for them free of flu.

First, it was determined that it would take 2 shots for the vaccine to be effective. The latest information is that only one is needed. The first batch will be available sometimes in mid-October. The vaccine should be very effective and safe. Vaccines are now highly purified to eliminatepotential contamination. Today, scientists use only viral proteins, not the whole virus, as they chose in 1970.

Another concern of the parents, if the vaccine causes autism. If thimersol a concern for mercury-based preservative have a free version thimersol: pre-load the nasal vaccine, or single-dose syringe. The nasal version is not given to children under 24 months and children under 5 years with asthma. If you are allergic to eggs, you shouldAvoid the vaccine, as egg.

Until the vaccine is available and will take effect after receiving it, you can protect by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching eyes and nose. The alcohol gel are also effective. Cover your mouth when coughing and nose when sneezing to prevent the spread of germs. And finally, if you or your child is sick, stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the useof medicine.

The symptoms of the virus, looking at an infant or young child for symptoms of the H1N1 flu: high fever over 101 degrees after a cold, a cough worse. A rash accompanied the fever. A blue color on the skin, which means lack of oxygen. Stop drinking, vomiting or diarrhea explosive off dehydration. Respiratory problems. Limb pain. Do not wake up. All these symptoms require immediate emergency care.

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How long does the swine flu last?

How long does the swine flu? This is a question about the minds of many people from H1N1 or who know someone who has.

At the beginning there is an incubation period before symptoms appear. The Centers for Disease Control says the incubation period is unknown, but probably 1 to 7 days and is probably 1 to 4 days. During this period the infected person shed and the spread of the virus.

Once symptoms appear, the> The swine flu could take weeks for 3-7 days, but 2 may continue to cough up.

This is in normal time.

But people who have AIDS the most serious chronic diseases such as cancer, respiratory problems and may have more severe symptoms and complications. H1N1 can lead to secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, or lead. It can also help to co-infection with other viral or bacterial pathogens.

Once a person feels "healthy"yet, they can still spread the virus for up to one week. Young children can spread the disease for more than diffusion.

The virus is spread when someone coughs or sneezes, and leave the virus particles on surfaces like doorknobs. In a healthy person touches the door handle and then touching the nose, mouth and eyes, they can be. Therefore, frequent hand washing is so important in these times where the disease occurs frequently.

I hope that answers theWonder how long will the swine flu?

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Swine flu vaccine alternative - Health Supplements Colostrum - The Amazing immune system booster

With the threat of the spread of the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, many are concerned as to prevent the spread of the disease. Many are more concerned with how to protect themselves adequately, not to attract the virus and of becoming a victim. Although there is a vaccine available, more people are rightly concerned not only with their effectiveness, but the question of how the vaccine is safe it really is. After all, the vaccine tested and people are essentially became guinea pigs to see if the vaccine actually works. This is really a frightening situation, but there is hope for a little-known health supplement that can greatly increase an alternative to the vaccine for its proven capacity for the immune system can be used.

Before we discovered this new health supplement to speak naturally, I would like a word of caution. I do not want under any circumstances, take the vaccine > Influenza virus. According to the site of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the vaccine will contain:

Thimerasol - 49% mercury. Contains links to autism, ADHD and other neurological disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). Mercury is highly toxic.

Formaldehyde - used in embalming fluid. Also highly toxic.

MF59 - contains squalene, which is known to cause MS> The symptoms in mice / rats

Aluminium - traces of aluminum are sometimes used to replace thimerasol
Because these are the ingredients of H1N1 vaccine? This is the subject of another article entirely, but the CDC and WHO as a preservative credit. The real question is: do you really want to put the chemical in your body? In 1976, the vaccine strain of swine flu has killed about 500 people - the virus has killed only himselfPerson.

In this sense, there are many things that could be taken, of course, to complete your health and strengthen the immune system. This new discovery is simply called colostrum, a biproduct cow's milk, the dramatic qualities of an effective immune support.

What exactly is the colostrum, you may ask? Colostrum is also known as Beesting first milk, milk and immune system. It is a type of milk, which is formed in the early stages of lactation in mammals in the late stages of pregnancy.All food supplements containing colostrum, obtained by the first pair of milking a cow.

When children under given colostrum acts as a laxative and kills dead red blood cells that die because of changes in blood volume increases as the body. It also prevents jaundice occurs in infants and contains antibodies that protect the baby from incredible childhood diseases that can occur at birth - colostrum can also help in the growth process.

Usare many studies showing that there are great health benefits, whether they gave colostrum supplements for adults. These clinical tests to increase the immune system, increasing the quality impressive, which is known for colostrum, as well as its potential strength, in the same manner, growth hormone (HGH) is displayed. For this reason, the products are tested colostrum 2 diabetes dramatically successful results in treating HIV, type 1 and influence policy andIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

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Monday, September 20, 2010

What are the symptoms of swine flu, H1N1?

Swine influenza (flu also known as swine flu) is a type of virus known as H1N1 A. This is the latest strain of flu has touched people around the world. This virus is a combination of avian influenza, swine flu and flu. This new strain is highly contagious and has become the most talked about and seen in the news. It is a pandemic, and people are really scared. H1N1 virus spreadsother countries of people from one country to another.

For the first time, people have been exposed to influenza in this form, and then there is no specific drug for them. This is the reason that made dangerous, like the 2009 swine flu. There is currently no preventive medications can be taken as to prevent them. So, children, the elderly and people with weak immune systems should be careful not to get stuckwith the flu. The swine flu was created in Mexico and then spread the virus worldwide. Cases of swine influenza began to be visible in the United States. It has now been renamed or H1N1 influenza specially avoid people to think of ourselves as a way to.

Who is 65 years and older, children under five, pregnant women and people with weak immune systems are at higher risk ofaffected by swine influenza virus. The swine flu symptoms are similar to normal seasonal influenza, in order to make a difference is a difficult task.

The most common symptoms are high fever and chills beginning, chronic fatigue and muscle aches. Other symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, breathing difficulties, headaches, weakness and general malaise are also present. Some people have diarrhea, nausea and Vomiting.

You are contagious, if you have the symptoms listed above. So you should stay home, unless you go to hospital for treatment. It 'important that you consult your doctor for tests of swine flu, if you notice any of these symptoms. If it is diagnosed at an early stage, a good chance of a quick recovery.

To keep in contact with the virus before, the nose cover of a mask. If you experience symptoms of a cold or> Flu, cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent other people infected by them. Wash their hands frequently with antibacterial soap. Touch your nose, eyes or mouth, because viruses spread so quickly. Do not go to school, office, or anywhere outside.

For more information about H1N1 flu-like symptoms, prevention and treatment, you must know the complete information about the H1N1 flu. Be sure to take the book of swine influenzayou and your family away to think of this pandemic.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Genital warts statistics

If statistics on genital warts various terms and figures are to be reported. One of these is the concept? The prevalence of genital warts.? This term refers to the estimated number of people, management of different stages of genital warts at all times. Another term often used is? The incidence of genital warts.? This term refers to the number of cases of genital warts diagnosed within a specified period. The department of health problems as a matter of statisticsRoutine.

The incidence of genital warts in the U.S. every year about one million cases. The incidence is approximately one in 272, which is about the works of more than 0.37% of the population.

The projections of incidence in the U.S. for genital warts estimated at 1,000,000 per year, 83, 333 per month, 19,230 per week, 2,739 a day, 114 hour and one minute, according to official statistics.

HPV is one of the most common causes of sexdiseases in the world. The HPV virus is responsible for the development of genital warts. According to the American Social Health Association, approximately 5.5 million new cases of genital warts are reported each year in the United States. As a rough estimate, the prevalence of genital warts to 40 million cases.

There are over 100 types of HPV, 30 of which cause sexually transmitted diseases, these warts are most common. Studies have shown that this diseaseoccurs more in women than in men, often just carriers of the virus was. also saw that half of women with HPV infection have no symptoms at all.

It 'was seen that 85% of women with a diagnosis of cervical cancer because genital warts are infected, and with the HPV virus. Although seen in all age groups, cases of genital warts are more common in men and women in their twenties.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

H1N1 vaccine rationing - Senior serious danger!

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Seniors over 65 are not received the vaccine against swine influenza H1N1, if it comes in. The logic of this October is apparently greater susceptibility of children and young adults aged 5-24 and the limited amount of vaccine available.

Of the 120 million doses ordered, actually only get about 45 million during the influenza season. As a result, the vaccine is set to be rationed by the ASL. TheCDC recommends that the shooting will be available the following priorities:

Pregnant women, like the flu can have serious negative effects on unborn children.

Promoting children under 6 months. Children at this age can not tolerate the vaccine to help in order to reduce the risks, their caregivers are vaccinated.

Health care workers. An easy solution.

Children and young adults aged 6 months to 24 This seems to be the H1N1 target.

PeopleAge 24-64 with health problems such as asthma, kidney and heart problems.

This leaves an important part of the population unprotected. However, if the influence is more evident than in the past 6 months and 24 years, what is the problem?

The nice thing is that people over 65, the contract is not the disease 35 times more often than old-fashioned it six months to 24 years.

This means that the elderly should be particularlyvigilant to prevent the flu this season. The regular seasonal flu vaccination does not protect them, but the older H1N1 should definitely receive it. If they have, and the shot season coming down with flu-like symptoms should immediately contact your doctor as likely to have contracted the flu virus.

If you are an elderly or provide a senior, you need a plan on how to do all season to minimize exposure. Better to plan nowThe flu is in full swing.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Herpes Research

Much of the research was performed on herpes simplex over the years. Research conducted on this virus will continue today. Continue to work to examine clinical and / or laboratory investigations in the pathogenesis of herpes simplex eye and the body's defense against them, and possible treatments for them. The herpes simplex virus is a good research topic as the body's immune response to infection is not resolved explicitly. BeyondEven if it is effective treatment of herpes with suppressive and episodic antiviral, a cure or prevention is not yet discovered or created. Once in the body, the virus is completely eradicated and outbreaks or flare-ups can reiterate that the host is stressed or suffering from a compromised immune system. This challenge is a good starting point to study many different herbs and prepare drugs. Herpes simplex is also a good researchSubject as a good number of infected people, so that new information about the disease is of great significance. What? More research has discovered that infection is associated with Alzheimer's disease and this knowledge has certainly raised more questions and further investigation is required.

The herpes simplex virus migrates to the nerves, skin is producing damage and inflammation of nerve fibers along the route. Interestingly, the nerve cells infected orThe neurons are not destroyed by the tenant? s immune response. Recent studies herpes role of CD1 and NK T-cells to fight infection. The study involves an extensive laboratory work such as viral culture, in vivo animal work, tissue processing, immunohistochemistry fluorescent microscopy, Northern and Western blot, RT-PCR and in situ hybridization.

For any treatment of herpes, recently studied herbs including Hypericum Hypericum Hookeranum Mysorense andwere found to completely suppress the activity of the virus.

Herpes research is the relationship between herpes simplex Show and Alzheimer's. It was found that two thirds of a synthetic protein similar to HSV-1 was comparable with the structure and function of beta-amyloid, the agent that accumulates in the brains of patients with Alzhemer's. The viral protein was also performed in a manner similar to those found in the brains of Alzheimer's? S patients found. This findingpoints the way to the herpes virus is. Further studies may provide an effective vaccine against the virus.

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How do you treat swine flu?

In 1918, 100 million people died from the swine flu. This figure is very worrying and should not be taken lightly flu season, while the second one. Sure, we have the best medical technology and have learned a lesson from history, not two, but hopefully not this virus to mutate into something worse. So you may ask if an H1N1 virus came down with this or are worried that you will like this: to treat swine flu? Here are some ways very important toTreat if you start to experience fatigue, flu-like symptoms such as cough, fever and:

Go see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe a medication such as Tamiflu.

If your doctor prescribes medicine not, you may need to take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever ask (ask your doctor to control).

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to a weaker immune system and help sick for a long time.

Eat right.Lay is the "junk food" at this time a good idea. Try to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. It can be very difficult to eat during this time, but if you have a juicer can your fruits and vegetables in a delicious but very healthy drink, which fights disease diet rich in antioxidants and fruit juice.

Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated is extremely important during this time.

They should stay at home while you have the H1N1. This will helpThey prevent the spread of the virus to others. They also want to wash your hands often to avoid that, this one in your home. There is also a good idea to carry around antibacterial gel just in case you need it. Also clean the surfaces in your house that you come into contact with a bacteria killing spray. So if you're wondering, how do you treat the swine flu? I hope that helps.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Who is at risk for H1N1?

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Swine influenza is a disease in pigs H1NI and receive, although it is known that humans from pigs, is not known to have passed and humanity insofar as it is distributed in recent months. The medical community has suggested that the reason for this, the disease has changed and thus humanity is now more exposed to change.

Moreover, according to the suppliers of state, is very rare for someone to die of influenza and those whodied young and the elderly, it is very possible that there is an underscore to the condition that has contributed to the death.

Even if everyone at risk of contact with this contagious disease, which can remain on hard surfaces for 24 hours, some people are weaker than others. As a result, some countries where the government has made the vaccine for the H1N1 Swine Flu available are those at highest risk in the first priority for theshot.


Pregnant women, especially those who were taking baby for 20 weeks and longer, which encourages the H1N1 flu shot.

Children under five years

The immune system of children who are younger than five years are not yet fully developed and therefore are at increased risk.

People with chronic diseases

People with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and kidney problems are at risk because theirimmune system was already compromised, so make them a little 'more for less.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment

Human Immunodeficiency Virus


HIV-1 infected CD4 lymphocytes with the marker. CD4 lymphocytes are involved in cell-mediated immunity and the reduction also affects the activation of B cells This process causes the syndrome known as AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), which then makes the patient susceptible to infections (opportunistic infections) that normal people are out to fight in this situation.

HIV can be transmitted through sexualContact, IV drug use, breastfeeding and needlestick injuries.


Acute HIV infection leads to excite fever, fatigue, rash, headache, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, myalgia, GI, night sweats, aseptic meningitis, oral ulcers and tial. within days or weeks after exposure.

In the long asymptomatic period, the body produces antibodies to the virus in 3-4 weeks and occurs in a period without symptoms (up to 12 years), but HIV-1 RNA and antibodiesThe levels can be measured in this period. AIDS phase of HIV infection, immunodeficiency, high concentrations of virus infections result opportunisitic.

Physical examination:

Investigation of a patient with HIV, you want to change the weight, skin changes (signs of opportunistic infections), to seek a fever. Consider a weight loss of more than 10%. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the most common cause of fever. Patients may have normal lung function, even withactive infection.

Want to check opportunistic infections such as sinusitis, oral thrus, CMV retinitis, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, molluscum contagiosum, and herpes zoster.


The following tests are used to diagnose HIV

1) ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Assay) and Western Blot test.

A positive ELISA should be followed by a Western Blot test, whichreact with 2 / 3 different antigens. And 'inacurate in the first 3-4 weeks after exposure to HIV.

2) PVL (plasma viral load): This test can be seen already 11 days. And 'the stage of disease by determining the CD4 cell counts and PVL.


-For patients & asymptomatic and CD4 cell counts above 350/mm3, you should not treat the patient!

-For asymptomatic patients, but CD4 cell counts less than 350/mm3 or PVL increased (30k copies/mm3 of B-DNA or PCR copies/mm3 50K)Give patients anti-retroviral therapy.

-3 Types of drugs are used: NRTIs (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor), PI (protease inhibitors), NNRTIs (nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors).

Scheme a total of three drugs: two NRTIs (zidovudine + didanosine or zidovudine + lamivudine) + 1 PI (indinavir), or an NNRTI (efavirenz)

For pregnant women, C-section and zidovudine therapy can reduce accidents in children. Children have a positive test (immunoglobulins cross the placenta)and should ziduvidine for at least 4-6 weeks with repeat tests every month to two negative tests.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Swine flu - prevention, precaution and protection - Part One

and swine influenza H1N1. The Center for Disease Control to increase the level of pandemic influenza to 6, we are now technically the path of influenza (swine flu). Of course, with the death of a child in Texas, that Parents need to know and what precautions and measures to ensure the protection of their love.

The report of the CDC on the number of cases (109) issued in the United States. Well, the viral attack may be new to some, but rememberH5N1 avian influenza, to put it is a virus. Many are asking what can I do to prepare myself and my love?

Viruses replicate themselves by infecting a host cell. Antibiotics can not be used for the treatment of viruses. The virus with antiviral drugs (vaccines) treated. However, vaccines are not available for all viruses - for example, there is currently no vaccine against the virus that causes AIDS.

How to give your body a fighting chance. Here are some tipsSuggestions from the CDC and other health organizations.

Wash your hands. Wash your hands to sink its chances of spreading viruses to your nose, mouth or other people. Try using a chemical soap, which will serve the same purpose as antibacterial soap, the chemical. Chemicals that penetrate the skin and other problems.

Avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar decreases the function of the immune system are known, as you know, a strong immune systemis the key in the defense against viruses and other health problems.

Get plenty of rest. If your body is overloaded and too tired, it becomes harder and harder to fight the flu. There are some natural sleep products on the market that will help you better.

Try to reduce stress. WHAT! I know how difficult it is when stress becomes overwhelming affect it the defense of weaker immune system. Again, there are some high qualitynatural products on the market that works well. FYI, do not create dependency.

Practice, practice, practice. This increases blood circulation and blood flow. If it is a good blood supply your immune system in a better position to identify threats to health.

Eating healthy as possible. Fruits and vegetables should be part of our normal diet. Since most of our food of vital nutrients we need to have robbed, it is essential that you add a high quality vitaminand mineral supplements to our diets.

be better equipped with the CDC and other health organizations of these suggestions to help families around the world for this trip PIGGYBACK Out Of Town!

Second part of the series to discuss the vaccine Tamiflu and its defense against the H1N1 virus verses of the most powerful protector of the immune system ... Glutathione and protection against the H1N1 virus.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Homeopathic remedies - a proven, reliable method for treating swine influenza H1N1 virus

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If you want a time-Virus tested, proven method for treating swine influenza H1N1 try homeopathic remedies. In 1918 influenza pandemic were to go the homeopathic medicine for the effective treatment of this virus. Several doctors from time reported the success of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicine is like a vaccination. This allows the body a small dose of what must fight your immune system, help to overcome the disease.

Homeopathic medicine is a proven method that has been tested by timeCare H1N1 swine influenza viruses. There were two types of doctors during the influenza epidemic of 1918: 1) and used two Gelsemium) Bryonia. A doctor in Ohio to be used only for Gelsemium root in 1800 cases with one death. He did not want to use another, even aspirin.

modern drugs are increasingly ineffective in combating the virus. However, homeopathic remedies work with your immune system to help fight bacteria naturally. Attack viruses and relieve you of pain, fever and pain.Gelsemium relieves muscle aches and headaches during Bryonia addresses irritability and joint pains. So it is good to find a natural product with these two strains.

Homeopathic remedies have been used for years. Discovered by a German scientist have already successfully used to fight influenza viruses. The burden should best Bryonia Alba have in him. You can find combinations of Gelsemium and Bryonia Alba Online. However, be sure that they are all natural. Another positive aspectHomeopathic remedies are permissible, examined and tested by the FDA in on so you can do with certainty.

During treatment with homeopathic remedies, keep taking your elderberry extract and probiotics. These products let you build up your immune system, since, of course, be cured of the virus that your body is under attack.

Homeopathics are taken safely without the help of doctors offer: 1) The company's products are used reliable and 2) until you can choose to haveHomeopathic is for you. You are safe to use even for children! Because they are derived from nature, can be used with other drugs, too.

During the 1918 influenza epidemic caused by influenza virus type A homeopathics have been conducted to establish a mortality rate of less than one (1) percent. Modern medicine is not fair so well with a mortality rate of 6-22%. Therefore, they are tried, tested virus fighters. They worked very well, and you can be surework today.

Homeopathic medicine is a proven, reliable method to treat H1N1 influenza virus. The success rate of these strains was considerably over the years. They worked very well in 1918 as an aid to cope with the influenza virus. Why it works so well then you can rely on them to work for you today. As always, eat healthy my friends.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

A-H1N1 swine influenza probably result in U.S. Lab

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the first cases of A / H1N1 influenza virus emerged in 2009 in the month of April, it was believed that the flu strain has emerged Mexico a. By the end of June, when the tests have ended America confirmation of Mexican origin, a new theory suggests that A / H1N1 in Asia and North America have been transported inadvertently was a people carrier on unaware. But probably not the case. Instead, it is likely, though unconfirmed, that A / H1N1GM is a creature that originated in the United States, in a laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, has avoided the accident by a kind of contamination.

The proof of this scenario is compelling:

1. A / H1N1 epidemic, Institute of Molecular Virology (IMV) have had the opportunity to Bock Labs (managed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison) The production of vaccines has been involved in a study for the transmission capacity. This study involvedReverse genetic engineering of a tissue sample from a deceased woman, Intuit Spanish flu, which had up to 50 million people killed during 1918/19 pandemic was dead was drawn.

2. The A / current version of H1N1 is a highly unusual virus has never seen, combining genetic material from North American human, avian, swine flu and swine flu Eurasian. [1] Such a combination is unprecedented, never found the status in pigs, birds or humansare for The Associated Press, and probably unlikely, of course, have arisen. If that does not close relatives of the load current, and we are the mission of the Israeli army - should be taken by the artificial creation of genetic engineering offers the best explanation - virology research and management training at the molecular level.

3. Retired Australian researcher Adrian Gibbs, who played a leading role in the development of Tamiflu ®, a powerful anti-influenza drug, theorized May 12 2009 that the new strain A / H1N1 studies probably escaped from a laboratory setting, because it showed the characteristics of "putting on" accelerated evolution ", as what happens when the growth of influenza virus to try to adapt to the eggs in the vaccine [2 ]. Although the World Health Organisation (WHO) has quickly ruled out Gibbs' theory, sir, the next day, it is unlikely that enough studies completed in just 24 hours could be completed for the survey.

4. For A /existence> H1N1 was firmly established in 2009 in the United States May 10 Wisconsin and Illinois had almost one third of the country. California, Texas, New York, Illinois and Michigan, also in July 2008 compared to a population of 36,755,666, 24,326,974, 19,490,297, 12,901,563 and 10,003,422 respectively - Since then, Wisconsin has been consistent in the nation, despite its population of 5,627,967 in July 2008 estimates, compared to the largest based outside. By June 12, 2009, had as a dispersionLocated in Wisconsin and Illinois still account for more than a quarter of cases in the United States. Demographically, this excessive workload makes little sense. However, when Madison, WI is considered as a starting point, the workload of the two states irrefutable evidence of the creation of the virus. For A / H1N1 probably escape immediately IMV (affects the urban environment and close to local including Illinois, because a significant number of commuters Wisconsinites in this stateday) before spreading to Mexico (probably been sent by the UP National Pork Granja Carroll have plants located in La Gloria, where the first case at H1N1 believed to be one of, a subsidiary of American-based Smithfield Foods), other parts of the U.S. and, ultimately, much of the rest of the world.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Reports:

05/10/2009: Wisconsin: 357 cases (14.1% of national workload), Illinois: 466 cases (18.4% ofnational workload)

12/06/2009: Wisconsin: 3008 cases (16.8% of national workload), Illinois: 1983 cases (11.1% of national workload)

5. To date, swine flu, the A / H1N1 pandemic version of 2009 were found not to theories endemic swine population worldwide discount natural mutation and the first pig-to-human transmitted. In addition, the pig population in Wisconsin are not positive for haunts the novel A / H1N1 strain, which is currently theWorld.

6. Words and actions point to the previous knowledge. Already on the 25th April 2009, when the new A / H1N1 strain was officially established officially only in three countries (11 cases), a top CDC, Dr. Anne Schuchat said: "I do not think we can contain the spread of these virus. We "From 28. Decided in April, 2009 Vice President Joseph Biden of Mexico in quarantine citing the limited use, like (64 cases in 5 states) "the swine influenza virus [is] already penetrated many states." An immediate quarantinethe news of the outbreak of the H1N1 A / Mexico has emerged as a likely April 23, 2009 was not implemented because the CDC and senior officials of the U.S. government had already alarmed by the accidental release of IDF confirmed infections and consistent and unreported. A little sense of quarantine, since the cases are rapidly developing in the United States and why such a move would have probably got suspicious when these cases were subsequently confirmed and reported.

7. Championsnew A / H1N1 virus, the CDC had already at the entrance of Mexican champions. Pro CDC virologist Ruben Donis in an interview), led by Science Direct (published April 29, 2009 - The CDC had completed the sequencing of the novel A / H1N1 strain or two weeks before April 15, 2009 - three days before Mexican officials sample Headquartered in Atlanta swabs sent for testing.

On the basis of the facts cited convincing, conclusive evidence that the outbreak ofA / H1N1 influenza virus that led to the declaration of a pandemic that first in 41 years, was produced synthetically and, probably, WI can be traced back to the lab in Madison IMV. Consequence of the lack of moderate risk-based A / H1N1, the characteristics and potential threat, especially to a generation whose immune system has never yet borne a pandemic and pre-existing conditions (asthma and other respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart problems, diseases and pregnancy, callfew), whose immune systems are ill prepared or equipped to recognize and fight the novel strain or need to be taken seriously. Right now, this is done is not (eg New York City Department of Health said on its website as late as June 25, 2009 - "Most cases of influenza-like illness should not be tested for ' H1N1, "even though the flu season has gone for the summer, the failure to isolate suspected cases, secondaryThe infection, etc..) Continued failure to do so, can vary from 1 million (based on a mortality rate of 0.25% on the current WHO that could be infected up to one third of the population estimates in the world) 25 million or more dead, because people are treated much more disease (developed after serious complications) and / or if the virus mutates into a form more deadly than the death rate + 1%, who has exhibited in Argentina , a country that has just enteredWinter season.


[1] Donald G. McNeil, Jr. A New Theory, steps swine influenza in Asia and Mexico. The New York Times. 24. June 2009.

[2] Who flu experts claim swine flu laboratory developed by looking at 12. May 2009. 24. June 2009.

additional source

Wayne Madsen. Hybrid A / H1N1 version linked to genetic trigger for larger, changed. Online magazine. 24. June2009th 24. June 2009.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

How did the swine flu?

With all the news of the H1N1 virus, one might ask, how did begin the swine flu?

Experts believe that Asia began in pigs and was then carried out in North America by people infected with the virus. In fact, as an epidemic broke out in Mexico in April of 2009, there were signs of a serious influenza was circulating before it.

The government, private offices and schools shut down in Mexico City to curb the epidemic.

WithJune 2009, he had the virus all over the world. At this point, the World Health Organization, there will be a pandemic.

So far there have been 5500 people in America who were hospitalized and 353 have died from the virus. These figures are not worse than a typical flu.

However, there are some signs that suggest a greater concern.

For example, in Latin America, the flu season hits in the spring and summer, because inSouthern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, where Europe and America, can reduce the flu season, not to beat until the autumn and winter in the past.

Latin Americans have been particularly hard hit in this flu season, which proves problematic, as we have our forces.

At this point it is relatively mild, but for those who have experienced a serious case, can be traumatic. But if this were to change, public health could be catastrophic.

ToFor example, the Centers for Disease Control estimate that 40 percent of Americans catch H1N1 over the next two years. If it works, flu mutate into something more than the health care system could be overwhelmed normal and our people can die waiting for help.

We are already seeing signs of this failure by the government and the system of health services. The swine flu vaccine is risk groups will be rationed to the people of the highest, because they simply do notenough for everyone.

How did the influenza virus starts? It 'been a mutation of a pig disease, and has been around for a while' before it got really bad. Therefore, you should be able to change to act quickly if things still.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

The secret way to protect against swine influenza virus

The swine flu or H1N1 virus has extended to each of many countries in the world that seems to have happened inexorably to panic, what will be. For what happens when strains rise to new start and seem to focus contagious infection. World Health Organisation (WHO) has redefined the word pandemic. "The definition, people who changed the disease kills one million people in one of the millions that could infect. There aresome different ways to search this action.

Which could change their definitions to help pharmaceutical companies? This is possible. Pharmaceutical companies worldwide exert much influence and power, and are certainly in the business of selling drugs to as many people as possible. Preventing the creation or marketing of drugs, possible infection with a disease, would surely be to their advantage for the spread of a pandemic of any kind. The H1N1Vaccine was a suspect in all, considering that they have a very good track record of population groups at high risk. This vaccine is most effective for particular individuals, have a natural immunity and disease resistance, adults in good health. WHO can facilitate the application of a vaccine to be effective and will require extensive studies to demonstrate the least.

The other way to watch shows of this pandemic is that the swine influenza virus or another could be a precursorto something even bigger. The focus on swine flu can distract us from something far more deadly as the Spanish flu. This focus is typical of western medical thinking. Treating symptoms and not the cause of the disease. Interestingly, it is known that animal diseases in the race, which spread quickly on the population living close knit. Is it a coincidence that the last two world pandemic alarms from the two animals kept in close contact slaughter pigs and birds?Or that people in prison or high-density urban areas, the disease just as quickly? My hope is that be not paid in the future, the same effort and attention for the cause of the disease and treat only the symptoms of a pandemic.

It 'very important to note when we hear all the news about pandemics hysterical that the best way to prevent illness is to wash your hands, cover your mouth and avoid densely populated areas. With these simple things you immediately reduce youroverall risk. Fortunately for the use in developed countries, it is very easy to do these things. These are the weapons that each man should employ against all viruses, even a pandemic.

It should also be considered important for a healthy body fights a disease better than the unhealthy. Reduce or eliminate the stress of moving regularly, eating a healthy and balanced diet and remain well supplied with moisture. This will be set at an optimal level of energy to avert anyThe nature of the disease that comes your way. Overall balanced healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude should be ignored as immunity boosters. replicate injection or pill can not really healthy.

The last key issue to remember when you panic on the face of global pandemics Is that the WHO and other health monitoring agencies dealing in disaster management. You are responsible for the dissemination of information and medicine in case ofCrisis level pandemic. To facilitate a better response to their reliability and availability of these organizations pandemic itself, when it is necessary to develop Any situation, how to treat a global problem as possible. In this way, you create situations like Those that occurred during Hurricane Katrina in New New Orleans itself, not as a place to go, how to get there to Avoid knew what they were or Who Should Should give the orders. It may seem at times asThese organizations are the creation and production of Bergen mole hill, but are, in essence, prepare, and to assist in the best way, that if they are actually needed.

The best action and advice on virus diseases that sweep the globe time to time, of himself every day, not just the days when you are afraid of being sick. Be sure to treat yourself, the body and maintain a positive attitude. With a holistic view ofOwn health, you can be an equilibrium state to be live, as the largest type of immunity against diseases ... Our ultimate weapon: a natural, healthy and balanced immune system.

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What is swine influenza - H1N1 virus?

Swine flu, now as H1N1 influenza A, is a type of influenza virus. This is a new strain of flu, which was recently just before the people affected. Is not caught by pigs or through consumption of pork. It is a human influenza virus and is spread by his people. It is believed that a combination of three different influenza viruses, influenza - Swine flu, avian and human influenza. The new strain is extremelycontagious and spreads rapidly throughout the world.

H1N1 is different from other strains of flu. This particular strain of flu has not been exposed to the people before it was built so there are no exceptions. It makes it so seriously. At this stage there is no preventive therapy it takes to avoid it. That's why people who are elderly, very young or those who are vulnerableimmune system must be extremely careful to avoid the flu.

How dangerous will be remains to be seen. We only since the first cases in the United States to see. Is thought to have arisen in Mexico, but has since spread worldwide. The worst cases seem to be in Mexico, probably because almost everyone knows the dangers of flu and not a doctorTreatment.

It 'was renamed to avoid influenza A H1N1, people who connect to the pigs. This is similar in some ways the flu, which made decades before the world. But proves to be serious. The epidemic is serious, because nobody has any immunity to this particular strain of flu. It is estimated that about 1 in 4 people who come into contact with swine influenza it.

The swine flu has symptoms similar to those of the standard seasonal flu bug. Swine fever is characterized by pain in a high fever and extreme fatigue the muscle first. There are also typical cold symptoms that accompany the swine flu, coughs and sore throat and stuffy nose. Some people also reported nausea or vomiting and diarrhea. The severity of> The symptoms that leads most physicians consider a diagnosis of influenza virus.

Those who have symptoms should seek medical attention right. Those receiving immediate treatment are more likely to complete recovery. Doctors take a nose and throat swab for the test to send to the lab for. The results are returned within a few days. The treatment is a drug called Tamiflu. The doctorPrescribe Tamiflu, if needed. Most people coming days about the flu within a few pigs. Once it was swine flu, your body will continue to grant exemptions from this particular strain a.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

As for the treatment of influenza A (H1N1), naturally through diet and supplements

And 'fair to say that few countries in the world have fled in panic, the H1N1 virus, swine influenza, or. After the fear that the deadly bird flu virus (H5N1) virus has recently accompanied the news of another sudden and severe flu drug has left many people afraid and to follow blindly dependence recommended antivirals such as Tamiflu and Relenza.

But if the fear that leads to deliberate this issue and the inability to obtain the opinions of othersSources, the results are often dangerous. Before the consultation on the prevention and treatment of swine flu, of course, examine the following defects, the conventional advice.

And 'necessary, for example, the current process of diagnosis and treatment of swine influenza problem when it occurs. In many countries, so as to limit the epidemic, the advice is to visit your doctor or hospital to do without and instead make self-assessment online or by phone to assess the probability ofThe swine flu. If it seems that indeed the virus, you should notice that someone in the name of a class of antiviral drugs in order to collect on your - you can not even do.

There are several glaring deficiencies within that system. First, see, at any point the patient, a doctor before a diagnosis. There are essentially the location of the diagnostic process in the patient's own hands, which inevitably leads to over-exaggeration of symptoms, technicalFailure to complete the assessment and the incomprehension of the evaluation questions. Basically, people receive a diagnosis of swine flu, if you do not even have the virus.

But whether a person has actually the H1N1 virus or another disease, the most likely outcome will be a course of Tamiflu., An anti-viral drug that has been on the market rushed to appease public needs a " to find healing. "

Several expertsdoubts about the effectiveness of Tamiflu and other drugs used to treat swine flu, which have been in development since the outbreak of avian influenza. be the two main concerns that the experts are drugs before, if an effect is still there, the drug During storage over several years has been achieved, but even worse, We have a lack of understanding about the effectiveness of the and long-term effects of their drug use, as its rapid development and the publication of NatureThat is a product we know shockingly little.

Given this information, it is natural that many people are reluctant to use these people to antiviral drugs, although ill with swine flu, viruses, and are looking for alternative ways to prevent and treat.

It 'can prevent and treat swine influenza H1N1 virus in a natural way with the use of nutrition and food supplements. The most important thing to do, both for the prevention of virus andDeal quickly if it hurts, to build a strong immune system is to concentrate. This will completely prevent the virus or when you are evil fast only to suffer a mild case is defeated, the '.

To maintain a strong immune system may need to make some changes to diet and lifestyle. Your goal should be to provide the body with vitality, tools, still must work well in a state of health. We recommendactively seek, identify sources of stress in your life and minimize those, and should be the time to build, in practice, to do every day.

You should choose a healthy, balanced diet with a particular focus on foods and nutrients with antiviral properties. You have to be strict and some of your favorite "cure" may be sacrificed. In particular, you need sugar, which is the immune system every time you use to avoid parlyses, and should the consumption of processed foods such as limitas possible. You should choose a diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables their color, to make a broad spectrum of nutrients as possible, along with whole grains and lean sources of protein to eat steamed fish slightly oily such as mackerel, herring and salmon. Also, you should eat, seeds of earth (pumpkin, sunflower or flax), or their cold-pressed oils each day as an additional source of essential fatty acids and should drink plenty of water every daypurify the body.

The antiviral specific foods you should include in your diet are coconut oil, blueberries, dandelion, garlic and mango.

In addition to this diet, you should use the following supplements in health program:

2-4 daily doses of the formula of cell restoration
2 multivitamins and minerals - vitamins provide more anti-viral effects. In addition to various vitamins and minerals is not recommended unless done under the guidance of aDietician
2 x Antioxidants - these will strengthen the immune system
2 x essential fatty acids - that strengthen the immune system

During a wellness program, Aloe Vera is a common recommendation. This is not necessary because the mannose glyconutrients, the active ingredient of aloe vera.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Swine Flu - Protect Yourself

The World Health Organisation said to be heard and swine flu pandemic struck India and Turkey. Caused by influenza A subtype H1N1 virus is spread when the virus is air - through coughing and sneezing - as well as by contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces.

The symptoms of swine flu influenza coincide with that of a normal fever, cough, anorexia, lethargy, and in some cases, runny nose, soreNeck, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The H1N1 virus causes infection mainly in pigs (hence the name) and spreads to humans come into close contact with infected animals - pigs in barns, livestock exhibitions, etc. It 's just a myth that the disease is contracted pig by proper cooking (160 ° C or more) kills viruses.

The bad news is that there is no known cure or vaccine against swine flu. Everything we do is to avoid catching the virus and mayif infected, to support the immune system of our body to use its weapons and win the battle for us. Some precautions, especially if you live reports, in an area where the incidence of swine flu was the H1N1 virus may protect against public authorities:

1) Avoid contact with infected
You have already noticed how quickly spread a cold. Again. So, avoid close of infected people.

2:00) Be careful when surfaces
When you bringYour hand to your eyes, nose or mouth after touching a contaminated surface allowed, it was unknowingly the virus entering your body. Shaking hands touching public surfaces such as when traveling in community transport, etc., may lead to the capture of the virus. Clean your hands often with soap and hot water.

3) healthy eating
The immune system is our greatest ally in the fight against the virus. How to keep your body in shape with a diet rich in whole grains such as immunity boosters, coloredVegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Avoid foods loaded with sugar and fat. They slow the body's metabolism and impair the immune system. You can also use antibiotic and antioxidant properties of ginger and garlic by including it in your diet.

4) Sleep well
good rest to keep your body primed for the fight against viruses.

5) Drink plenty of water
Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day is enough to keep the body hydrated.

6) AvoidAlcohol
Now is not the time for this impulsive binge. Alcoholic beverages are known to suppress the immune system.

7) Exercise Stay
Increased blood circulation and oxygen during exercise, again in the immune system. It also helps flush out toxins and stress-buster is proven.

8) Stay stress free
The infection can present a formidable picture. But not too upset about it. Will only weaken your body and put them at increased risk of a virusAttack.

Despite careful precautions there are still virus-order, is there any good news. Scientists consensus that infection with H1N1, rather mild, which can be managed with proper care. Here's what you can do if you have a severe flu-like symptoms.

a) Do not Panic
Each influence is not swine flu. But if the data appear to be heavier than usual, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. AskGet the test of influenza virus.

b) Take the right medication
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment and prophylaxis of influenza virus infections of swine influenza. Let your doctor, which is suitable for you.

c) look after your health
lots good sleep, drinking fluids, a healthy diet and physical activity keeps your body strong, despite theAssault of the virus.

d) None of the viruses
You can stop the transmission of the virus on to others when you are sick, stay home. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, cough etc.

Against the measures were taken against the threat of swine flu in worldwide influence. We hope that with the right policies, would soon be under control. In the meantime, we want to protect ourselves and others from his ideas.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Swine influenza - H1N1 and Pregnancy - Why should you use on pregnancy H1N1

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The swine flu is a virus, symptoms similar to seasonal influenza as mild to high fever, sore throat, cough, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches and shows. The virus that causes the disease originated and spread from pigs to humans from pigs and humans to pigs, but over time has changed it. This condition is not the same swine flu, as we knew that this epidemic is different. Also keep in mind that a person can the disease by eating pork.The symptoms are very similar to the new H1N1 influenza viruses, and there is a high interest for the H1N1 and pregnancy.

People are sending H1N1, and sending the typical flu. People are encouraged to wash their hands several times a day to cover your mouth when sneezing and coughing, and keep your hands away from your face. This influence is only air when an infected person coughs or sneezes into the air, or when an infected person touches an objectafter coughing or sneezing into their hands. Most people usually recover without treatment to form a doctor. However, if symptoms persist, consult a doctor. Some people may need antiviral drugs like Tamiflu.

Most cases in the United States in young adults. Those include a high risk pregnant women, children under twelve months, and young adults. Recent research shows that women are four times more likely to be under medical care inbecause complications are intense by the new strain of the disease Hospital. Concerns are high for H1N1 and Pregnancy for obvious reasons. Once a pregnant woman shows no symptoms, should see their doctor.

Research shows that child grows, the mother increases the possibility of pneumonia, because the pressure of the child as stated on the respiratory system. It is concluded from the increased number of maternal deaths in the past derivedQuarter, when the children are older. During pregnancy, changes in the immune system of a mother so that they become susceptible to influenza virus.

In the summer of 2009, began clinical trials with a vaccine against swine flu. This decrease is vaccines for which a high risk are first administration, including pregnant women. Pregnant women often have to wash their hands more than others and should stay away form the crowded areas, as well as those who might think the influence that the pig. H1N1 andPregnancy does not agree.

Details of swine influenza and influenza can prevent CDC paper and are available on the website for the Centers for Disease Control. A/H1N1 and pregnancy are a major concern for doctors as well as teaching the public what to be aware of the symptoms and teaching prevention of HIV. It 's a matter of prevention and education.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

The signs of herpes virus treatment effect

There are a variety of common symptoms of herpes. Some of them are very striking, as in most cases of oral herpes, and some are less obvious, as is the case of genital herpes. However, other signs and symptoms of herpes in the form of complaints and diseases such as fever and headache develop.

If a person with oral herpes suffers outbreaks that are associated with the virus usually very visible to others. Initial symptoms of herpes beginningaverage of four days after a person is first in contact with the virus. An itching or burning in, on or about a person in your mouth usually indicates the beginning of an outbreak.

Shortly after these early signs are starting to develop small red bumps appear on the infected area and progress to larger bubbles. Vesicles rapidly ulcerate and then crust and will remain so until the healing process is complete its course. Some signs accompanyingHerpes in the mouth, swelling of the gums and lymph nodes of the neck and sore throat.

Genital herpes infections are usually caused by HSV-2, while oral herpes is usually due to infection with HSV-1. General Notes of genital herpes outbreaks appear in the same way as those of oral herpes in relation to injuries that occur on the genitals of men and women.

Signs and symptoms of genital herpes caused by HSV-2 differ slightly from those cases of HSV - 1that usually cause more severe symptoms and developing a higher frequency of outbreaks. Furthermore, women who are victims of the condition are vulnerable to develop symptoms in their vaginal cavity. This often leads to misdiagnosis of the symptoms, such as herpes, and in some cases, the herpes virus is not identified in all infected person .

In addition to the visible signs of herpes, symptoms similar to those of developing influenza.muscle aches, headache and fever often develop in connection with the first signs of contraction of herpes. These characters are not usually associated with the virus. The result, often are not as Develop understanding of symptoms of herpes, the physical manifestations of the virus. In some cases, nerve developing contractions in the affected area of the outbreak, for example, is affected by the virus both before and during.

To address the impact of thedifferent signs and symptoms of herpes, a variety of treatment options are available. For many people, prescription drug treatment, the treatment of choice. Combined with over-the counter pain medication or topical creams, this treatment usually results in a reduction in frequency of outbreaks, as well as a means of alleviating the pain During the outbreaks.

Natural treatments are becoming increasingly popular to remedy symptoms of herpes, as they usually do notaccompanied by additional side effects. Consultation with a doctor is always recommended before any form of treatment.

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H1N1 virus - How to protect yourself

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It 'been a long time to speak of the H1N1 virus in media and much of the debate is about whether or not to vaccinate Get das. This is a personal decision and we advise all the facts before making such a decision. If you do not receive the vaccine to decide, here are some ways to be healthy and protected.

What is the best protection?

Of course, you want to avoid exposure to the virus in all cases, but not always easy. Themost important thing to do is strengthen the immune system, this can help prevent getting sick when exposed to the virus. We want our bodies to be able to fight against the evil effects of the virus. It 'best to start strengthening the immune system while still in good health and without signs of the virus.

The means by which the virus enters your body through the nostrils and mouth. Since we can not avoid contact with the virus do what we cansomething about the distribution. Here are some simple steps you can do ...

9 Ways to protect against H1N1 virus:

Wash your hands - You've probably heard a million times thank you, but now is one of the best defenses against the virus. Viruses can live on surfaces for hours, even days. When washing hands with soap and hot water. Wash your hands together in a circular motion for about 30 seconds or more. Sing the song "HappyBirthday "to himself and that should be enough time. Dry hands thoroughly and in a public bathroom when you use the paper towel to touch the door handle. If you do not have access to a sink, then take anti-bacterial wipes or gels with you.

DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE - try not to touch your face, eyes, nose or rub. Holding objects in his mouth, like pins and fingers. Wash hands or use antibacterial gel before eating and / or nose.

YOUR nose holes to keep clean - this is probably not much about the news. But this is a very important step to make. The H1N1 virus takes 2-3 days after infection in the nostrils of reply and show signs of infection. We recommend cleaning the nostrils every day. You can do this using a Neti Pot, a nasal irrigation pot, that can be purchased at health food stores and most pharmacies, Walgreens is like. Add a saline(Hot water and salt) to the pot and rinse the nose with him. This cleaning has so many advantages such as the clearing of the nostrils, removes excess mucus, clear the nose dry, and reduces allergens. If you do not have a pot or uncomfortable with, then you can blow your nose forcefully and then dipped the swab each nostril with a cotton swab in warm water and salt. Do this every day.

KEEP CLEAN neck - with gargle twice daily with warm water and saltListerine. The gorge is a starting point for the virus to keep it clean by gargling is a method of prevention.

Drink warm liquids to drink - hot tea, broth and soups, are important in Flushing damage the virus proliferates in the stomach, where they can live, or cause. hot liquids so as you can drink every day. One of the best chicken soup and hot liquids - not really know why, but it works better than other soups.

Supplementation with vitamin D -(Actually, a pro-hormone), promotes a strong immune system and balanced. If you are unable to 10-20 minutes of midday sun a day (without sunscreen), then you need to take a supplement of vitamin D. Recent studies show people are suffering from lack of vitamin D. It 's always a global issue and many suffer from broken bones and a decline in overall health is not enough vitamin D. Take about 1000 - 1800 IU vitamin D daily. Vitamin D is produced in skinfrom sunlight and the body from 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D daily, expose the sunlight. Supplementation with 1000-1800 IU per day has no doubt about toxicity. Vitamin D is made in the skin from the sun, is a half-life in the body, how can they, when additions included. However, not everyone under the sun every day, so you should supplement with vitamin D

Boost the immune system - a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement,Antioxidant supplement and fish oil supplement - daily! Sure multivitamin-mineral containing zinc. And always be sure that your supplements are pharmaceutical grade, so you know you always have the right amount actually needed to strengthen the immune system and maintain good health.

THE 3 S - stress, sleep disorders and sugar - Stress has a negative effect on the immune system and if your immune system becomesmore vulnerable to viruses - consuming vitamin C. To stop stressing and showed his physical and emotional limits and stick to them. A good way to relieve stress is to laugh more. There is evidence that increased pools will reduce stress and build a healthier immune system. Sleep is important for your health to get among the seven case - nine hours of sleep each night. So many are deprived of sleep, which causes an increase in stress hormones and a weakened immune system.Sugar inhibits the activity of white blood cells that kill viruses. Limit the amount of refined sugar to 50 grams per day. Agave Nectar is a good substitute for sugar. We are more in-depth articles in the near future, the "3 S, as they play an important role in optimal health.

Drinking water and eating healthy - drink six ounces of water per day to eight 8. If you are the mucous membranes dry out and cause cracks in the membrane so dehydratedincreases the risk of infection. Eating well balanced meals with lots of fruits and vegetables help keep the immune system. A salad a day is a healthy way to maintain a virus.

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