Living with MS is difficult for most. Once you have it is said, changes the world, never again be so. What is your job, income, your family ..... and what about your mind? What you do now lead a normal life like? Many questions and few answers. You can also depressed, angry, hurt. It is not fair because I have to say? Most likely you have heard, or knows someone who has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, if you live in New Zealand,especially after the South Island.
I'll tell you what you do - you just go and Pick Yourself Up ..... and, as Winston Churchill said never give, never give up, never give in, I'll show you some ways to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis, and I want to show you that it seize the opportunity to control the damage too slowly and can also stop damage. I can tell you that some patients with MS that I know quite well ok, and some of their secrets, I want toshare with you.
No security of a drug or other medical treatments today are not really existing, the forgiveness extended on the basis of multiple sclerosis. What I think is convincing for the integrated treatment of MS, the relationship between toxic, infectious, digestive, nutrition and various other factors. There are good diets and supplement a system specialized for MS patients, which is discussed in greater deal in Part 2. I'm going to talk about times of digestive absorption and dysbiosis,that can be corrected. chronic viral infections and other charges can be treated right and should exercise to maintain muscle tone and balance. There is no doubt that early intervention with integrated mode has the potential to really understand the disease MS is a condition in which one has lost hope and the feeling that a wheelchair is probably the only future.
I have some of my clinical experience in treating patients with MS, and studied treatmentsrecommended by various experts as MS Dr. Fred Klenner, Dr. George Jelinek, Dr. Alan Gaby and Dr. Roy Swank. I learned more from MS patients in recent years than from any other source. I have found in general that many patients with diseases like multiple sclerosis by the end of it's own research, and some really go in depth and surprise me! I learn from these patients stop lever, each taught me something new. Thank you all very inspirational. It 's timeshare some of this valuable information with the readers of healthy options.
Before coming to live in New Zealand in 1998, with my family to live and practice of natural medicine, I hardly ever heard of multiple sclerosis. I was in practice so far in Brisbane for six years, and only very rarely is part of a condition called multiple sclerosis. This condition was a bit 'a rarity, I thought, until I arrived in New Zealand. According to the website New Zealand MS, there are about 4,000 people are diagnosed withMS. I think there are many more people out there in New Zealand with MS, they just do not yet diagnosed. Since MS is manifested in a variety of ways, it is this variability that can lead to difficulty and accuracy of diagnosis. MS provides for the progressive de-myelination (the insulation breakdown) of nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve. De-myelinated nerve fibers displaying a variety of management (the nerve signal is transmitted)Anomalies in low-speed real-blocks, leading to a variety of symptoms from the position and the duration of the lesion. Initial symptoms may be so mild that often neglected and forgotten, without symptoms for a maximum period of ten years. Often the symptoms are set to stress, or many other reasons. It 'very difficult for an accurate diagnosis of MS in many cases, especially at first, and then usually not until the lesionscollected by sophisticated such as magnetic resonance images. This may take several years to happen. Is it any wonder, the patient's physician and neurologist confused? I've seen in my room over the years for some patients, civic, whether they are looking for MS, on the Internet, or ask them to just "go crazy", as one lady put it. The family doctor said he was only suffering from premenstrual syndrome and its wahrscheinlich''Depression''what MS two years after theTrack. You can not blame the doc, which only makes his job as a janitor, sifting the serious to less serious cases in his clinic the next five minutes.
Unanswered Questions of MS
As a naturopath curious and inquisitive, I have often wondered about these facts in connection with MS:
The cause of MS is unknown. It could be a virus, auto-immune reaction, a toxin, a genetic predisposition or a combination?
MS typically affects women when they are oldbetween 20-40 years.
MS often affects very specific ethnic groups such as Maori, Polynesian, Indian and South African blacks. Why?
The onset of MS is higher in temperate zones (New Zealand and Northern Europe). Why?
Scotland: probably the highest rates in the world of MS
The onset of MS is higher in temperate zones (New Zealand and Northern Europe). That's why I do not hear much about this condition lives in subtropical Brisbane before. I foundan interesting research for the journal Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry: "Multiple sclerosis is more common in the southern part of New Zealand in the north the same methods were used to assess the prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis to determine in two regions Waikato and Otago .. No cases were found in Maori at that time. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis was 24 per 100,000 in the northern region and 69 per 100,000 inhabitants in the south. " In the northern hemisphere, Orkney andShetland used to be like by far the highest prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the world: about double that found in England and Wales. However, the prevalence of multiple sclerosis in south-east of Scotland, 203 per 100 000 inhabitants, what is one of Scotland's hottest land MS.
Suspected causes MS
Food Allergies
According to Dr. Parris Kidd, diets high in gluten and milk are generally much more frequently in areas with high prevalence and a connection between MS and MSFood allergy has been suggested since 1930. In a study of 15 patients, to avoid allergenic foods, tobacco and household dust of almost complete control of symptoms. After the cow's milk and additives Dr.Gaby sulphites may trigger MS attacks, and in rare cases, the degree of improvement on an elimination diet allergy can be very impressive. Clinical trials in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease have shown that to avoidMilk, cereals and pulses, the improvement of the main symptoms. The same was found with MS. White blood cells are reactive with milk proteins is very common in people with MS. A 1952 study found 31 percent of 49 patients with multiple sclerosis improved significantly when to avoid foods that have been found to occur due to allergic re-introduction of these foods, their symptoms again. Remember, the temperate zone, dominated by MS - and that is where the cow lived. Scots love the cow as weThere may be a connection? I think so.
Digestive problems and bad bugs in the gut
Apart from food allergies, poor digestion appears endemic in MS. According to Dr. Jonathan Wright, the majority of patients he has seen with MS, poor digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Almost all have bad stomach function, with insufficient enzyme production. After examining 52 patients with MS was found that 42% had mal-absorption of fat, 41% was digested meat fibers was 27%,abnormal uptake and 12% experienced mal-absorption of vitamin B12. Dysbiosis associated with MS. Dr.Perlmutter reported finding antibodies to Candida or Candida immune complexes in 7 of 10 MS patients examined. Eight of these patients showed low levels of Lactobacillus spp. Aggressively anti-Candida have been taken to solve together with re-colonization of beneficial bacteria in time to claim the symptoms of MS.
I personally have not seen cases of MSwhere digestion was not affected, and the intestine is always my first priority in any case, first MS.
Root fillings
It has long been hypothesized that root fillings may be involved to some extent in the development of multiple sclerosis. Why? Inorganic mercury in amalgam root can be converted into an organic form of mercury as a potent neurotoxin. Interestingly, some patients with MS that I've seen several root canals. A person with MS Isaw a few years ago had 4 root fillings, and also had serious injuries facial neuralgia and sinusitis. I asked her to leave the root canal pulling teeth, for the good of their immunity flag. Do you have a channel, and suffer from a disease of unknown origin'', then God's sake he pulled out the dead. In reality, it is not the cause of root canal for the problem, but the germs trapped inside the dead tooth. I met with Dr. Virender Sodhi, a leading Ayurvedic AmericaDoctors in a few years ago. Dr. Sodhi wrote the chapter on Ayurvedic medicine for the world-famous textbook of natural medicine and was an associate professor of Ayurvedic medicine. This is what Virender said: "generally refuse to treat patients with root canals when she, a variety of health problems when pulled. I" In 1996 the Journal of Periodontology an entire issue dedicated to the channel radicular periodontal incredibleVariety of systemic diseases, heart disease in low birth weight in infants of mothers with root canals. And one of the world's most respected dental journals, International Quintessence, 1997, said in "harmful effects of infection focal infection on general health for decades has been known to patients. Cronica may also worsen the condition of any dental medical risk."
And 'long established that, compared with an early exposurebovine proteins is a trigger for type 1 diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Researchers have now made the same report that the consumption of milk to MS. Many experts have found a link from milk to MS. Norway has the highest rate of consumption of milk and milk products in the world. A scientist, Dr. Embry analyzed, geographic regions, and MS and writes: ".... In Norway MS up to five times more common in rural areas than in inland areas relatively close inshore, "Dr.John McDougall mentioned in the main British Medical Journal (Lancet) and stressed that a diet full of dairy products has been closely associated with the development of multiple sclerosis. (The Lancet 1974, 2:1061)
Texas A pathologist Dr. Lindner, who participated in clinical MS experiments at Texas University College of Medicine, writes on his website: "For the prevention of MS, you may want to limit your intake of milk and milk products ... "
A study in the journal Neuro-epidemiologyfound an association between consumption of dairy products (milk, butter and cream) and an increased prevalence of multiple sclerosis. (Neuro-epidemiology 1992)
Do you still want your child to three glasses a day, or their bones .... collapse? You could herd all kinds of immune problems, if you always believe that cow's milk is actually "good for your health."
I found an interesting study in the journal Epidemiology. The study showed that women whoglandular fever were more than twice as likely to be affected by MS than women who are not diagnosed with the infectious disease. The study suggests that women with a history of glandular fever, 6 to 8 for 1000 is to develop MS. In addition, the infection of Epstein-Barr virus with measles or mumps after 15 years was associated with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. Dr. Kidd says that viruses are an obvious candidate for the infectious cause of bad because different MSDemyelination in humans and animals. Demyelination of MS can cause direct viral damage to brain cells, or viral infections that lead to the formation of antibodies that then attack the myelin sheath. Virtually any acute or chronic stress that weaken the immune system - a toxic attack strengthened, stress, illness of a common "garden variety" virus or bacteria, a constant low-grade food allergies, malnutrition, emotional stress and continuous ¬ conceivableto put a time frame for one of these bodies at the foot of the brain. Then people can interact with the immunity set the stage for eventual progression to full MS.
Many organisms are associated with the disease over the last 30 years of research. Recent studies have involved both human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) and sexually transmitted disease chlamydia bacteria in the pathogenesis of MS. Sorry, more bad news: New Zealanders areCatch chlamydia at speeds up to five times higher than people in Australia, Britain and Canada - doctors do not know why. This disease is a "hidden epidemic", according to a report recently published by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research in Physics. What is worse, which is involved in MS.
The toxicity of chemicals: organic solvents
A number of studies have occupational exposures, including exposures to organic solvents, particularly formaldehyde targeted. TwoThe researchers differentiated analysis that all the studies performed during the period 1966-1994 and found 13 published studies of MS and toxins. Their results are uniformly consistent with organic solvent exposure increases the risk of MS. These results obtained from a robust methodology, point to organic solvents as the leading candidate for causation toxic MS. Other environmental factors associated with MS include pesticides and exposure to X-rays (diagnostic orProfessional groups).
marketed aspartame, an artificial sugar as "NutraSweet", "Pari" and "Spoonful, was taken in the development of multiple sclerosis. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius aspartame, methyl alcohol in aspartame coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Ouch is formic acid, the poison in the sting of fire ants found.) The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis, so people have been diagnosedwith multiple sclerosis in error, if that was really the toxicity of methanol. I have a patient who served in the Gulf War, the man is only 34 years. E 'was diagnosed with MS, but I could most was when I said that about 30% of the troops in his battalion - later diagnosed as multiple sclerosis or other chronic neurological! It was the drink diet cola (containing aspartame, from plastic bottles left in the burning sun of the Arabian desert cooking), all AmericansSoldiers drank, or was it poison gas? Perhaps we'll never know. Are you ready to drink ... I call the drink Black Death? Not many people know that a stupid Cola Company in the United States years ago in an advertising campaign (billboards) tells the cola beverage consumption, it was because it was made by people for people. And the milk of cows was made for cows. The truth is that both are probably toxic.
Welcome back to our focus on multiple sclerosis. In the previous article I wrote in the first placeabout the suspected causes of MS. In Part 2 the focus is to eat, first of all, what not to eat and what to take food supplements. As I said in Part 1, I have my clinical experience in treating patients with MS, and with the latest MS treatment of various experts, field research as doctors recommended regime. Klenner, Jelinek, Gaby and Dr. Roy Swank.
In general, those who do not have MS, literally no idea what living with multiple sclerosisgoing mentally, emotionally or physically. While I personally do not have experience with MS clinical experience first-hand how aggressive MS may be a person emotionally and physically was. A 49yr MS patients who came to our hospital for help a couple of months ago, the 'drunk' at work, months before they accused of diagnosis. Another said that her mother had MS and was in a wheelchair within three years, has just been diagnosed. Dr. Krissansen, AssociateProfessor at the University of Auckland says that if the damage has already occurred to the nerve fibers, there is little in the medical to be done, can help. The damage is usually permanent. What I learned from reading the book by Dr. Jelinek "taking control of MS is that the first step, you have to do to try to stop the damage.
Unfortunately weaken some patients with multiple sclerosis at the prospect and find it a bit 'hard to create fatal habits later in life - asChange their diet for the better, start exercising and meditation daily, or perhaps a regular dietary supplement - imagine if you are not active in trying to stop damage to the nervous system. Some people accept the diagnosis, and truly believe that the rest of his life a roller coaster ride. How wrong! Imagine how difficult it could be if you can be one of the MS patients, rapidly sinking, you could not walk properly, had to rely on a wheelchair, orcould not urinate, or even eat properly. Imagine for a moment, then try to listen to some of the following advice - it can be your body in delaying the onset or reduce the damage in order to contribute more to the quality of life. I do not want false hope to patients with MS is to build, and I never said "heal" we can MS. However, it is possible if proper management is started early, the right diet and lifestyle changes are in many cases almost complete relief of symptoms,Dr. Parris Kidd, scientists who have dedicated many years of deeply complex neurological disorders such as chronic multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Western medicine offers some hope in relation to the prevention of recurrences. Some of the new drugs such as interferon, should reduce the number of relapses, especially with the very aggressive form of multiple sclerosis. The problem with drug therapy has always been the side effects, and MS patients are looking forTreatments that work and have few side effects.
Let's take a look at my MS specific recommendations based on the work of several experts. You can find some of these views extreme diet or lifestyle, but I'm sorry, not extreme multiple sclerosis, a disease?
1. Eliminate saturated fatty acids
Both Dr. Swank and Dr. Jelinek argue that you cut saturated fats in food. While Dr. Swank recommends a restriction noted that patients with MS do better than thatconsume between 5 and 10 grams of saturated fat per day, and recommends that the target for less than 20 g / day. Jelinek believes that to achieve the best possible results, the most important thing to do in your diet to exclude all saturated fatty acids is complete. Dr. Swank has confused with its recommendations on saturated fat, and recommended that some oils have been ok, but I forgot to understand that almost all oil is a monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fat mixture. Likewise, Swank said to eatsuch as bread as you want and you actually forget that many commercial breads contain saturated fat, and then probably the cheapest palm oil saturated. If you want bread, like pita bread or olive oil. Jelinek said that to cut through the heart of all animal fats, dairy products and the "hidden" saturated fats in vegetarian products which look like cakes, cookies, chips, etc. It 'important to remember that the "food" like chips fried up to 1 / 3 byWeight of saturated fat (look at your hands greasy when you eat them) than a piece of chicken breast with the skin a little 'to say about.
To stop the progression of nerve damage, you must make a drastic change of fat here. What does this mean for you? Well, for starters, no more "English fry-up for a Sunday morning! If you have MS, just learn to live without saturated fats as much as possible. Be very careful of trans fatty acids, foodThe producers try to pass this as a healthy vegetable oil, but in reality they are modified and heated oils that have been made to obtain food such as biscuits, cereal bars, etc., so that longer sit on the shelves of supermarkets. Avoid like the plague, they are bad for you to call, in many ways. These modified fats compete with essential fatty acids, like Omega 3 and 6, and affect the way in which the cell membranes (cell walls) function. Trans fatty acids and saturated fats make cellWalls are rigid and less flexible, preventing the cells to communicate effectively.
2. Stop these foods!
It was said that in MS patients, it is not what you should eat more a matter of reference for things that you should not do.
or meat - Avoid all red meat and pork - especially during the first year with the diet. This includes all products of meat (especially something from the "Deli" in supermarkets) such as salami, sausages, canned meat,Corned beef, pot roast, all red meat (including beef "prize" includes fat).
or eggs - egg whites are acceptable. Avoid egg yolk, egg yolk contains up to 5 grams of saturated fat.
or dairy products - to completely avoid milk, cream, butter, all cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. MS nutrition experts believe that all dairy products are best avoided altogether, because the protein in milk products milk influence the challenge of the immune system, and the fat cellMembranes.
commercial bakery or food - cookies, pastries, cakes, muffins, donuts, baked goods all contain fat (baked goods at the supermarket).
or mixtures or preparations package - It 's better than you can count on packages or sauces, canned, packaged in cans, canned food. Freshness is really the best, cooking, oven and all their food.
O Snack Foods - granola bars, corn or potato chips, party food.
Chocolate or - While it is a fact that chocolate containssignificant levels of antioxidants are more chocolate bars loaded with saturated fat and are best avoided. Cocoa, however, is a natural product, only trace amounts of saturated fat, and spoon should be an occasional glass of rice or soy milk in order.
or margarine, palm oil, coconut oil. - Stay away - all these are forms of saturated fat!
or fried or deep fried foods - Keep away from the fish and chips. It 'important to try to warm up away from oil orGrassi, as far as possible. When you're at home, heat the olive oil for cooking as possible. fuel oils such as sunflower or rapeseed oil (toxic!) oil tends to reduce the unsaturated bond, so that these oils are saturated.
or Take away food - Avoid burgers, nuggets, shakes, thick and fast food in general. Eating at home!
3. Well, what can I eat?
Please do not feel that your diet has to be boring just because we have saturated fats, dairy products and red meat excluded.Your diet may be more attractive, and you have lots of possibilities.
fish or chicken - are acceptable in any quantity. But attention to skin the chicken, the stuff that we all tend to like. animal skins contain a high percentage of saturated fatty acids. And the chicken to get to places all know that! - You know that people basically like three things - fat, sugar and salt.
or oils - sunflower oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sesame, linseed (flax seed), peanut. Use smallAmount of oil, do not reuse the oil in the kitchen. Always cool to prevent rancidity of the oil after opening (excluding olive oil). Keep the olive oil in a cool, dark (but not the refrigerator). Never heat any oil to smoking point.
or fruit - recommended amount is two pieces of fruit a day. All the fruits are allowed in any quantity. Probably best avoided, avocado - are high in fat. Kiwifruit and apples or pears are a good choice.
Vegetables - recommended amount is 2 to 3 cups a day.1 cup = 1 serving. Vegetables can supply your body with vitamins and minerals and contain essential fatty acids. You will be asked a variety of vegetables in your daily diet. Eat yellow, orange, red and green vegetables a day.
Or nuts and seeds - Nuts and seeds are good sources of natural oils and essential fatty acids. commercial nut butters that are not hydrogenated, or grind it yourself at home or at the health food store, contain a goodOil wells. snacks daily of these foods help to maintain a good level of energy.
oe rice noodles - pasta and white rice are allowed, but preferably whole grain pasta and brown rice.
alcohol o. - The majority of MS patients tend to be sensitive to alcohol. A glass of wine is sometimes permissible, but be careful! In my experience, usually a glass door with two, and also not to drink alcohol every day, your liver is not so much. Keep a couple of timesWeek.
Condiments or - except the mayonnaise, are the spices like mustard, ketchup, salad dressing, barbecue sauce, taco sauce, sweet and sour sauces, herbs and spices allowed in very small amounts. It's probably best to enjoy these foods without sauces, I just tamari (organic soy sauce), Tabasco sauce, or in person. Celtic or Himalayan salt are used sparingly ok.
Oe cereal grains. - They are encouraged, whole grains, high quality, as far as possible be used.Refined, enriched by products not offer very little, if applicable, a source of vitamins. The best breads are whole wheat bread, pitta bread and sourdough - Check the contents of saturated fatty acids. natural grains provide large amounts in the diet and help with elimination. Although these products may contain a small amount of saturated fat, the body was included in the diet. Avoid commercially baked muffins terms as the undesirable oils.
Eric 12-stage MS ManagementProgram.
1. Determine the diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging test of neuronal function and disability. You do not have MS!
2. Identify the toxic exposure test: mercury and other heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, detoxification, etc., if necessary. Support of liver function with nutrients such as glutathione, antioxidants, nutrients, detoxification special. (Ask for help here!)
3. Come and eat a good diet, avoid saturated fats, the right fats. (Start this immediately).Implement a no sugar, no fat diet-inflammatory properties. Do not muck around here and that's it!
4. Get checked food allergies. I would recommend a test of IgE and IgG food allergy in the blood.
5. Assess the production of digestive enzymes, you need the support of digestive enzymes. Get them out of your naturopathic doctor. Many people with MS need to support the upper or lower digestive tract. We will see new healer.
6. Nutritional Supplements: see above. Regardless of your diet, the right oils and supplementsevery day. Do you have a hair analysis to see if you have deficiencies or toxicity. Also looking for professional help.
7. Get the viruses tested, and a parasite and candida overgrowth. Treated aggressively if needed to colonize the digestive bacteria with the right.
8. Start with the right rehabilitation and exercise program. For the rest in rust, or use it ... missed! I found that it fits Aqua-Aerobic many MS patients. Finding the right program for you and mobilitystick to it. Tai Chi appears to be another great, helps you maintain balance.
9. Stay focused and stay positive you can get control of the situation, although things always on you! You can improve your health, no matter what state you're in my experience that patients with MS a stick-management programs similar to this MS are those who keep the best long-term results.
10. Meditation for 30 minutes a day, the world ofDifference. Dr Ian Gawler believes that meditation is the most important part of MS treatment.
11. Wait at least 6 months to be stabilized for your condition. Get reassessed regularly injury or stabilization of the lesion as well as your handicap. This will give you some understanding of what path you are making or declining. If you are stable and remain in this program. If not, consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). Clinics areNew Zealand, who specialize in them.
12. pharmaceutical options only if the progression of the disease is recognized and if you break the HBO therapy is not to progression, see the drug problem but continue with the options listed above to Dr. Kidd.
Control of multiple sclerosis: natural and medical treatments for their progression (Paperback) by Dr. George Jelinek prevent. Fleet Foot Books (March 2005)
The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book: A low-fatDiet for the treatment of MS. By Dr. Roy Laver Swank, Barbara Brewer Dugan. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group (April 1987)
Dealing with Multiple Sclerosis by Richard Reynolds and Cynthia Benz. Publisher: Vermilion (May 2005)
Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease, inflammatory disease: prospects for Integrative Management by Dr. Parris Kidd PhD. Alternative Medicine Review 2001, 6 (6): pages 540 to 566th
Dr. MS Klenner Protocol: From the Townsend Letter for DoctorsPatients May 2003
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