Monday, October 25, 2010

Congress likely to spend billions on H1N1 vaccines - for themselves and Washington, DC

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Did you know that President Bush has asked Congress for $ 10 billion Industries Roche Tamiflu against a possible bird flu pandemic protected? Now President Obama to release 25% of our stocks of nations, but there is also the only reason President Bush to happen. Interesting that no one remembers the history of this or because we were also smart enough to have a supply.

Do not be surprised if Congress provides billions of H1N1 vaccines incoming weeks. They tout as an encouragement and protection of the American people, but this is rubbish, they want to protect themselves. Of course you have a solid reason why the rest of us may die, so will have their own small shop. Their reasoning is that without it, who run the country?

What nonsense, why do not you H1N1 Swine Flu set for Washington DC and then quarantine the place? The reality is that it could to 6 months for the development of this vaccinenew combination of re-master, and a pandemic, if it were the devil, it would be over already been killed and millions before you even had done enough to save or protect people in the areas of greatest cluster outbreak.

The biggest problem in all this is because we did not close the border between Mexico and the United States at the beginning of the outbreak until they knew what was going on. Now, inaction, decision-way through endless committee'ism let the cat out of the bag and now we havemust have a defense plan in the area, rather than dealing with the distribution.

Apparently, we do not learn anything from it, and if you do not get a pandemic of this time, next time we could be completely wrong to believe that trusted the government to protect the American people, to stifle their inaction, these first reminds us of their incompetence. What if this happened at the beginning of flu season? What if it was a virus capable of biological weapons? The fact is that the government does notKnowing what to do and it shows. I'm not impressed.

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