Friday, October 8, 2010

Good healthy food - Colds

Hello everyone

If you all read my last article on this beastly little cold virus that afflict us, we know that the best line of defense of the immune system has an absolute top condition. Not only to fight colds, but for any infection or illness that meets our body.

Colds are one of the most common reasons that we are currently working through the winter and hospital beds associated with colds and flu cases. Colds and flu viruses are the largestSingle killer of the elderly during the winter.

I really can not stress that everyone should "take viruses and diseases to our motto 'good healthy food to eat a balanced diet for your body type better fighting chance against.

Although diet is the main reason why the immune system back on track, other factors are equally important, I think that sleep is so important, and we all look for our sleep patterns and ensure thatJust over seven hours of sleep per night. A good sleep increases the release of immune-stimulating hormones.

Stress is another important factor, since this is our body is under pressure unspeakable. People who have busy lives usually with large amounts of stress and although we all really best when under a small amount of pressure, constant high loads are most certainly not good for us.

A lot of people are actually very stressed because they can not sleep, andTherefore, it is a vicious circle for many of these have weakened their immune system making it easier for them, the victims of colds and other illnesses always feel tired and weak.

Our immune systems work together is a network of highly specialized cells and organs that protect against bacterial and viral infections.

Obviously during the winter, our bodies are more vulnerable to viruses especially colds and flu, and then to maintain a healthy immune systemSystem must ensure that you eat a balanced diet rich in minerals and vitamins that are important for that.

So 'good food good health' is really the key. I know that during the winter months we eat, but change we really need to do even more to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

There are a lot of cheap vegetables this time of year, and dried fruit counts as fresh, frozen, fruit and vegetables are just as good, evensome fruits and vegetables are the same as a portion of fruit juice. There are also some good drinks herbal now available.

Another recipe strong my dear old Nan is chicken stock or broth. Homemade is best, of course, but the canned food is excellent and is a proven fact that helps to fight colds, flu and chills.

Eating a healthy diet need not be expensive if you use fruit and vegetables in season, company stores and markets and try to offer an excellentValue for money.

Relaxation is important to control stress, and laughter is known to reduce stress hormones and immune system activity. So a bit 'of time from your busy schedule just for you benefit, even if it is to elevate your feet for half an hour, and saw a good comedy, the chase children around the garden or park, anything that makes you feel good.

Exercise regularly carried out in moderation is useful to the immune systemSystem, increasing the risk of infection and also protect against serious common diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.

30 minutes per day of moderate intensity five days a week, the thought of the recommended exercise regime, and do not let the 30 minutes, all done at the same time, can be divided into smaller periods of time to work in your program.

Dressing well can help keep the cold at bay, though the coldWeather is caused by viruses and not cold. But how cold can constrict blood vessels, especially in the nose and inhibition of immune response makes it more likely that attack the virus. So maybe our parents and grandparents were right to tell us to dress well, after all!

The most important vitamins and minerals we need for a healthy immune system are Vitamin B6, C, D, E and copper, selenium and zinc. Even if it's better this varies from one food has received manywould not because of us, followed by the winter of benefit periods, there are many reputable suppliers and additions that have been taken to improve and plan may be your diet.

Vitamin B6 is found in vegetables, whole grains, bread, milk, pork, chicken and cod. E 'in addition to its own or in a vitamin B complex

Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables, especially oranges, kiwi, peppers, broccoli and potatoes, and supplements and tonics.

Vitamin Dis contained in oily fish and eggs. Formed in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight and is easily accessible by additionally.

Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, wheat germ and vegetable oils such as soybean, canola and corn. Make available in addition.

Take a look at your usual diet and see if one of the above requirements, and if so, can you add to your meals and get the natural benefits of good food for good health.

Making meals is a great funRoute of vegetables to children how to eat, and new addition to their diet, some imagination when served.

For children, many of cereals, which are now aimed at them often has added vitamins, but I still think the best for whole grains and lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products.

I am a firm believer in the power of garlic and have long taken the form of a supplement to help my body fight colds. Many countries have not usedalone in the kitchen, but some believe it helps to rub the soles of the feet too! - No one I feel inclined to look for me. Garlic is also a powerful natural antiseptic.

Do not forget the good food is healthy

Sandra & Ted

Pet Hair Removal stage 4 lung cancer

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