Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hepatitis B - caused by the hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B is a disease that is characterized) by the swelling and inflammation of the liver (hepatitis and is "caused by the hepatitis B virus or HBV. To be infected with the hepatitis B virus after only one rule, no symptoms and many people, the disease infected are not aware that they have, but are still able to spread more disease to others as this virus is contagious and has the potential to infectAnyone who is in touch with their body fluids.

Adults who are otherwise healthy and infected with this virus can cause mild to serious symptoms about two to three months ago after they were infected, but hepatitis B usually goes away on its own within two or three weeks after the acute illness .

Causes and risk factors for hepatitis B

A person can contract hepatitis B, if the body fluidsanother individual is infected get into their system. high risk factors for contracting hepatitis include unsafe sex, where, vaginal secretions, semen or saliva of blood enter the body and the use of illegal drugs and sharing needles or syringes with others.

Health care workers are at risk of becoming infected with this as they are in frequent contact with people with blood during spraying and may inadvertently putwith a contaminated needle. Pregnant women who carry the hepatitis B virus to infect may also be her child at birth.

Acute and chronic hepatitis B

Most adults who have a healthy immune system and infected with HBV, the acute form of infection and usually overcome their illness within a few months without permanent damage, carried out the liver. If the hepatitis B virus is present in the body for six months or more,This is usually the form of chronic HBV and when the immune system is not capable of this infection was more of a combat lasting disease that can lead to serious complications can be. Babies born with this virus, or who become infected with age, aged between one and five years of age are more likely to be chronically infected.

The symptoms of hepatitis B

Chronic hepatitis B form has been known to not be detected in somePeople for decades before it causes serious complications of the liver. Symptoms that may occur with HBV fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, abdominal pain, anorexia and jaundice, the yellowing of the skin or eyes.

When an individual with chronic HBV infection case, many serious complications of the liver that occurs is the liver cirrhosis, scarring of the liver, liver cancer and liver failure.

TreatmentThe acute form of HBV is usually only on the drug, the symptoms reduce antiviral individual experts, as the virus is usually at his death, however, in cases of chronic hepatitis B who claims to slow to be prescribed and the ' infection enters the liver.

In severe cases, in which HBV cause significant damage to the liver caused a liver transplant may be recommended. If you become infected with the 'The hepatitis B virus, it is essential that you take precautions, the disease prevents the acquisition of others.

Always tell your partner or someone to have sex with others of this virus and not of syringes, needles, toothbrushes, razors o. Do not accept the blood or organ donation programs and if you are pregnant and know that the implementation of hepatitis B virus, it is essential that you inform yourDoctor or midwife so they are ready to treat your baby at birth.

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1 comment:

  1. It was the first time my granddaughter came to me and confided about her battle with oral and genital herpes and her self destructive thoughts.
    A gaping vacuum of fear and love opened inside me. I knew what it felt like for her to be in such a situation. But after hearing how someone I loved so dearly struggled I have no option but to promise her help. I wanted to help in all possible ways. I sought counsels from an old and experienced nurse whom I've known to deal on natural herbs because I believed in nature. After hearing from me she smiled and before I could say another word she replied me there's cure but natural herbs. I don't care as long as my child is cured! I shouted. She told me about a doctor in Africa who has cured people of herpes. She gave me his email I contacted him for my child. I got the herbs I ordered from him. My granddaughter started medication and the next day she told me it's working and within four weeks she testified to me that she's cured! I've always believed that nature has cure for any diseases and I'm happy to tell everyone my child is cured.
    Six months later before she found love we went for another test to be sure and here is the result,
    Six months after medications;
    Her hsv1&2 test results;
    Igm - 1.49
    IgG - 0.36
    She don't have any symptoms again and has moved on happily and is now in a serious relationship with her fiancee
