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The sacred books of Christianity, Judaism and Islam prohibits the consumption of pork and all its derivatives as sources of food, medicine or period of enrollment, there is no doubt about this truth. Nowhere in Scripture one of these books there is only one reference to Jesus, David or Mohammed, or something to eat pork from pigs or pork (the only other words for pork). Given this fact, how we got where we are today, regardless of our religious mandateand literally dying as a result, disgusting and survival in fear, but never questioned the essence of our stupidity?
Our ignorance, stubbornness and disobedience towards the bottom right are disgusting and reprehensible incredible size. The motto seems to be doing "everything you want, and God is wrong, and our arrogance of death and destruction will become of us all in the name of modernity. Maybe it's time to end our hypocrisy and clear over the air that we know better than to declare the Creator which provided our operating manuals. Woe to us all.
Dear readers please do not believe me, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is in the news services as saying the star "If you're pregnant, you are at high risk of complications such as pneumonia, dehydration and premature birth, you should already immediately with influenza antiviral Tami - although this is usually not recommended during pregnancy, the CDC said Tuesday.
Furthermore, since a positive test for the newinfluence> H1N1 can last for days, the agency said Tami flu, contact with certain each patient pregnant with flu symptoms and a history should probably someone with influenza virus.
To date, swine flu is not proved much more dangerous than seasonal flu, and it is unclear whether pregnant women are beginning to swine flu more often than other people. But in general, influenza is more risk to pregnant women, Anne Schuchat of the CDC said.
Pregnancy of a woman's immune system weakens Sunthat they suffer more from pneumonia, if you get the flu. In previous flu pandemics, infection also raised the risk of premature birth, Schuchat said.
Pregnant women with asthma and other health conditions are particularly at risk of complications. Risks to the virus are higher than the unknown risks to the fetus flu drug Relenza and Tami, Schuchat said.
"We really want the word about the expected benefits of antiviral therapy ready forpregnant women, he said.
Yet studies, the effectiveness of the drug influence 'is somewhat limited, have shown. It can relieve symptoms and reduce illness by approximately one day. Only work if started within 48 hours of first symptoms, and little if the chances of serious complications of influenza known cutting. Most people are recovering from the influence, without medical care.
But a woman of 33 years who are pregnant, Texas died of swine flu last week after the birth of aEmergency caesarean section. At least 20 pregnant women have more influence fever, three of them were hospitalized.
"When I think of influence - the classic symptoms, fever, aches everywhere, came suddenly - and influence is in the community, and I would otherwise influence patient Tami if she was not pregnant, say:" Do not hesitate because she is pregnant, "said Denise Jamieson, a CDC medical officer." At this point, outweigh the benefits of giving influenza TamiRisk. "
The really scary part is not what the CDC, the medical establishment or the media, but not what they say. Take for example the fact that the CDC to monitor influenza virus in pigs has been since 1918, the first end of the war. This is important because the virus is detected, the same responsible for the deaths of nearly 40 million people from 1914 to 1918, when he was still around some 500 million people worldwide. The epidemicdevastated areas of the United States and Europe, although microscopes are available, where the resolution of technology was not available, see brought a virus, the consternation and disappointment to the medical facilities of the time, and mass panic among the population because the cause of "Killer fever was unknown.
Once the hype and sensationalism last of this "new deadly virus, it is painfully obvious that the virus is not new, has in pigs or pigs that have been so longas it was, and perhaps there is no cure or way to minimize the threat other than complete and total separation and, if possible elimination of pigs. Something this dangerous must not eat something, which handle the increase, farm, or assign, as a virus does not care and economic conditions, the preference of taste, if you are hungry or keep pigs cute or clever. A virus is not intended only to expenses, no matter what the twice the cost. The true reality is pork is porkunsafe for human consumption and the CDC caught in the grip of "pork-industry lobbyist" is not the will or determination of the public say that brings death in meat and is therefore never be too safe to eat time , not to mention Remove pork from the food industry.
This is the official comment of the food company Smithfield Virginia-based company owns and operates a million pigs, with their vast lagoons of excrement The Glory Mexico, where the end of March, amysterious respiratory disease infected 616 people or more than 28 percent of the population, including a 5 year old child was among the first confirmed cases of "new virus identified. The company believes" not adversely affect local communities or the environment through its operations, "as Gregg Schmidt, president of International Operations for Murphy Brown LLC, a subsidiary of Smithfield pork production.
Instead of the pork industry has attacked the game withWords that require the name of the disease to be amended by the Mexican swine flu because this way we hope for the unwary, and consumers do not make false the clear link between the H1N1 virus and pigs. Therefore, the protection and preservation of the financial magnates of pork at the expense of good public health, life and limb. Certainly most of us see ourselves and informed them of our time, much more modern and sophisticated than the people of 1914-1918Time, but this is only ignorance and arrogance on our part, they do not know what causes them has plagued so eat pork and suffered, we know the cause and still consume.
These are the questions that any reasonable person would respond, and are never addressed:
What other before the death or illness are pigs (pork) and the risks they bear to human health?
Depending on how toxic waste is from pigs or pig farms produced and how it will affectthe quality of our land, water and air, and is responsible for cleaning to protect the public?
Third Where are all the places where wild game processing plants, packing plants and slaughterhouses have been removed and conducted studies to monitor the health of nearby human and animal?
Because the fourth severity of H1N1 say the public have been held and because the threat was played down for so long?
Fifth How many times have the H1N1 virus and otherMutated viruses carried by pigs, and how this might affect public health?
Sixth Why has no effort in the past and much more, especially now, to inform and educate the public about the H1N1 virus in pigs and this story?
Seventh What are the plans and counter measures by the CDC and the WHO (World Health Organization), if these so-called "pandemic" or future outbreaks should be an "epidemic" in turn expected. This is just the short list of questions when human lives are at stake andevery human life, if someone is worth more than pork-industry profits.
If it comes to other diseases such as smallpox, polio (which is also a virus), tuberculosis (another virus) or HIV, the forces have already sprung into action, why the double standard? Oh, by the way, I can not resist, maybe I'm naive, I have to ask! If these other viruses from pigs, pig out, and pigs?
Egypt and the UAE have decided to be proactive by destroying or removing all pigsfrom store shelves, and the H1N1 virus does not appear to be spreading rapidly in these places. While China as usual precautions taken if required, however, rejects the fundamental problems of production and consumption of pork attack, so that their pork industry remains intact. They appear in "lock step with the United States, Canada and Europe, the phenomenon of the action without any commitment to eradicate the underlying problem. We call this H1N1 Theater!
Iwas known in some supermarkets a few days ago and I could not do, because I was the trimming, all pigs for sale two for one and not many probably had to buy out of fear, and it passed the law. If no one will protect us then we must turn to protect ourselves and our families and to avoid this very dangerous product at any cost, because the suppliers, producers and investors in the beef and pork do not recognize ourselves in hospitals and cemeteries of thisor a nation. Eventually we will try to survive this and dies, when the news is going back to the pig sector to play Russian roulette with our health and life and continue to do so with the blessing of the CDC and the WHO until the next time we lost. Attention to the "other white meat."
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