Saturday, August 21, 2010

Protection against West Nile virus

The West Nile virus got its name from Uganda, where West Nile was discovered in 1937 in the district. This disease has many areas of the world, traveled the covers in North America and Europe. So if you visit a different part of the world, watch for this disease. However, he can not lead to leave your house to be infected with it, can in your environment. It 'so important to take steps to prevent this diseaseDissemination and before reaching the steps, I would briefly define what this infection.

The West Nile virus is a disease that is spread by birds such as crows and ravens to humans and other animals by mosquitoes.

A child and an adult whose immune system has been compromised by cancer, for example, a greater likelihood of experiencing severe symptoms.

Some steps to protect themselves from this virus are:

Keep mosquitoes Bay

Use insectrepellent when you are outdoors and wear long trousers and shirts with long sleeves when out at a time when mosquitoes are known to be active. Also, keep in dark clothes, as these insects are dressed in dark clothes.

No reason for breathing

Do not give these insects multiply on the earth breathing. Many people are growing plants in their homes and their farms. If this is the case, make sure to catch the water has always been free to plantwater. Also, do not leave anything, like a bird bath and water bowls for animals, with water throughout the house, because harbor mosquitoes.

Dead Birds

Keep away from dead birds and large quantities of dead birds reported to the Authority.

There is currently no vaccine to protect us from this virus, so keep at bay is highly recommended.

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