Fermented soy is a poison and is the most toxic to eat. Before 1950, people in Asia would take the toxins from the fermentation of soy-by for 5 days. All the health benefits that place in front of soy-based fermented soy products. Only fermented soy products here fine soy sauce, miso and tempeh. The harmful effects of soy are numerous. Soybeans contain all the nutrients and anti-toxins from mother nature has created for insects and predators that ate badly. Soy could damage the thyroid,Causes and red blood cells clump together. Soy prevents proper absorption of calcium and is linked to kidney stones. Soy influence the absorption of minerals, particularly zinc, iron and calcium. Soy interferes with digestive enzymes, which can cause stomach, poor digestion of proteins, and worked on the pancreas. Soy binds with bile and intestinal mucosal damage caused colitis because it is a "strong impact" scouring, which can lead to intestinal permeability. Soy also causes swelling and badFlatulence. (1) Why is it so cheap, they did everything. In a grocery store you can not buy salad dressing or mayonnaise without soybean oil. Fast food places available in all soy. One third of the flour they use is soy. It 'also used as meat and cheese Extender Extender. They tried and tried but there is no way to produce soybean oil, allowing it to one of trans fatty acids, because they go rancid so quickly.
The 2nd most toxic food is known as aspartame or NutraSweet. Aspartameacidify the brain and stimulates the brain cells to death. It is classified as both a neurotoxin and Excitotoxins. There are more than 92 negative symptoms documented and listed by the FDA as caused by aspartame, and it is believed that Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, precipitation, and Alzheimer's disease. Aspartame is found in 1000 products. If a product says diet or no sugar, aspartame think. The methanol in aspartame is considered a cumulative poison, because it is difficult for the bodyrid of it. When the methanol in aspartame is heated above 86 ° in your body, is oxidized to methyl alcohol, formic acid and formaldehyde, all of them are poisonous. In particular, you should never use Aspartame or Equal in a hot beverage. Aspartame is addictive, and has been found in studies to actually gain weight. Causes unstable blood sugar levels, which increases the appetite and desire for sweets causes. MSG is also a Excitotoxins as aspartame.
The next meal is more toxichomogenized milk. fat molecules are very large. Too big to go from your stomach into the bloodstream. So they are in the small intestine, where bile and pancreatic juice, dissolve in Omega 3,6,9 and other ingredients, then something like this takes to move into the lymphatic system, some enter the liver, the rest from body movement through the colon. What is homogenization is expected, the molecule of milk fat under 3000 pounds of pressure (PSI), exploding in a small number of cases in 1000Balls of milk that can now easily enter the bloodstream. This can not be broken bloodstream and your body does not know if a fungus, bacteria or viruses. Therefore, your liver is full crank produces cholesterol and arteries, the lining of the insane in this body to prevent debris always yours.
If Japan was homogenized in a chart. They have a flat line for 15 years, then suddenly shot up to a heart attack. The same thing happenedDenmark, after mixed. Two identical statistics of 2 completely different countries, after applying the homogenized milk.
Partially hydrogenated fats, trans fats also called, are also in this category as they are put under such high pressure, and even in small beads that move right into the bloodstream. Saturated fats in eggs, chicken, fish and meat are actually very healthy for you as full of healthy nutrients that are not made directlyBlood, but are broken in the small intestine. The only way of cholesterol in the blood vessels leading to your liver. Eat a lot of cholesterol, like eggs and fat, not high cholesterol. However, orders can eat your body does not recognize as food.
Check out the long list of drink ingredients in the cola, the only thing they have in natural water to be, but because they use tap water, that toxins such as fluoride, chlorine and chloramines, which is notgood. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, dyes, preservatives and all chemicals added to foods cause the same problem in the sense that your body does not recognize as food and will enter into a mode of attack and produce cholesterol to protect the body. These are the toxins through the body and is a stressful burden to establish to the kidneys and liver to get rid of.
People with high blood pressure, rather than the statin drugs should remove all food from unnaturaltheir diet to lower blood pressure.
Microwave and irradiated food is varied and goes all their nutrients are destroyed. Food from the microwave inversion of N. Pole S & millions of times per second. Although the same look on the outside, their molecular structure was severely damaged. And your body is not able to digest these foreign bodies. The men are fed with food and conventional food in a microwave oven has been heated. After two months the food from the microwave, have found theirimmune system was compromised, but not conventionally heated food.
Because pasteurization destroys vitamin C, people have little access to vitamin C today. A study found that people with heart disease also had scurvy, which have a deficiency of vitamin C. Dr. Linus Pauling and others have shown that heart disease can be 5 to 10 grams of vitamin C per day be cured. Orange juice at the supermarket has no vitamin C. Whenever possible, you want to buy freshly squeezedOrange juice.
For cooking, pasteurization destroys all the vitamins, minerals, and changes the track organic and inorganic components isolated can not move from the bloodstream into the cells of the body, like its biological counterpart. But your body is able to assemble these blocks with minerals and trace elements in the body is back in the chain of elements and molecules that allow entry into the cells of the body, provided that the runwayElements are present in your body, but can be used quickly, because our food is grown for the fact that many nutrients missing grew. GM food is a nutrient-gene, such as zinc, and replaced with a gene resistant to the herbicide Round-up further reduction of nutrients available to us.
Look at the history of food in this country. Once upon a time, we had milk delivered right to our door. Every growing organic foods eaten 8 times moreCholesterol, like eggs, bacon, beef, bacon, butter and other precious lipids high density. The result was about 3% of heart disease, 1 in 200 got cancer and diabetes was virtually unknown. Now we are one of the most unhealthy nation in the industrial world. Heart disease kills 1 American every 34 seconds, 3 are 5, the rate of cancer and diabetes in 10 years by 500%!
You pay your money to good organic farmers, or your money later to pay in a corruptmedical sector, where profit comes before health. The choice is yours.
(1). Http: / / www.wholesoystory.com
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