Friday, January 21, 2011

How to identify symptoms of swine influenza H1N1

The first thing you might notice symptoms of influenza with the swine flu, which is designated professionals fever.Medical a word fever, including fever. low fever does not necessarily mean that one actually has the flu virus. But if you're with some of these other symptoms of your body, I will continue to describe, it could indicate the onset of the disease. Did you know that a part of the brain Hypothalamus is the control the temperature of our body? Therefore, it can thrill you must be accompanied by a sharp pain in bones and / or muscles. Even if the vessels of the blood vessels can also be performed. This in turn means that the heart can beat faster than normal.

The second symptom that may be outside and cough. The cough can be very deep in the chest, or not very worrisome. I Rwad this pig> Influenza seems to favor the lungs of a person. Together with a cough, you can also learn that the throat, as if you have a sore throat or strep believe. If you feel as if you have a neck accompanied by a cough, see your doctor for an examination of the throat and breast to determine exactly what is happening.

Swine Flu Symptoms

Third symptom experience can not give a damn and do not feel good foods to keep your lot. You may also want to runthe bathroom with diarrhea symptoms can be very strong for some people and mild in others.

How to identify symptoms of swine influenza H1N1

The fourth symptom can not be experienced with the swine flu influenza is a headache, headache, feels more like a type of headache. This in turn is through the blood vessels that are close to the disease. Since the body is working hard to break free from the contagion of swine flu, it is a common part of the disease.

L 'fifth symptom relief, you may feel is a very intense effort on the whole body or a constant effort. This fatigue may be an inability to work at all, along with the sensation of sleeping alone all the time.

And finally, sixth symptom you can have all the time is dizziness. Vertigo is the medical terminology for dizziness in the body. If you do not adjust for another medical reason, and dizzinessdefinitely something you need to see quickly, especially if you have these symptoms with other classics I have mentioned here.

How to identify symptoms of swine influenza H1N1Azeroth Daily 05/01/2011 Video Clips. Duration : 12.20 Mins.

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