Hello everyone
In this time of year, what can we do to our immune system as probiotics goes a long way to keep in good health, especially in winter when our bodies are busy, the prevention of colds and viruses are more virulent while.
Health Virus
As you probably know from reading previous articles I wrote that suffer from COPD, and this often take antibiotics to ensure that no further damage done to my lungs when IContract colds and respiratory infections.
I am absolutely against taking antibiotics regularly, but my doctor says this is the lesser of two evils.
Taking antibiotics kills bacteria in the gut with a good reason you stop taking the drug. So take probiotics helps to speed up the body of my natural method of producing immunity against bacteria and viruses fight against others.
Did you know that 70 percent of our immune system found in our Intestine, and that our intestines are more than 400 different strains of bacteria.
The bacteria in the gut, which established immediately taken after the birth of milk helps prevent 'dangerous bacteria such as E. inclusion coli and the colonization of the body.
The viscera "eco-system" of bacteria is a very delicate balance and can be tilted slightly in turmoil caused by errors or nausea and diarrhea from contaminated food raw.
Of course, eating a varied diet of good food gives us a good> Health and keeps our immune system to control, but with the addition of a probiotic yoghurt drink or a sharp increase, the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
As a family we have probiotics in a few years, to increase the friendly bacteria, and we all agree that health had a good effect, and our scientists to agree to help do that effectively, and work.
I love yogurt so much that an entire shelf in the fridge is always full of them,even if the rest of the family is always used to be "Children, eat yogurt, so glad your mother!"
I began to start buying probiotic drinks, which were not received well at all, but as soon as the yogurt version available was a success, now as fast as I had the fridge they are put away!
There are many products available and may have different names or jargon on them, probiotics, prebiotics, bifidobacillus, Lactobacillus and Omega 3 &6: -
Probiotics, the most common bacteria that live, the above normal for the bacteria found in the gut.
Prebiotics - food soluble, fuels the bacteria in the gut.
Bifidobacillus bacteria thrive in an environment poor in oxygen.
Lactobacillus bacteria, which reproduce naturally in milk, is grown in the laboratory from natural sources.
Omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for growth and development of cells and are naturally found in foods like fatty fish and KiwiFruit.
Through the use of a probiotic to help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut, some products are more of the foregoing, it is always advisable to check the label.
People with a gut sick often from symptoms of pain, bloating, trapped wind or stomach problems might benefit and alleviate some of the problems by using probiotics.
The friendly bacteria in yogurt and drinks to work through the struggle for space with harmful bacteria - theGood bugs are flooding the bad, stimulates the immune system, sending white blood cells and immunoglobulins or antibodies is required for each area, to avoid harmful
The bacteria in the blood.
A new study published this week confirms that the benefits of friendly probiotics have a significant effect on the body.
Not only significantly change the composition of intestinal bacteria that health is involved in the immune system, but also to improve the distribution of fat, fiber and protein andMetabolism of vitamins.
The probiotic bacteria is no longer helps the intestines absorb the fat, instead of passing through the body naturally, rather than saving.
These bacteria can be very useful for the elderly and malnourished people in these cases was found to ward off colds and sore throats.
Involved research to find out whether they are implemented effectively to protect children against allergies and even ulcers of the colon -Ulcerative colitis.
There is new evidence that a probiotic could be the key in the fight against C. difficult super bug. People affected by C. diff typically have a relapse after 6 weeks because the bacterium is growing again, but bifidobacillus has been shown to inhibit this action, so that relapse is unlikely that the patient, so that research going with this.
There are two groups that you absolutely must avoid the use of probiotics - the infant, in which bacteria were not completely resolved, of course, andothers whose immune system was improvised by chemotherapy or blood poisoning. You can always check with your local health adviser to make sure that there are no problems between them.
With probiotics is not a substitute for a healthy diet and is not a quick fix, as always, good food good health "should be" your system make it a lifestyle and the addition of a friendly bacteria can only help the your body in its tireless mission to us in peak condition.
Sandra &Ted
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