Papillomavirus, or HPV, the virus associated with genital warts, can sometimes be benign. These warts are considered low-risk genital warts, and are easy to skin infections that do not grow.
These benign genital warts do not cause cancer. HPV usually increases the risk of cancer, but almost harmless skin infections are not related to the development of cancer in context.
You can use these genital warts at low risk for several reasons. They can be distributed to touchthe infected area of the body of another person. You can also use these benign genital warts by touching infected surfaces or objects. Since warts associated with HPV, these warts do not often occur until months after the first infection. For this reason, it can be difficult to say what kind of warts you have, if you think you have genital warts can be found.
One of the well known risks for most of the development of HPV is that you can also develop a variety of tumors in olderGenital, anal or cervical cancer. There are several types of HPV and cancer risks associated with the virus affecting the genital mucosa. Because you want to know if they are at risk of these cancers, which is very important to know, what kind of warts you have developed.
If you are female, the risks are much higher. Whether you are a man or a woman, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible, see if you find that you have genital warts. Your doctor mayeasy to determine which type of genital warts cause cancer or benign you. Your doctor may use a technique called aceto-whitening warts more visible. This is a solution of acetic acid, the doctor applies to the warts for several minutes. The area where the solution is applied becomes white. Your doctor can also search the area with special equipment magnifying glass for a closer look at the warts or lesions. If your doctor suspects that may be at risk, areBiopsy, to be sure.
Your doctor may discover that the warts are benign and there is no risk for cancer, but probably still want to come and perform a Pap smear a couple of times a year. You should do a Pap test, if an outbreak. If the warts are not cancerous, the doctor will be even more convenient. For these warts and no risk, you can use creams at home that may require your doctor. No need to bebe treated only in doctor's office.
Note that there is no cure for HPV. Your doctor can remove warts can develop harmless, but the virus is not curable. Once removed, the doctor warts, remember that you can have after a new outbreak at any time. In this case, you must go to the doctor again for treatment.
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