Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Salí a buscar imágenes de la epidemia de influenza que, dice el gobierno, está afectando al Distrito Federal. Sólo pude encontrar la Epidemia de Pánico. ----- No sería la primera vez que se inventan algo para ocultar un problema real. Lo estoy comenzando a sospechar. A ver qué dicen los hechos. Otras noticias: El Congreso aprueba 12 leyes al vapor Intentos calderonistas de crear un estado policiaco Investigan a militares por desaparición de civiles Desplome de ventas ¿Usted qué cree, apreciable visitante? -------- Otras - More picures of people appropiating and coping with the flu: www.flickr.com/photos/sarihuella/3474911510/ www.flickr.com/photos/sarihuella/3474096767 ------ Information pour les francophones ------------- Imagen totalmente de libre reproducción, modificación y lo que sea. Si das crédito, chido, muchas gracias :-D si no, igual de chido que la usas ;-) Ve más imágenes de libre distribución en: www.flickr.com/groups/fotosinfluenza/ ------ Image free for reproduction Watch more Creative Commons pictures in: www.flickr.com/groups/fotosinfluenza/

Operation SERF
Pandemic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  User-created article about pandemics. A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a ...

About the Flu  A flu pandemic occurs when a new influenza A virus emerges for which there is ... Organization (WHO) declared that a global pandemic of H1N1 flu is underway. ...

HHS - National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO)  History suggests that influenza pandemics have probably happened during at least ... February 1957, the Asian influenza pandemic was first identified in the Far ...

Operation SERF
Influenza pandemic - Wikipedia  Wiki article about pandemic influenza. ... Pandemics can cause high levels of mortality, with the ... 4 Notable influenza pandemics. 4.1 Spanish Flu (1918–1920) ...

WHO | Ten concerns if avian influenza becomes a pandemic  Influenza pandemics are caused by new influenza viruses that have adapted to humans. ... Subsequent pandemics were much milder, with an estimated 2 million deaths in ...

Pandemics and Epidemics: What Are Pandemics and Epidemics?  A Web guide to understanding what pandemics and epidemics are, and how they are determined by health organizations. ... Historic Pandemics ...

Past pandemics  Pandemics behave as unpredictably as the viruses that cause them. True pandemics, characterized by sharp increases in morbidity and mortality and ...

WHO | Pandemic preparedness  WHO guidelines for pandemic preparedness and response in the non-health sector ... WHO Guidelines on the Use of Vaccines and Antivirals during Influenza Pandemics ...

Virus X: Tracking the New Killer Plagues--Out of the Present & Into the Future

Influenza Pandemics of the 20th Century | CDC EID  Not classified as true pandemics are 3 notable epidemics: a pseudopandemic in ... Evidence suggests that true pandemics with changes in hemagglutinin subtypes ...

NEJM -- The Signature Features of Influenza Pandemics ...  Perspective from The New England Journal of Medicine -- The Signature Features of Influenza Pandemics -- Implications for Policy

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