Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is the swine flu H1N1 and what are the symptoms? You and your family significant risk?

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An outbreak of H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic has recently caused concern throughout the world. As of this writing, the World Health Organization (WHO as well) reports that thirty-nine countries have been documented cases of known disease.

So, what is H1N1? The H1N1 virus, often as the swine flu is a virus that causes influenza in humans. The virus has mutated over the past its current form. This mutation, people do notProtection against the disease. Therefore the authorities are worried about the possibility of a pandemic.

The virus contains two genes of a typical pig virus, an avian influenza virus gene and a gene of human influenza virus. So now we have answered the question of what H1N1, what about the symptoms? The symptoms of swine influenza H1N1 virus in humans are similar to those of typical seasonal influenza virus. These include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nosestuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A number of people have also reported diarrhea and nausea.

And as seasonal influenza, severe illness and death as a result of illnesses associated with this devastating disease happened. In the U.S. alone about 36,000 people die each year from influenza problems.

Now that we covered that H1N1 and its symptoms, complications such as H1N1 and specific risk factors? Typical are the following persons to ahigh risk of complications: people 65 years and older, those under five, pregnant people, and people with certain chronic diseases. Problems. These consist of people with chronic asthma, diabetes, COPD, and people with weakened immune systems. This includes those in immunosuppressive agents. People should be with any of the risk factors mentioned above, consult with your doctor before an influenza outbreak occurs.

Medical experts are worried that aworldwide pandemic could occur at any time. Epidemics seem to spread in waves and often happens around the world, 2 or 3 times. The second or third wave is often more difficult than the 1st. This is, as stated in the 1918 influenza pandemic which has happened to think killed at least 50 million people. It 'possible that a major outbreak of disease occurring during normal flu season.

If you are worried about the safety of your family, or know someone who has some of thespecific risk factors mentioned above, some swine influenza prepared. Take steps now to protect yourself and your loved ones from influenza virus. Once a pandemic strikes, it may be too late to do anything.

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