Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We still tired from the H1N1 virus

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So far "swine flu pandemic" H1N1, America did not share as rigorous in the country, as we were led to believe in many. This is not the time for a deep breath and our vigilance. Rather, we should take this opportunity to increase prevention and education more people.

Even if the risk of serious moving the H1N1 strains worldwide is diminished, we should be able to make something more to combat influenza. The efficient and effectiveWay is to get immunized. There are no excuses, more than enough doses of H1N1 vaccine available, and everyone can receive this vaccine nasal spray or saving life.

There are a lot of experience of recent months. Overall people were very cooperative when the vaccine was received before. There was no hurry to learn all immunized. Only respects the fact that pregnant women, children and people with special conditions was a priorityFirst steps in the first vaccinated.

The members of the community health have always worked hard and selflessly in the outbreak of H1N1 in the control. The degree of public awareness was essential, and has played the role of governments at all levels.

Now that we have experienced two waves of the virus in the last 12 months, we should not rest on our laurels and expect that everything is OK. History has taught us that there are at least three waves of pandemic influenza in any season. ToAt the same time, we are still in winter and the weather could get worse. Many young people have taken their second vaccination. This makes them more vulnerable.

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