Did you spend much time outdoors? While playing in the sun can be fun, you should know that pesky mosquitoes, a number of viral diseases, which could result in life-threatening.
Although many people have heard of the link between mosquitoes and West Nile virus, there are many diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, do not know the people. Sad to know when a news channel not to a person contracting a disease "mosquito" Most people who saythat these diseases remains a long shot. Mosquitoes are one of the dirtiest and most dangerous creatures to man, and this may disturb young people responsible only for what you think.
Some viral diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever, dengue fever, epidemic polyarthritis, Rift Valley fever, Ross River Fever, St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis, encephalitis lacrosse, and many others types of invasive disease. Mosquitoes, which are the onlyresponsible for malaria, which appears to be the leading cause of premature death worldwide. Since most U.S. news channels have not submitted their report on deaths caused by malaria are most of us are quite aware of the real danger that mosquitoes can raise.
More than 5.3 million deaths per year due to the mosquito genus Anopheles, the malaria virus door - children under five years are for most of these deaths. Although the genus Anopheles is usually not foundin North America, almost all of mosquitoes for the execution of the worm filariasis, elephantiasis of the disease - 40 million people around the world, now can interact with some form of elephantiasis cases.
Although all these statistics are frightening, are not the worst part of the whole epidemic of the mosquito. With increasing age, mosquito bites are often unnoticed. Although children often become swollen and red when you receive a bite, more adults in building an immunity againstMosquitoes, biting, more and more. In short, you could be infected by a disease was carried by a mosquito, and not even know about it.
While some species can not be deterred by mosquitoes, the mosquitoes can be found throughout North America in general, with the application of a natural mosquito repellent be avoided. Mosquitoes tend to be organized by people who are armed with special products, and that is exactly what you should bet. Keep mosquitoes away from yourBody, and keep your health in preparation time, remaining educated and with a mosquito repellent that is guaranteed to work.
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