Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis 5

Bacterial vaginosis is at least very unpleasant and embarrassing infection to say. If you think you have or could have bacterial vaginosis (BV), then you have come to the right place. I'm going to discuss the symptoms, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and possible health concerns, in close connection with them.

Here are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis:

First Foul, Fish-odor
According pain during sex
Third Itching and burning
Fourth Swelling
Fifth Thin, white orgrayish discharge with the same foul, fishy odor.

If you experience symptoms of bacterial vaginosis as well as other symptoms not on this list, you can have several complications. A yeast infection, though more often during or after the brush with BvS. A simple doctor visit and examination can not be afraid to eliminate various complications.

During infection, BV, six health risk also affects others.

- They are more vulnerable to HIV infection if you come inContact with the virus.

- If you have HIV, the chances of transmitting your partner are high.

- Increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

- The risk of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) during an abortion, hysterectomy, and other types of pelvic surgery or procedure.

- You can have complications during pregnancy.

- Latex condoms during sexual intercourse when they come into contact with weakened bv. This increases the likelihoodcondom failure, leading to unwanted pregnancy or worse, sexually transmitted diseases.

Little is known about the underlying causes of BV, but we know what causes the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella and other harmful bacteria live in your vagina hurt, but are under review by varying amounts of lactobacilli and other agencies worked well. Gardnerella and other harmful organisms produce troublesome symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, if their number increases dramatically. A change ina daily habit or routine can lead this change.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rabies symptoms - the importance of recognizing symptoms of rabies

Rabies symptoms

Rabies is caused by a human virus that causes acute inflammation of the brain even in warm-blooded creatures. This disease can be fatal if your anti-rabies is administered before the disease manifests itself.

Dogs, monkeys, squirrels, and almost all warm-blooded animals transmit rabies.

It 'important to recognize and know what to do if you experience symptoms of rabies.

This disease is a zoonosis, that istransmitted from animal to animal bite or contact in which body fluids are exchanged. However, the man known only way to contract rabies, rubbing his hands on the fur of an infected animal, and transmission of the virus from animal fur in her mouth, in a few.

If the rabies virus enters the blood system begins to emerge in the central nervous system, where you travel to the brain, all the playing time. This incubation period maybetween 40 days and two months. When it reaches the brain, is almost always fatal with death in a few days.

On suspicion of being bitten by a rabid animal, usually a dog, rabies vaccination must be within 24 hours, if possible, be given.

Fear of water is perhaps the most common symptoms of rabies. However, other symptoms occur individually or together. Top will be a lot of joint pain due to high fever and malaise to be accompanied. This isif the disease can be cured. If symptoms of rabies are severe shaking, jerky movements, that is out of control and treatment of depression in hospital under medical experts to be - but again the survival can be difficult.

In the final stages of rabies patients with brief periods of mania, and a lot of lethargy and, finally, in a coma from which go back.

Other symptoms of rabies, such as mania and fear of water are thesaddest signs of rabies. Hydrophobia is a fear of water, in simple terms. Although people are of the popular belief that water is a rage from infected or suspected of test for human disease, it is very cruel. The water will cause pain and suffering for patients angry. There are other ways to test for rabies. Mania is a state of insanity and people should be furious with care and caution, because if someone bite or scratch to be treated, the disease could be transmitted.

Foamthe mouth, erratic movements, anxiety, psychosis and aggressive nature especially the last stages of rabies.

But rather than wait for symptoms of rabies appear, when a suspected rabid animal bite everyone sees a doctor prescribe a blood sample must be rushed. Although it may seem though, so might well 15 days before symptoms of rabies vaccine should be administered immediately.

Anger is perhaps the saddest way someone could go. Dog bites in urban areasAccount for 97 percent of all cases of rabies.

The loss of a dog for rabies is sad to lose a man, if this disease can be prevented and cured is really sad. We must recognize the intelligence and to understand the symptoms of rabies, and we should.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Novel influenza H1N1 - a relatively mild illness, right? And really what experts fear?

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It 's true. Although the number of confirmed cases is very high, and those familiar with many cases going and was declared, because people just recovered, the death rate is very low.

There are definitely some unusual things happening with this pandemic in progress. The age group affected is usually less than the seasonal flu, and perhaps more importantly, when was the last time the influence was a theme at the end of July?

What the experts reallyFear of this pandemic?

Novel H1N1 influenza (swine flu) is relatively mild disease, but spreads very, very easy.

There is another virus remember a few years ago called the news of avian influenza H5. Bird flu rarely crosses the species barrier to infect humans. And if he does not is transmissible from person to person.

But this is much more pathogenic viral, with some reports of at least 50% of those infectedBird flu actually die of it.

a virologist, and public health experts to talk loudly I heard recently, is the fear that the H1N1 virus, influenza in Asia is now infecting birds, avian influenza subtype H5. To put it simply, the genetic material of two viruses to get mixed up Bunt and create a new flu strain.

Then there is the possibility that a person can with these birds, the new working conditions, more virulent virus.

So we have a new virus with thePathogenic H5 avian influenza in progress, and ease of transmission of the novel, that the H1N1 is now the crossroads of the world.

I think this is cause for genuine concern.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

I must reject the 'swine flu H1N1 vaccine'?

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Just yesterday, two nurses approached me and asked if my children would get the H1N1 vaccine. These women are doctors. Both worked for many years as a nurse in intensive care. They believed and practiced in modern medicine. Why did they reluctantly on the vaccine for their children?

The H1N1 virus has created two diseases. The first disease is viral disease that usually causes fever, headache, cough and fatigue. The second is the fear disease.Before he was pushing so much hype that many of us fear that H1N1 could plague in an overturning of the country as Black has in Europe several centuries ago. Our press, who were mesmerized by H1N1, seemed to have overlooked years annual seasonal flu that claims 40,000 American lives almost there. The regular flu 'was a note.

Now, a national disaster with fear H1N1 has subsided, the fear of vaccination was born. People are seenVaccine against swine flu in 1970 which has been associated with serious neurological side effects in a small percentage of vaccine recipients.

Pharmaceutical companies have shown an excellent job in preparing the mass amount of H1N1 vaccine for very brief. This was a spectacular success of public health. Vaccines are safe and effective by experts of the health of our nation. Here are a few facts.

H1N1 * is a highly contagious and infectioneveryone is vulnerable
* Certain population groups have a higher risk of complications, an H1N1
* The H1N1 vaccine is safe and effective
* When deciding whether the child should be vaccinated, because the facts are not to be afraid.

This is the people medicine. There is no 100% guarantee for the safety or effectiveness. Personally, I think that the risks of H1N1 vaccine are much higher than the theoretical risk. We will see what happened to my two sisters. I'm fine withVaccine for my children. And if it's good enough for her, so it's good enough for me.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Influenza A (H1N1) - 5 things you can do to stay away

Before soon as possible, to get vaccinated for swine influenza

If there is an outbreak of influenza H1N1 vaccine to obtain as soon as possible. Vaccination programs are run by state governments. To avoid getting infected by H1N1, then vaccination is the best way. When there is an outbreak of flu, you will be warned by governments and then there are the methods some precautions.

According to Avoid people who are sick

You have to beaway from people who have a diagnosis of influenza or symptoms of swine flu. Avoid large crowds, and the influence you stay at least two meters from the swine fever affected people.

The H1N1 virus is highly contagious. Avoid any contact with the skin as a contact with the virus from one person to another person to pass easily. You should avoid the influence of all types of contacts with the people affected through.

Third Flood your sneezes andCough

Use tissue to wipe your nose when you have a cold. When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with tissue. Discard after use of a tissue, do not reuse the tissues that were used. If you do not have to use the tissue that covers the elbow to the nose and mouth while sneezing. Whenever disposing of waste, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or liquid soap. Before eating food or anything for that matter, always washHands.

Fourth Face masks

If there is an outbreak of flu, you must use the specially designed mask. If you could be the surgical masks or those who are not specially designed, then it is not useful for you, because the virus is very small and can get through the mask. Are advised to wear masks properly everywhere you go. Buy masks should be tested and installed so that the seals on the face doctor correctly. For men, the beard joke that people breatheProblems and children, respirators are not recommended because they can not breathe for them.

Fifth is always necessary to keep the immune system healthy

However, you must ensure that the immune system is in good shape, and you sleep all night. With this, you can find any kind of disease. With adequate treatment of the immune system and these good mental health will be the location of remote control of influenza, if you can takeagain very quickly. View of vitamins is highly recommended especially vitamin C and helps to strengthen the health of the immune system. Consume citrus fruits such as vitamin C, contains a correct diet to eat healthy foods and daily duties to greet you.

Practically all these things to stay away from the swine flu.

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Continuing an exercise program for the disease - Do Your Warm Up!

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It took three months to return by the virus H1N1. As I sat in amazement on the couch, I was thinking of resuming my walk program. But cracked a rib, constant coughing and prevented me from doing so. Three months after a sedentary and cook for teenagers has taken a physical toll on myself and I gained 20 pounds.

Needless to say my doctor was worried and so I had a pocket for extra 20 pounds on a small bone structure me tired. Despite persistent cough, I startedWalking back, but I did not warm up everything. I went at least two miles and my leg and thigh muscles were really bad the next day.

Do not repeat my mistake. If you are ill and wants to start exercising again, do your warm ups before. Mayo Clinic, read a website, "Aerobic exercise: How to Warm Up and Cool Down", said heating and cooling may be as important as that period. " Jump into a workout without warming up can lead to muscle tension orInjury.

How to help warm up? Elizabeth Quinn, lists the advantages in its Sports Medicine Web site article "How to warm up before training. The benefits include muscle temperature, fever, swelling of blood vessels, increased range of movement, hormonal changes, the mental preparation that purifies your mind and helps you focus and prepare.

Brad Walker writes most of the key elements for a warm-up at his institute stretching website, "Warm-up activities andstretching exercises. "There are four important elements in a warm-up, according to Walker: the general warm up (light exercise), the static stretching for 5-10 minutes, a sport-specific heating, stretching and dynamic done under the supervision of a trained person. Walker thinks stretching should be part of any heating.

Women's Heart Foundation offers some tips on warming in a site read, "stretching exercises for women." When you stretch you should do it slowly and tryRelaxing. "Do not Bounce," warned the article, because this could cause them to pull a muscle. "They should continue to the point of" slight stretch tension, 'article, and hold the stretch for 15 seconds.

When I walk through my program I have always stretched my calves and thigh muscles. I did not stretch my neck, like the Women's Heart Foundation recommended. There are plans for a good stretch of the neck to the Foundation's website and tried all. I held everyPosition for five seconds and repeated three times each neck stretching. To my surprise I discovered that I could stretch my knuckles before walking.

Walking is my choice and the exercise you can call me now Mrs. warm-up. I never, never take a walk without putting my warm up. Before resuming your exercise program, I urge you to do the same. Warm up can keep you going.

Copyright 2010 by Harriet Hodgson

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Friday, June 25, 2010

How to Beat the virus before it strikes!

I do not doubt that you suffer a cold or two in your life ... if not a year or two. You could also have an attack of flu. In both cases, had a virus. Viruses are difficult. They do not respond to antibiotics. In most cases the prescription only do you get bed rest is ... and who wants to spend days or even weeks to feel unhappy?

Today I will give you some tips on how to avoid viruses and how to help your body fightfaster, if you catch one. But first, let's look at how a virus.

Viruses are organisms which depend on the cells of other organisms to reproduce. A virus binds to a cell of your own and then release the enzymes in the cell. The enzymes dissolve the production of more virus. The new virions (virion is a single virus particle) and then destroy the cell and go to create new cells to find wheremore virus.

This cycle can happen very quickly. The virus spreads rapidly in the body, cells attack different. The virus attacks the causes of disease, producing symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose and sore muscles. Your body defends against viruses usually Off Minor with a fever.

Just as protect the body from viruses and help yourself to get faster?

Simple steps to reduce exposure

When it comes toVirus is not always one in the first place is the best solution. Of course you can not live in a bubble, but you can in a few simple steps that take place to reduce your commitment.

Before the number one way to avoid viruses that infects is always to wash their hands regularly. Every time you touch a door handle, shake hands or even got a newspaper, you can get in contact with the virus, just waiting for a host. You can wash with warm water and soap. I am notrecommending that you become obsessive, but do not stop to wash their hands every time. You can also try using a hand cleaner like Purell. But moderation is essential if this kind of products.

According to not try to touch your face. The usual way of entry for a virus from the hand to nose or mouth. Aim to keep your hands away from your face, unless you just washed. (This step is simply to keep your skin clean.)

Get plenty of thirdthe rest. People do not get at least seven hours of sleep per night are more prone to all kinds of diseases ... including viruses.

Support your immune system with nutritional supplements

Because your immune system is the first line of defense - often the only line of defense - against the virus, it is important that you give your immune system additional support. The following supplements may help reduce the severity of symptoms when you are sick, and can also help you getfaster.

Vitamin C: Most likely you said, take vitamin C when a cold coming on. Unfortunately, it is too late. Vitamin make much difference.

But people regularly taking vitamin C if they are sick or up to 50% reduction in their risk of contracting viruses such as colds less. The experience mild symptoms when they are sick, and get faster. (1) I recommend you take 1-2 grams of vitamin Con a daily basis.

Vitamin D: In the summer months, you get enough vitamin D from sunlight - at least if you do go outside for 20 minutes at a time without sunscreen two or three times a week. But in winter, autumn your levels of vitamin D supplement if you drastically.

Researchers suspect that this decline in vitamin D because people tend to have more colds or flu in winter. (2) If you are sick in the summer, a point to go out and sit in the sun for few minutes each day. In the winter months to supplement with vitamin D daily. Take at least 400 IU (1200 to be better) or a supplement that contains vitamin D3.

eucalyptus oil: The essential oil from eucalyptus tree works as antiviral compounds. There are two ways you can use eucalyptus oil if you are sick. You can put a few drops into a pot with boiling water. Put your head over the pot and putting a towel on his head to take the steam. This will help to kill> Viral particles in the respiratory tract.

You can also use eucalyptus oil in a lamp aromatherapy to help spread the virus to others in your family.

, There are many, many natural ways to fight viruses. I have only scratched the surface, but these simple steps and can be added to reduce the amount of time you spend feeling sick.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis - A central nervous system

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system. It occurs when the immune system, central nervous system, causing attacks of demyelination. A disease is a demyelinating disease of the nervous system when the myelin of the neutrons is damaged. Multiple sclerosis is spread mostly occur in young adults, but can in almost all ages. It 's more obvious in women. The first event of multiple sclerosis was discovered in 1868 by Jean-MartinCharcot.

Multiple sclerosis affects the brain and spinal cord, in particular the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers. These myelin sheaths electrically insulate nerve fibers when working properly. Despite over a century ago is discovered, there is no known cause of multiple sclerosis. There are ideas that the disease may be genetic, caused by infections or other environmental factors. There is no known cure for multiple sclerosis. Treatmentis used to restore the body to a somewhat normal state after an attack and is used to prevent further attacks possible. Having multiple sclerosis does not affect life expectancy of patients. MS patients tend to live just as long as the affected population.

There are a variety of symptoms that may be in one person, multiple sclerosis, but not everyone will be displayed at one time may appear. These symptoms will appear gradually and from time to time. You are weak,Inability to balance or stand, acute or chronic pain, fatigue, muscle cramps, spasms, random eye with bladder and bowl problems.

As already mentioned, there are some environmental factors may play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis game. This is an extreme stress, reduced exposure to sunlight, decreased consumption of vitamin D and production and even smoking.

There are now treatments available for patients with multiple sclerosis, but it is unknownCure for the debilitating disease. The focus of treatment is to restore the body to a normal operation, prevent future attacks and to prevent any obstruction of the body. Some alternative treatments not used widely by many doctors, especially on a special diet for patients, the use of hyperbaric oxygenation and different types of medicinal herbs.

The prognosis for people with the disease is not curable, despite promising. Almost 40 per cent of patients achievedseventh decade of their lives and 15 percent of deaths from the disease are directly related to suicide. About 50 percent of deaths among patients with multiple sclerosis is directly related to the consequences of the disease in context. Most patients with multiple sclerosis, loss of ability to walk prior to death, but 90 percent of patients have managed only 10 years after the disease was diagnosed. More over, the number of 75 percent for people who have had the disease for 15Years.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that can not be completely prevented, nor completely cured. can proceed with proper treatment and proper care of patients with the disease live beyond their life.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What are the dangers of swine influenza H1N1 virus? - The prevention of swine Best

The school year starts and has already been much talk of H1N1 swine influenza o. Many people wonder, what are the dangers of swine flu? What is the best way to prevent the swine flu? It can be difficult to know whether you really need to be concerned or when people make a big deal out of nothing because many people have different opinions on this issue. Maybe I can help you decide if there is a risk of influenza virus.

First, swine influenza> Virus H1N1 virus or the flu virus to humans are one, although originally a swine flu, which will be developed under contagious. We now know that this is not quite right. Although most influenza viruses continue to evolve before being contagious swine virus' is actually a part of the pig (), part of avian (bird), and part of human viral genes.

Now, many people do not feel there is something involved, including the fact that the United States, has killed "only" 522People so far. I do not say panic, but I feel different. I think a little 'concern for the people would do well and help us avoid this number 522 000 in rotation.

522 people have died since the virus in the United States in early spring. The virus can appear anywhere, killed apparently healthy people and people at high risk. No one is immune to the risk it entails, and if one of these 522 people can make someone you know about the numbersirrelevant.

The best prevention for the swine flu vaccine that would be present, however, the development forward. There were 120 million will be ready in October, the beginning of flu season. Now I think it is only 45 million more over time.

The vaccine will be given to persons in priority order so that it can receive. If you can, you should consider whether you want it. The vaccine is very new and still experimental, because the development was drivenaside. Short of a vaccine, the next best thing is to educate yourself as much as possible of influence and the best methods to increase the likelihood that boil down to pick it up. A little research can go a long way.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why is it still possible to give a 1GB USB Pen Drive as a gift

A flash drive has become an article of necessity rather be called as an article. If the USB key 1GB entered into the market, everyone has noticed, and was one of the models from the mainstream, everyone felt the need to get one, and lost. Were better than floppy disks that were the best way to store, when climbing the pen drive had. Storage areas were relatively large and both were relatively cheaper. This springThe units are advantageous in many ways as:

• They are cheaper than their older colleagues in the sense that if they buy other memory devices, only room for the Pen Drive has been identified, the cost works too

• They are highly adaptable and this helps 1GB USB flash drive is unique in the sense that, even if you lose you can identify more easily.

• They are lighter and easier to manage, as it contributes onlyYour neck.

• You must be very secure, the data transferred to them, and the factor of compatibility was much higher when these units compared to other storage devices.

¯ there is zero possibility that the flash drive is physically damaged.

Is also an important city, the flash drive has a virus.

These units are constructed so that makes them durable and reliable. Currently, the marks on which the most elegant, strong attention, sometimes developedto a particular topic, which means that some popular brand. All this depends much from the user on what he expects a lot from your purchase. With the advent of sophisticated, high-capacity USB sticks, USB Flash Drive 1 GB is still in vogue. Despite the innovations of this device, it is still popular with users around the world can have is because of the following reasons:

· One of the reasons could be that people always tend to go for the cheaper, becauseexpect better performance. You are always satisfied with a minimal investment, yielding a lot 'production.

· This unit is more than enough for people who mostly use to save the Word document files and other small files. Are designed for those who want to use 1GB USB-Stick Pen Drive

· This unit is probably still in demand. The brands do so because of the popularity of the steady production of this device.

In today'sComputer-oriented world, where there is a strong need for storage and transmission of data, so a device is feasible. If a product is purchased, it will be useful if served several purposes. The following are the disadvantages:

Or is the purpose of data storage capacity is great. Thus, the 1 GB USB Stick isbest household.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Avian flu: H5N1 Influenza Status Briefing Natural Protection

The H5N1 virus has some similarities with the Spanish flu of 1918, the years introduced one of the greatest pandemics in the 200th last two outbreaks of infectious cause high fever, reduce the deficit of the respiratory tract, weakness, muscle pain and weakness postviral, were the last up to six weeks.

Twenty-four hour access channels have warned of a pandemic, more commonly, which may come in the form of avian influenza H5N1called "bird flu". The market for poultry meat has declined internationally because of the lack of consumer confidence in a secure supply.

In all Eastern European countries have flocks of chickens have been destroyed because of an outbreak, easily from birds to infect the entire herd.

proactive steps

Recent laboratory research shows the current rules should affect active and readily availableThe treatment should make the "bird flu" H5N1 evident. While this is good news, there's a second wave effect, which has historically been a widespread outbreak of flu seen. The second wave may occur when the influenza virus changes just enough to render ineffective the existing drugs.

Knowledge is a primary key in the battle of communicable diseases. Understanding the symptoms and can rest for the information you need to know, should be a physicianrequired.

Develop Bird Flu

As the most common strains of influenza, "bird flu" may include fever, sore throat, muscle aches and eye infections. However, "bird flu" may also pronounced lethargy, acute respiratory distress and chest pain. In extreme cases, a lung inflammation and organ failure available in concert.

This virulent strain of flu virus has so far been mainly spread by birds and waterfowl. Limited personnelDeaths have been reported, the result of close interaction with infected birds.

The incubation period for humans, the contract "is not the bird flu can be" a minimum of two days or up to 17

Protection Sector

Chicken farmers take radical measures to keep their investments safe. disinfectant sprays are applied early and sterile clothing is more common when entering poultry facilities. Symptoms include inactivity and bird decrease in egg production are regularly checked and monitored.

What If?

Health have worked to develop a worldwide pandemic on, that plan could be implemented globally present address both issues as well as those members who may be imminent in the case of "bird flu". You are about to win the questions about "bird flu" and support partner countries from the results of the World Address> Health.

Flu vaccine

It is unclear whether the annual influenza vaccine should be reduced to "assist the bird flu case a pandemic occurs. However, there are signs that may indicate so in fact.

It may be that "bird flu" has not reached epidemic proportions, but I know what it is and what it can help prepare a strain of influenza to enter the ranks of some of the biggest killers in the world could be viral.

Thebetter prevention of avian influenza is a strong immune system. Exercise your body and lungs. Looking for a natural antiviral supplement. While modern scientists search for a vaccine, we have natural remedies that we can use. Colloidal Silver is known to kill bacteria and viruses.

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Cat and Dog immune system - Problems and Solutions

A cat or dog is a fortress immune to disease, cancer and infections. And 'the system, what is acceptable and what should or should not be allowed in the body identified.

Unfortunately, there are times when an animal system could fail in several ways. First, the immune system can be up to the point where it does not recognize a foreign body, such as downgrade cancer. Secondly, it might be wrong, one thing is perfectly normal and unusual work. Destroy

These issues surface in many ways:

or autoimmune occurs when the body basically attacks itself. Auto-immune-deficiency anemia is a good example. This is where you see the body, normal, healthy cells of the blood red and you begin to destroy it. This leads to lethargy, weakness and depression plagued with problems, including dogs.

Or cancer: Cancer. Cancer arises when a cat or dog does not immune to identify a problem. Cancer cells are intact andare allowed to grow and spread.

O Immunodeficiency: This occurs when the body of an animal is not only sufficient to prevent infections respond. immune animals are afflicted with the disease at a higher interest rate. Once sick, have a much harder time to restore the body for good health. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in cats is a good example. This is similar to human HIV. The virus is not what kills the cat. Rather, it is the abolition of the system,leads to death, because the cat does not remove the disease.

or hypersensitivity, particularly related to skin allergies, stem cells from the body's immune system to go at full speed. A dog with severe allergies immune system has a dog that responds to multiple stimuli, and allergies are often difficult to decipher.

As a pet develops a problem of immune response is questionable. And 'certainly a degree of inheritance. environmental stressors such as malnutrition and poor living conditionscontributing factors. Many holistic veterinarians feel that vaccines were the culprit in many too many problems to be immune, like cancer. It should be noted that, like other domestic animals to protect the age, the immune system reduces the ability of the body.

Dr. Shawn Messonnier, author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs and Cats close out the best life has to offer support immunity during PET. Allowed In his article in support of the immune system, Dr. Messonnier dealssome tips for maintaining a healthy immune system in their own pets.

Reduce to do before the vaccination and blood to find evidence of a level, instead of annual vaccinations.
According Try using natural methods of flea control and limiting the use of chemicals.
Third Feed high quality, natural diet free of preservatives, or make a wanted homemade diet.
Fourth with vitamins, minerals and supplements for your support.

The general rule we should not wait for a Petsick or elderly for maintaining the immune system. Instead, take action during its entire life at the highest level of immunity to provide support. A cat or dog immune system is valid only if the ship is in, so it is essential that the animal must be taken throughout the body.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tamiflu - The Magic Bullet for influenza

Tamiflu is the recipe for avian influenza, but may be useful in certain situations. For example, if you) have been in close contact with someone who is contagious work of a profession at high risk (eg health professionals. For the current influenza season, is quite effective, however, if the same efficiency of H5N1 have not known. Some data suggest that current H5N1 dose is not sufficient and can promote resistance. There are stilla lack, and if a pandemic breaks out, as soon, almost certainly rationed.

Some staff are essential may be hired from a prophylactic dose. Its use is rather limited therapeutic, as it must be given soon after symptoms and even then is not a panacea, but it reduced the maximum reduces the duration and severity.

Roche recommended dose (75 mg / day for prophylaxis and 150 mg / day in divided doses for threatment) may be necessary for the H5N1 and Vietnamese, to be doubled seen the most cases, increasing the duration of treatment from five to seven days:

"The virus virus to replicate at higher levels than normal human being, so it can focus more on virus drug to take control at this level,''said Jennifer McKimm-Breschkin, a virologist at the Australian Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Melbourne.

Uncertainty about the effectiveness of Tamiflu in human H5N1 are even greater for H3N8> Now the most common virus in dogs. canine influenza is clinically similar to kennel cough (even if the kennel cough vaccine is not to protect against the flu, of course). Has a mortality of about 5% percent. Little is known about the pharmacokinetics of the drug in dogs known for how long should be given or whether the use in domestic animals may promote viral resistance (even the canine of the subtype H5N1 is different, unless there was recombination between N8 N1 and this seemsunlikely).

"Some patients with H5N1 infection, treated with the theory of Tamiflu had been resistant viruses emerge during treatment, ie, that higher doses prevent Widerstand''McKimm-Breschkin said emerging economies.

So long as the drug of this virus work, doubling the recommended dosage in essential reductions of benefits available in half. It 's interesting to note that the available supply their way in veterinary practice and used forDogs.

The same veterinary drug buzz about its use against the influence of newly identified canine and against other diseases such as parvovirus. Vets offer their findings on their websites and exchange Tamiflu anecdotes on the Veterinary Information Network, a members only place for animal doctors.

Although the prevalence of canine influenza is not yet known, researchers at a university found an infection rate of 15 percent between 2000 symptomatic dogstested.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Remedies for cold sores - Have you tried for your cold sores?

Are you trying to allocate funds for cold sores, you should seek the relief that power? For this short article, you'll get fast, reliable relief and realize for yourself how natural remedies fever blisters still the best choice.

Remedies for cold sores are numerous almost everywhere today. Some of these find a positive level of provision of relief from symptoms. Few, if appropriate, these will contribute to hardening of the actual speed of your injury.

If youare able to provide these funds for cold sores a test, probably recognized that they are a much better solution than the products of the pharmacy. The best results were clearly displayed by thousands of former companions in misfortune.

Do yourself a favor and try some of my favorite remedy for cold sore. Each is individually outstanding, but I urge you to try to heal a method for mixing stronger and faster.

Oregano Oil - a real surprise!

OreganoOil is not a well made, but a surprisingly strong antiviral treatment. You should try internally and externally. With cold sores, your best and fastest external access will be made available, but the application is internally increase results significantly. Start with the first warning of an attack.

Most times you can get any grip of oregano oil vitamin. Get the soft gel for internal use. Everyone is direct application for a single well. Easy PickFirst and oil directly to the site of infection.

You can also find oil of oregano in small containers. Regardless of your hand to dilute up to 50% with extra virgin olive oil is too strong can find out if it reacts with the skin. Olive oil is a good fight viruses. It will also assist with your healing fight.

Old Fashioned Honey THERAPY - works a treat!

Honey is a remedy that provides results as often forgotten today as it wasin Roman times. Can be used from the first appearance, but honey is particularly useful when you open the wound. Attacks all pathogens and helps the repair process.

My recommendation is the number one unprocessed, raw honey, available at health food store, usually in bulk. This honey is still a bit 'too cheap enzymes, and will greatly help to fix your virus movement stalled lesion.

A little 'honey known shows exceptional promiseNew Zealand Manuka honey. It comes to us from the Manuka bush, working closely with the tree Melaleuca, which is affiliated with tea tree oil gives us. Manuka honey is commonly found in gourmet shops and markets or find easily online.

Teabag REMEDY - a true hero for the explosion!

With hot tea bag is a very impressive method for the treatment of these unfortunate injuries. This treatment is not only a convenience, but therapy should significantly reduce the healing time.

You can useblacks tea, green or herbal varieties. All are a very satisfactory result. Some specific herbs, if included in the mixture of tea, because it will work better. These include mint, ginger or lemon balm.

Use pain no hot tea bags before flowering. should be treated with ice an injury for the development and the swelling slowly. Try wetting the adoption, iced tea bags as an ideal substitute for ice cubes. Frozen tea, you can all the benefits of ice cubesBathing and painful area of the useful factors.

We will go first by heating water on the stove or in microwave. So enjoy the hot tea bag and bring it to the package of nutrients. Do not place the tea bag in the microwave. This damages the healthy nutrients of tea.

Five to ten minute sessions are common. Just heat the tea bag for your convenience. There is no need to add your problems with burning themselves. Apply a good choice, before external treatmentThe application of heat.

Above the cold sore remedies are of people who have to rush these lesions favors soon eliminated. I wish I had here for additional space to show an impressive range of other treatments, but I assure you, there will be a satisfactory outcome for you.

With the commitments we have now discovered, the herpes virus should not interrupt your life more. Save your money. No cream or ointment drugstore is not faster or workmore satisfactory than what I have just given.

You are wise to understand that you try again and again and compilation methods. You have special needs, causes and triggers. With a little 'research and experimentation, you should find your best arsenal of resources for cold sores.

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Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus

Some time ago, shingles and chickenpox were no relationship between the diseases. Time has passed and scientists have discovered that both diseases are caused by the same virus, varicella-zoster virus. This virus belongs to the family of herpes eruption, the causes of a particular skin.

Do you also know, the varicella-zoster virus, such as varicella (this is the primary infection leads to chickenpox) and herpes zoster (this is the reactivationvirus, lead to shingles).

Chickenpox is by coughing, sneezing or spitting spread. These organic materials contain the virus if a person is infected and the air coming into contact with a healthy person. The virus in the lungs and pass into the bloodstream. After a few days, the signs of chickenpox will appear on the skin.

The virus can also move in skin nerve cells that specialize in transmitting information fromBrain. If the shelters viruses in these cells, it can happen a few years before it can reactivate and cause shingles. The virus, and is hidden (latent) is also known as herpes zoster. The virus infects ganglia and nerves. The virus is most common nerve of the face and trunk, rarely in the spinal cord or the bloodstream.

Many people wonder why some develop shingles, and why others do not even have all sufferedChickenpox when younger. Doctors suspect that the virus reactivates in some people, because you take or suffer from other diseases that weaken the immune system, such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs that suppress the immune system. Adults are more likely to develop shingles, but not only. Children are also vulnerable to shingles. Only those who have a good immune response, and those who were vaccinated against these two diseases are in a safe place.

HerpesFamily consists of six viruses that affect humans. These viruses are looking just the same, and they all play within the structure of a cell. These viruses are: Herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (responsible for mononucleosis), varicella-zoster virus, Human Herpes Virus type 6 (responsible for roseola) and Human Herpes Virus type 7

All these viruses are human organism in the room and then in a latent form for many years andTo reactivate when the immune system to respond well.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

How to beat a virus before it strikes!

I have no doubt you suffered a cold or two in your life ... if not a year or two. You could also have an attack of flu. In both cases, had a virus. Viruses are difficult. They do not respond to antibiotics. In most cases the prescription is obtained only works from bed rest ... and who wants to spend days or even weeks feeling miserable?

Today I will give you some tips on how to avoid viruses and how to help your body fightmore quickly when you catch one. But first, let's look at how a virus.

Viruses are organisms which depend on the cells of other organisms to reproduce. A virus binds to a cell of your own and then release the enzymes in the cell. The enzymes dissolve the production of more virus. The new virions (virion is a single virus particle) and then destroy the cell and go to create new cells to find wheremost of the virus.

This cycle can happen very quickly. The virus spreads rapidly in the body, cells attack different. The virus attacks the causes of disease, producing symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose and sore muscles. Your body fight, usually against the virus by children with fever.

Just as protect the body from viruses and help yourself to get faster?

Simple steps to reduce exposure

When it comes toVirus is not always one in the first place is the best solution. Of course you can not live in a bubble, but you can in a few simple steps that take place to reduce your commitment.

The first number one way to avoid viruses that infects is always to wash their hands regularly. Every time you touch a door handle, shake hands, or even got a newspaper, you can get in contact with the virus, just waiting for a host. You can wash with hot water and soap. I am notrecommending that you become obsessive, but do not stop to wash their hands every time. You can also try using a hand cleaner like Purell. But moderation is essential if this kind of products.

According to not try to touch your face. The usual way of entry for a virus from the hand to nose or mouth. Try to keep your hands away from your face, unless you just washed. (This step is simply to keep your skin clean.)

Get plenty of thirdthe rest. People do not get at least seven hours of sleep per night are generally more vulnerable to all kinds of diseases ... including viruses.

Support your immune system with nutritional supplements

Because your immune system is the first line of defense - and often the only line of defense - against the virus, it is important that you give your immune system additional support. The following supplements may help reduce the severity of symptoms when you are sick, and can also help you getfaster.

Vitamin C: Most likely you said, take vitamin C if you have a cold coming on. Unfortunately, it is too late. Vitamin make much difference.

But people who regularly take vitamin C if they are sick or up to 50% reduction in their risk of contracting viruses such as colds less. The experience mild symptoms when they are sick, and get faster. (1) I recommend you take 1-2 grams of vitamin Con a daily basis.

Vitamin D: In the summer months, you get enough vitamin D from sunlight - at least if you do go outside for 20 minutes at a time without sunscreen two or three times a week. But in winter, autumn your vitamin D levels dramatically if you supplement.

Researchers suspect that this decline in vitamin D because people tend to have more colds or flu in winter. (2) If you are sick in the summer, a point to go out and sit in the sun for few minutes each day. In winter, vitamin D supplements on a daily basis. Take at least 400 IU (1200 would be better) or a supplement that contains vitamin D3.

eucalyptus oil: The essential oil from eucalyptus tree works as antiviral compounds. There are two ways you can use eucalyptus oil if you are sick. You can put a few drops into a pot with boiling water. Put your head over the pot and put a towel over his head to catch the steam. This will help to kill> Viral particles in the respiratory tract.

You can also use eucalyptus oil in a lamp aromatherapy to help spread the virus to others in your family.

There are many, many natural ways to fight viruses. I have only scratched the surface, but these simple steps and additions can reduce the amount of time you spend feeling sick.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

HIV attacks your immune system

HIV is not found in excrement. HIV belongs to a group of atypical viruses called retroviruses that maintain their genetic information in the form of ribonucleic acid (RNA). The use of an enzyme such as reverse transcriptase, HIV and other retroviruses known to be capable of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from RNA, while most cells of the reverse process, the conversion of DNA into RNA. HIV is not transmitted through sweat, tears and saliva, orthrough sharing food, dishes, towels, bedding, swimming pool, telephone or toilet seat with someone who has the virus. HIV is not transmitted by mosquitoes or bedbugs.

HIV is especially lethal because they are the very immune system cells (variously called T4, CD4, or T-helper lymphocytes attacks) that under normal circumstances, such as preventing a viral infection. Receptors on these cells appear to enter the viral RNA into the cell. HIV is transmitted sexually, and HIV is not the onlyThe infection is transmitted through sexual contact. Other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea, syphilis can, herpes and chlamydia, including anal, vaginal granted, and oral sex. HIV is not only a problem in Africa. This is a global problem.

HIV is so deadly because the virus attaches itself to an important part of the immune system: the so-called CD4 + T-lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that help the immune systemFight infection. Slowly but surely, bringing the number of healthy CD4 + T lymphocytes in the blood, while HIV relentlessly weakens the body's ability to protect themselves from infection. The most common sexually transmitted HIV. This is because fluids mix and the virus can be exchanged, especially when the tears in vaginal or anal tissue, wounds or other sexually transmitted diseases (STD). HIV is very fragile, and many common substances, including hot water, soap, bleach andAlcohol will kill them.

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. The immune system T-cells "to protect the body against diseases. HIV is most commonly with a pair of screening test looking for antibodies to HIV in the blood. When the body is infected with HIV, he begins to produce antibodies ( immune proteins) against the virus. HIV is transmitted through exchange of body fluids, mainly through sexual intercourse before. South Africa has been acountries where the AIDS pandemic has had a particularly devastating.

HIV is the virus that causes immune deficiency syndrome AIDS (acquired). The words "perinatal HIV infection means that HIV was transmitted from the mother's new baby. HIV is a lentivirus, a subgroup of retroviruses. This family of viruses is known for latency, persistent viremia, infection of the nervous system, and the weak host immune response. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected bodyFluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person, sharing needles and / or syringes (primarily for drug injection) with someone who is infected.

HIV is found in saliva, but in quantities too small to infect someone. If you drink a bucket of saliva from an infected person, you are not infected. HIV is not transmitted through casual contact hugging or shaking hands. Contact with saliva, tears and sweat is notnot involve the transmission of the virus. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, sexually transmitted and causes AIDS.

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV primarily attacks the immune system. HIV is a moving target, the genetic changes too fast to work for technology Salk. Creating an effective vaccine against HIV will require a new and unique concept. HIV is too plastic and can also block the road to allow the vaccines,Work when I turn first proposed in 1997 At that time, was not very popular term because of broad support vaccination as a viable strategy for dealing with AIDS.

HIV is the fastest growing epidemic in Asia. Strong political leadership and the reaction of the audience, what seems to be helping to slow the epidemic among vulnerable population groups since 1997. HIV is a retrovirus, a type of virus studied meticulously during two decades of 'Federal Office of Public Health, Virus programs focused on cancer research. The idea of contagious cancer was a popular concept in the 1960s and '70s. HIV is not a political end game ... People die, and a huge number of children were orphaned. HIV is a major public health problem, the world is at high risk throughout the company.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Low-risk benign genital warts do not cancer!

Papillomavirus, or HPV, the virus associated with genital warts, can sometimes be benign. These warts are considered low-risk genital warts, and are easy to skin infections that do not grow.

These benign genital warts do not cause cancer. HPV usually increases the risk of cancer, but almost harmless skin infections are not related to the development of cancer in context.

You can use these genital warts at low risk for several reasons. They can be distributed to touchthe infected area of the body of another person. You can also use these benign genital warts by touching infected surfaces or objects. Since warts associated with HPV, these warts do not often occur until months after the first infection. For this reason, it can be difficult to say what kind of warts you have, if you think you have genital warts can be found.

One of the well known risks for most of the development of HPV is that you can also develop a variety of tumors in olderGenital, anal or cervical cancer. There are several types of HPV and cancer risks associated with the virus affecting the genital mucosa. Because you want to know if they are at risk of these cancers, which is very important to know, what kind of warts you have developed.

If you are female, the risks are much higher. Whether you are a man or a woman, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible, see if you find that you have genital warts. Your doctor mayeasy to determine which type of genital warts cause cancer or benign you. Your doctor may use a technique called aceto-whitening warts more visible. This is a solution of acetic acid, the doctor applies to the warts for several minutes. The area where the solution is applied becomes white. Your doctor can also search the area with special equipment magnifying glass for a closer look at the warts or lesions. If your doctor suspects that may be at risk, areBiopsy, to be sure.

Your doctor may discover that the warts are benign and there is no risk for cancer, but probably still want to come and perform a Pap smear a couple of times a year. You should do a Pap test, if an outbreak. If the warts are not cancerous, the doctor will be even more convenient. For these warts and no risk, you can use creams at home that may require your doctor. No need to bebe treated only in doctor's office.

Note that there is no cure for HPV. Your doctor can remove warts can develop harmless, but the virus is not curable. Once removed, the doctor warts, remember that you can have after a new outbreak at any time. In this case, you must go to the doctor again for treatment.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gilbert's syndrome - causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Gilbert's syndrome is a harmless condition but often causes fear of the disease diagnosed. It is probably the most common medical syndrome identified.Gilbert 's syndrome from a slightly elevated level of bilirubin is detected in the blood, without other liver function abnormalities and no evidence of liver disease. It 's the most common hereditary cause of increased bilirubin, and is found in up to 5% of the population. unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is Gilbert's syndrome inUntil the system of conjugation of bilirubin uridine diphosphate glucuronyl intraday enzyme have been recognized. The main symptom is otherwise harmless jaundice which does not require treatment, caused by an increase of conjugated bilirubin in the blood. Also known as constitutional hepatic dysfunction, unconjugated benign bilirubinemia and familial nonhemolytic jaundice, Gilbert's syndrome usually do not require treatment or complications.bilirubin levels are rising especially in Gilbert's syndrome with starvation and dehydration.

Gilbert's syndrome is usually recognized in the second or third decade of life and is rarely diagnosed before puberty. Men are often affected than women. You can also coexist with the common conditions with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, such as thalassemia and glucose-6-phosphate associated. Gilbert is often diagnosed in late teens and early twenties. TheDisease is inherited and is relatively common affecting about 1 in 20. The source of this hyperbilirubinemia is the activity of the enzyme (glucuronyl) reduced using bilirubin and some other lipophilic molecules. In people with Gilbert's syndrome, the bilirubin level often goes up and down. Sometimes it can be within the normal range. People with Gilbert's syndrome is an inherited abnormality that causes reduced production of an enzyme involvedTreatment of bilirubin. It is often diagnosed only in the late teens or twenties.

Causes of Gilbert's syndrome

The most common causes and risk factors of Gilbert's syndrome are:

Mutation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase.

Fasting: The result is an increase of conjugated bilirubin in plasma.

Stress, such as trauma and overexertion.


Occurring diseases, such as a viral infection.

SymptomsGilbert's syndrome

Some sign and symptoms associated with Gilbert's syndrome are:

Gilbert's syndrome is usually harmless and causes no symptoms, although some complain about excessive fatigue affected.

Mild jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).

Loss of appetite.

Abdominal pain from time to time ().


Treatment of Gilbert's syndrome

Here is a list of methods for the treatment of GilbertSyndrome:

Gilbert's syndrome appears to be a learning disorder, but usually does not need medical attention.

The drugs that the enzyme may work better if used to treat jaundice can be a problem.

Phenobarbital in small doses can sometimes help clear the jaundice.

People with Gilbert's syndrome usually do not need long-term monitoring of their condition or repeated blood tests.

If you are suffering from jaundice, the barbituratePhenobarbital may reduce bilirubin levels.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

H1N1 Influenza A Virus - how dangerous?

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If, after the news of the day, more and more people from other parts of the world are infected by the virus or swine influenza A H1N1. The swine flu spreads to other countries in terms of people from one country to another. How dangerous? Can be controlled? We try to find out.

Novel influenza A (H1N1) virus, or better known as swine flu, is a new form of the virus from pigs in 2009 came in April, the first identified a.This virus is to infect humans and spread from person to person. It is recommended in the spread of a pandemic situation and scale of all, take all necessary health and sanitation. 23 May 2009, there are already 86 people reported dead from 12,022 cases of H1N1 influenza virus. In the U.S. alone, there are 9 victims of 6552 cases.

This result is very worrying. As far as we know it today? It is believed thatthis virus is spreading in the same way that distribute a normal seasonal influenza viruses. To say that is spread through sneezing and coughing of the sick with the virus. We are not sure how hard the outbreak in the form of disease and death today. Since this is considered a new virus, scientists and doctors believe that most people have no immunity to it. Sad to say, the vaccine for this disease has yet to be discovered. There are, however, the current Anti-VirusDoctors can prescribe medicines for an alternative, and seems as good.

The good news is that the United States of America, a diagnostic test kit was developed for this new H1N1 virus and is now spread Rico, all states in the United States and District of Columbia and Puerto. Fortunately, this kit is shipped internationally.

What can we do to avoid always infected? Well, until today. Stay away from crowded places ifTo avoid possible and in close contact with people coughing and sneezing problem.

Stay healthy and do regular exercise and healthy food. Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the garbage after use. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, because germs spread quickly. Stay home when you are sick.

In my observation, the new influenza virus is dangerous, and easy to infect agreat potential to lead to an outbreak, but it is manageable, and there is a high percentage of reported recovery rates. At present there is no reason to panic and fear. We should not be nervous our day and we treat them as normal. We just need a larger amount of extra cautious and aware of what is happening in our environment.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Immune Health snapshot - because the H1N1 virus can spread easily on air

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A recent study by a team of researchers at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) studied the transmission of the H1N1 virus on board the aircraft. used mathematical models to study the scientists, as a passenger could fly spread of infectious H1N1 virus in one.

High risk for immune health

The results confirmed the widespread assertion that the longer the flight,The greater the potential risk for the spread of the virus and the contract. Not only that, a long flight to take a greater risk to avoid catching a virus, but also covers a larger number of total passengers that can potentially be infected with the virus - and spread to their communities.

On a flight of five hours, was the model that will take place between the four fifty-infected individuals, may in a flight of eleven hours between 5-10 people are infected, and a flight of 17 hours,between seven to 17 people could be infected with influenza H1N1. In addition to the spread of possible infection, putting the probability of infection, people infected and mix with the public to grow. This facilitates the simultaneous outbreaks around the world, rather than confinement in a position.

In today's global society, the virus to spread across much of the international community in a few hours. The management of immune health is the keynot always a statistic.

Where you sit, to reduce exposure Avoid The Most

If a seat on the plane, has a direct relationship with potential risks of exposure to the virus. Depends on statistical probability. Passengers in economy class coach or sit, rather than the virus than those in first class because of the increased number of passengers in the cabin of the airplane is sitting contract.

The study found that those who become ill during the tripbe more economy cabin. The concentration of particles in a small area bounded over time due to the ventilation rate, the volume of air in the cabin and how sick the person is infected, which contributes to the transmission of the virus.

Fighting the flu while traveling

found in years of global travel, travel is essential to combat influenza. The key to strengthening the health of the immune system and the prevention of infection include flu vaccinations, and healthy lifestyleThe quality of the immune system integrators.

First flu shot is recommended the number one preventive measure that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu vaccinations are a great defense for health and emergency personnel, people with weakened immune systems, those with high-risk disease and respiratory disease, the elderly, children under five and pregnant women. However, all persons, including those receiving a flu vaccination, eventhat the fight against influenza is possible with healthy lifestyles and support the immune system supplements.

To sleep very well hydrated, keep maintaining a regular exercise program and frequent hand washing with soap and warm water, while in public places simply can influence habits dramatically if they get sick.

Supplementation of vitamin C and zinc also supports immune health. One of the most effective immune system booster found to be elderberry extract.Not only support the immune system, has also determined in laboratory tests are effective in combating virus seasonal influenza and influenza H1N1. One of the most effective ways to introduce elderberry extract in the blood quickly through a fast-dissolving lozenges Elderberry .

Since the mobility of people continues, the virus associated tags to ride along on every level. Because of the high rate of H1N1 infection on board aircraft and the destination, it is importantto complete a healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition, respiratory health boosters, such as elderberry lozenges practice.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bell's palsy causes symptoms with information processing

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Bell's palsy is a neurological disorder caused by damage to the seventh cranial nerve, also known as the facial nerve, known, causing weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. Because it can happen suddenly someone might think, the problem is, a stroke - when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts. Bell's palsy can be scary, but usually is not long and goes away without treatment. In Britain, about one will be interested at some point in their 60 peopleLife.

With these messages, the control of the facial nerve, the muscles of the face, forehead and neck. Each facial nerve starts in the brain through the skull in a narrow tube of bone, and exits the skull behind the ear. Other branches of the nerve small glands, to do the saliva glands that make tears, and the front of the tongue. Until recently, its cause in most cases was unknown, but now for both Lyme disease and Herpes simplex placed in context. Men and women areequally, although pregnancy increases the risk threefold.

Causes of Bell's palsy

The most common causes of Bell's palsy:

The very precise because of Bell's palsy is unknown.

Injuries, as always, very hard hit in the face

The flu or a cold



Ear infections

The virus, cold sores, herpes simplex causes



Symptoms of Bell's palsy

Some symptoms of BellParalysis:


Changes in the amount of tears and saliva your body produces

stiffness of the face or the feeling that your face is drawn by some

Pain before or behind the ear on the affected side

Loss of taste on the front of the tongue

The pain, usually in the ear from the affected side

Static facial and difficulty with facial expressions

Sounds that seem louder on the side affected

Treatment of Bell's palsy

Some doctorstry to surgically relieve pressure on the nerve on one side of the bone. This process has not demonstrated that it is controversial and not carried out jointly. If the eyelid does not close, other operations are seen around the eye.

Most patients who can no longer be tormented by their symptoms. You may need to help address the emotional problems associated with the condition.

Corticosteroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory-drugs (NSAIDs) - to reduceInflammation and pain

Antibiotics or antiviral medications - when the infection is the cause

Prescription antiviral drugs like acyclovir (Zovirax) and famciclovir (Famvir) limit or reduce damage to the nerves of some viral causes.

Facial massage can help prevent permanent contractures of the paralyzed muscles before recovery takes place.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

If climate change affect your health?

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The current climate is not predictable, not more. Climate change is an increasingly hot topic today because of their changing nature. If climate change affect our health? Global warming may lead to the imminent birth of various human disease and death. What kind of disease is to develop only about yourself, getting warmer, while the warmest winter was even colder. You can be sure that rising temperatures will play an important role, which could be hazardous to health in the nextYears.

Some studies predict that hot summer in the tropical countries of the region will be more problems with large insects such as mosquitoes, dreaded diseases like malaria caused by adding, dengue and other insect-borne infections. There is also a great shortage of water due to the phenomenon of El Nino, which could lead to droughts and water shortages, so his illness.

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 150,000 dead on climate change since the 70s have joined.He also says that the number will double by the end of 2030. WHO also indicates that the development of what most climate change are concerned, are the real victims of emissions of greenhouse gases that are produced largely by developed countries.

The United States of America for example, are now feeling the effects of climate change, rising sea levels, changes in patterns brings floods, heat waves, hurricanes and strong storms and a deterioration in the quality air. Who alsoContext, the recent pandemic of the H1N1 virus to spread in the United States. This is just to show that diseases can be migrated with the help of rising temperatures.

Recommend that your physical attributes, such as being affected by climate change studies. Physical adjustments may be a key health risks caused by rising temperatures to avoid. Further advice is useful for reducing consumption of fossil fuels to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, which can strongly influencethe health of the respiratory tract.

Other health risks caused by climate change, allergies, viral diseases, asthma, depression, mental stress, heart problems, heat stroke, dehydration, pneumonia and certain cancers.

to avoid to save Mother Earth and climate change, can contribute very simple. Ways such as saving electricity and stop smoking. cycling in the office, whereas usually your car and plant more trees in your garden. Plants are a wonderfulHelp your health and fresh air to breathe and can stress and other mental distractions.

Remember to give a hand, climate change through efficient use of energy in their household. Your little piece of paper is of great help to stabilize the state of our climate. You must act now or this phenomenon and further undermines the people in every aspect of our lives. Loving the environment and Mother Earth is also the care of your health over all.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

International pharmaceutical companies can impact global H1N1 vaccine

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And 'race against time as the international pharmaceutical companies are developing a hand, this saving vaccines for the deadly H1N1 virus of life. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recently approved four H1N1 vaccines .

pharmaceutical consulting firm indicated that the vaccines are similar H1NI of vaccines against seasonal influenza. However, the current seasonal influenza vaccines on the market do not protect people from H1N1 virus.

The FDA will continue to playclinical trials to determine the correct dose of vaccine for children. Vaccines are good clinical studies in adults tolerated and side effects, such as the vaccine against seasonal influenza. FDA studies show that these four licensed vaccines to induce a stronger immune response in healthy adults, eight to ten days after being vaccinated (similar to the vaccine against seasonal influenza ago).

The FDA is closely linked to the SU Center for Disease Control and otherNon-governmental organizations for further analysis and information. The vaccines should be available by mid-October and be completed approximately 45 million doses of vaccine available to the public.

The FDA is not all the credit for the development of these very necessary to save life, H1N1 vaccines. International pharmaceutical companies in Australia, France and Switzerland are important players for the development of the four vaccines.

But the United Statesis not the only country to work hard to develop vaccines for influenza H1N1. Pharmaceutical companies in India to report it to start in March before its H1N1 vaccine. With financial support from the World Health Organization, pharmaceutical companies India are currently working on toxicity studies in animals, the availability and the hope for human clinical trials to work in December. Your goal is to begin March 1 vaccines in order to keep the route with fellow international pharmaceuticalCompanies.

Although China has already beaten the United States and India, and mass vaccinations have begun in Beijing. China is the first country in the world to be vaccinated against the H1N1 virus. Office Chinese health states with over 500 employees in 50 medical teams have already been made for schools in Beijing has sent to vaccinate students. The H1N1 flu vaccine is free and voluntary. Students, teachers and those who suffer from chronic lung disease and heart are givenfirst priority to receive the shots.

China is already hard hit by the virus. And 'vaccines already shipped in eight provinces, including: Shandong, Guangdong, Hunan and Sichuan. These regions have seen the worst outbreak. China has reported that 31 provinces were affected by the virus. 95 percent of cases of H1N1 in China have been sent home and not by international travelers in China.

Australia and Britain are not far behind Chinawhen it comes to start their vaccines on the market. Australian pharmaceutical company to begin mass vaccination programs until the end of September. Britain is expected to manage its 100,000 doses of vaccine in October. Even the country of Jordan jumps on board and bought two million vaccines by international pharmaceutical companies. Jordan Ministry of Health reported that the first vaccine is available again until November.

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How to treat a bladder infection - Self Help Measures can

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The symptoms of cystitis

You may suffer from some or all of the following symptoms: -

* Urine, odor

* A little 'fever

* Light Incontinence

* Easy Backache

* Cloudy urine

* A general malaise

* Painful, burning urination

* Inability to urinate despite feeling the desperate need to pass

* A significant increase in frequency of urination

* Lower abdominal discomfort

Many people thinkthat the terms "kidney infection" and "cystitis" are interchangeable. However, these are two different conditions. A true kidney infection often occurs when a bladder infection is serious and bacteria travel to the kidneys through the urinary tract due to infect the kidneys themselves.

It 'very important that you know how to distinguish between the two, because the learning leaving a kidney infection left untreated lead to permanent damage to the kidneys.

If youThe suffering of one of the following symptoms in addition to the above, you should see your doctor for treatment immediately and seek treatment.

* Vomiting

* Blood in urine

* Pain below the ribs

* Severe back pain

* Acute abdominal pain

* High fever

How do I get to relieve the discomfort?

There are a number of measures of self-help that you can give yourself, some of which can be done immediately.It will help to alleviate symptoms of mild to moderate.

* Avoid alcohol, tea and coffee

* The shower instead of bath

* Do not use perfumed bubble bath, soaps and shower gels

* Wear cotton underwear

* Avoid wearing tight pants

* Place a hot water bottle or heated pad on the abdomen

* Drink 8 glasses of water a day

* Do not use spermicides during or immediately after an attack

* Drink two glasses of bitter CranberryJuice every day

* To ensure the use of feminine hygiene products like wipes or sprays

* Urine when the desire to hear even if it is painful

* Constipation Treat as soon as this can increase the pressure in the bladder

* Natural Yoghurt Acidophilus consumed daily, as it promotes the formation of "good" bacteria

Fruits and vegetables have been identified to combat "bad" bacteria and thus health benefits, increase the value is Consumptionof the following: -

Apples, pears, grapes, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, onions, green beans, potatoes, avocado and zucchini. Vitamin C may also prove useful, as this helps strengthen the immune system.

As I found a cure for bladder infections

Since my adolescence I had enough of repeated bladder infections suffered from mild to very strong. An attack also resulted in acute renal injury. I have a number of cycles of antibiotic therapy and finally had, I decidedFind an alternative treatment, I felt strongly that taking large amounts of antibiotics could not be good for my health.

The attacks became more frequent I grew older and increased its severity. In contrast, antibiotics less effective and my doctor has always been reluctant to prescribe them as regularly. I would often complete the entire course of infection with energy only a day or so was terminated after the antibiotics. Suddenly I wasto test also on a permanent low-dose antibiotics to prevent further attacks, but all without success.

I was desperate as it was perceived as cystitis ruling my life!

I lost days of work and during most months of infection, are not able to do daily tasks that keep most people take for granted. I began to research alternative treatments and discovered a 100% natural, safe treatment to act quickly.

To say I was very pleased to be aUnderstatement. Only a fellow sufferer may begin to understand how important this was for me!

The cure is not a foul-tasting liquid. Also you need a prescription. It can be anyone, but is also safe for children and pregnant women are taken.

Best of all, is guaranteed to work or your money back.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How to cure in the fight against colds - faster and feel better

Each year millions fighting the common cold. This annoying virus has a range of symptoms which often restrict sleeping and working hours. It often takes 70-10 days and the days of two individuals to quickly and easily find cures to feel better faster.

The top 5 most important supplements that may reduce the amount of cold

Before zinc tablets are compressed and press from the outset. Zicam is effective.

According Vitamin C Ester-C is a key factor forHelp your body fight the virus. Take vitamin C every 3-4 hours. Emergency C-packs are great.

3.Echinacea/Goldenseal-bolsters body's ability to control the virus.

Slippery Elm & Marshmallow fourth-help relieve sore throat and cough.

Fifth-Oscillococcinum homeopathic medicine.

Plenty of rest and fluids are important for the body to fight colds. Eat chicken soup homemade, not from the can. Your local Thai or Chinese restaurants often have the best chicken brothand the soup makes you feel better. Avoid sweets, coffee and milk products. Drink herbal tea or make ginger tea with lemon and honey. Ginger is very effective in reducing mucus and phlem.

The best thing for a cold gargle salt water and use a pot or a color Netti Nasal / rrigation. "People with chronic sinus conditions If a nasal douche daily use (Netti pot), as the drainage of the sinuses and speeds healing of inflamed tissues promotes." AndrewWeil, MD

A healthy attitude will help combat colds: think and believe in wellness of body and strength of your cells and work in your favor.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Swine flu - Hidden Risks

The national panic about the origins of swine flu in Germany, probably long since subsided, but the existence of the disease continue to cause significant risk to health problems. With more than 1,000 suspected diagnosis of swine influenza in the week, and fortunately, very few deaths as a direct result of the H1N1 virus, the related problem of illicit diagnosis of swine influenza has attracted media attention in recent years the most commonMonths.

The problem with the swine flu, as for many other influences, is that the symptoms are varied and are generally not specific. While the fever usually present at, is the NHS website also lists a number of other symptoms that can occur in an individual suffering from influenza virus. These include fatigue, headache, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath, diarrhea and vomiting, neck pain, loss of appetite and painMuscles. The problem is that many of these symptoms are present, especially in the early stages, a number of diseases potentially more serious. Employees of the pandemic influenza National Services, the hotline manned the much quoted, had no real medical training and were simply asked whether these symptoms were present and prescribe Tamiflu, if necessary. Government policy to try to limit and prevent the spread of the virusPatients with swine flu on the participation of their GP practice or hospital. This means, unfortunately, the vast majority of patients with these symptoms do not receive a qualified medical diagnosis and receive only a phone.

He reports of people suffering from swine flu were diagnosed incorrectly, and have subsequently become seriously ill or even killed, a number of more serious illness last year.Disease, which led to death are, tonsillitis, meningitis and pneumonia. In the last two weeks, the focus for at least two medical inquiry will investigate the death of people have been diagnosed with failure of swine influenza and discouraged the search for truth. One was the death of a mother of two children who died of Legionnaires 'disease', and others in the death of a boy who was found dead from a rare form of diabetes. All these casesare obviously very tragic for the families and friends, and staff of the NHS in question, and emphasize the importance of ensuring that the correct diagnosis is made on time.

Although the national pandemic flu hotline is now closed to their patients, symptoms are fever, swine are often diagnosed with the meeting of influence following a simple phone. While in most cases, this isproperly or was not a direct result of additional damage, doctors and medical staff hotlines, such as the NHS should pay attention to the fact that symptoms may be indicative of a serious rationale for more. People who feel really uncomfortable, especially if their symptoms worsen, should not discourage a physician insist on personal and real problems if they should get help from their local A & E department

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Oil Pulling In A Nutshell

It would be like pulling oil at least once or twice and I heard you may not know much about this particular process. There is much to say about oil pulling and its natural healing powers for many ailments, such as blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, eczema, asthma, migraine, arthritis and more.

Oil-pulling is a very simple procedure to do early in the morning after brushing your teeth but before eating or drinking needs something. Of course it isis a certain type of oil, all types of oil is not recommended for oil pulling. Studies say that would be the sunflower oil and sesame oil are very effective. How many people have good results with this number, you can try.

The first thing the morning after brushing your teeth but before eating or drinking does not mean anything, that the stomach must be empty to do the oil pulling. Take a tablespoon of sesame oil [or oil] sunflower in his mouth. Finding a good place to sit properly, close your eyes andStay away from all the noise, slowly pull the oil between your teeth, swish, and suck the oil through your teeth, make it very slowly, as it would be very difficult at first. Just this process for 15-20 minutes, now feel that the oil becomes thinner and helps you move so easily. Your mouth is full, after 20-25 minutes if they do well. Now it's time for you to expel the oil. Look at the color of oil, is pure white. If youyellowish, then they have not done long enough. Wipe clean mouth again and the right tank washing, because the oil contains millions of germs and bacteria. You can make a fast break after 10 minutes more, you may need one or two glasses of water immediately after oil pulling

The oil pulls all mucous, germs, bacteria and toxins from the body through saliva. Ayurvedic treatment is said that the mucosa ["Kabham" in Ayurveda] an undesirable, which must beaway from the body. You can do oil requires two or three times a day, based on conditions or if you need a quick result. But make sure to do so in an empty stomach. Wait 4-5 hours after a meal, 1 or 2 hours after drinking. Do not do it in two hours if you take fruit juice or any drink thin.

Do not ingest oil during the race, because it contains germs and toxins. Do not be alarmed if you swallow a few drops, nothing will go wrong. Do not stop oilDrag the symptoms worsen, if only to see a few more days, c. Stop the oil pulling for a few days if your symptoms worsen and continue for several days. Give short breaks in between, and you may reach a normal process in a short period.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

2009 H1N1 virus signs, symptoms and prevention

H1N1 outbreak and collected tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports the information to conclude that this virus has caused human disease burden in people aged under 25 years old. This is unusual as compared with seasonal flu. Pregnancy and other medical conditions recognized high risk of H1N1 virus appears to be associated with an increased risk of complications from the 2009th conditions are asthma,Diabetes, suppresses the immune system, heart disease, kidney disease, neurocognitive and neuromuscular diseases and pregnancy.

An infected person can spread the virus from 1 day before, to be sick for 5-7 days, and that might make some people particularly children and people with weakened immune systems.

Prevention includes:

O 2009 H1N1 vaccine
Or cover the nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and discard the tissue in the trash afteruse
Wash hands frequently with soap and water or. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based gel
o Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, as germs spread in this way
o Avoid close contact with sick people
o If you are ill with flu-like symptoms at home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone, except to receive medical or other needs
o Keep the other as possible to prevent the spread of the virus away from
Avoid crowds or
or isprepared when you get a supply of medicines over-the-counter sick alcohol-based hand rubs avoid making trips to public places, while you are sick and contagious

Antiviral drugs are available and usually given to the most seriously ill with pre-existing conditions and / or who are pregnant. Hand washing is to take one of the most important steps to protect against germs. Wash with warm water and soap available when 15-20 seconds. WhenSoap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer or disposable hand wipe clean hands.
Fever is a symptom of many people. A fever for an adult is an oral temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). The signs are fever, chills, flushed appearance, feeling hot or very sweat. Good antipyretic drugs are Tylenol, Motrin or ibuprofen. If you start to feel better, increase the interval between doses of medication to reduce fever andcontinue to monitor the temperature, to ensure that it does not return.

The main symptoms in children are:

or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
or bluish skin
or not drink enough fluid
or bluish skin
or not waking up or interacting
Or at very irritable and would not be preserved
or improve the flu-like symptoms, but then worse again with fever and cough
fever or rash

The main symptoms in adults are:

difficulty breathing ooBreathlessness
or pressure or pain in the chest or abdomen
or sudden dizziness
Confusion or
or severe or persistent vomiting

Swine flu parties are recommended to obtain immunity to influenza H1N1 in 2009. These parts are meetings where people in close contact with an infected person then the virus to the WHO hopes to avoid the disease, if it circulates. The CDC warns that while the disease was easier for many people, for others it iswas serious and fatal. There will be no way to predict the outcome for each individual.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health problems. Consult a professional health care provider for all types of health problems.

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About swine flu - What you need to know to prevent disease Need

Swine flu swine fever or flu is a type of viral infection, caused by a swine influenza. Poultry and farm workers are highly exposed to these viruses again and so big airlines during an epidemic of swine flu. Vet doctors and operators meat production are also susceptible to disease and can spread around, if there are adequate monitoring systems for them. In the case of> An outbreak of swine flu, these people are the people under surveillance to prevent continuing. Only 1-4% of those infected die, and usually have some unfortunate complications, influenza, exacerbating the effects of influenza virus.

Can be transmitted directly from pigs to humans and from person to person. Disease symptoms include severe cough, fever, sore throat, headache and body, fatigue and chills. Inrecent outbreak in 2009, severe diarrhea and vomiting was observed. respiratory control is the most common cause of death, followed by dehydration, pneumonia and renal failure. The disease affects mainly children and the elderly. Because symptoms are fever something common, like other viruses, it is really difficult to diagnose this condition with observation unless the patient is kept under a.

The swine influenza is usually diagnosed by the patientReal-time monitoring and symptoms of the disease is not just specifically for them. Prevention, began in earnest with the pigs and then if there are people in contact with pigs that the cable is cut off. And finally, the transmission from person to person is insured and prevent dissemination. These are the only three main ways to prevent the spread of influenza from pigs.

The swine flu can spread when someone infected coughs or sneezes and disseminationVirus in the air. If someone came to inhale or touch any part of this, where the virus was still alive, there is a possibility that the person may also become infected. Wash your hands often and stay away from the public when these conditions are best advised. The vaccination should be introduced into the market now the hard condition in only ten days left. care and drugs to control the situation, very large extent. While the epidemic of swine flu, isalways advisable to wear a mask and stay away from others as possible. The epidemic of influenza is a very serious condition that time may be a lot of people in a very short period of time.

The swine flu must be brought under control and laboratories are under constant research to bring vaccines and medicines to the right for this situation. Always be careful when traveling in countries infected swine flu and make sure you have aCareful scrutiny when it comes in every symptom that the swine flu usually shows. Read on to get deeper knowledge about the disease. Here is a survey of influence. Prevention is always better than cure found.

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